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DeXuN Rattle Mage! UPDATED = [11/11/2014]

  • Last updated Nov 11, 2014 (Naxx Launch)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 5220
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/20/2014 (Live Patch 5170)
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Hey everyone DeXuN here and I'm back with a updated rattle mage list that's very effective curves out well and geared to go up against agro & control decks.

I'll go over a bit about my card choice's and what I think they bring to the deck.

 2 x Leper Gnome = This deck runs Undertaker so you need to have early rattle minions to buff it. It was either this card for a 1 mana rattle or Zombie Chow & the reason I went with Leper Gnome is because it's better when you draw it any turn after turn 1 because late in the game you don't want to be healing your opponent for 5 health when your trying to finish them off unless your going complete control like paladin/priest.

1 x Mana Wyrm = I only run 1 because I'm running rattles but I'm still trying to increase my chances of having a turn 1 play because a unbuffed Mana Wyrm is still better then no play at all because in this tempo deck you want to be playing on curve to keep up pressure and maintain board control at all times.

2 x Undertaker = Pretty straight forward, it's the best card in Hearthstone right now and can single-handedly win you the game if unanswered quickly. 

2 x Frostbolt = Standard mage removal or can be used for lethal or for simply preventing heroes with weapons to kill off one of your minions for a turn.

2 x Loot Hoarder = Solid early game minion that buffs Undertaker & replaces itself when it dies.

2 x Mad Scientist = Buffs Undertaker and activates your Counterspell or Mirror Entity on death if the secrets aren't in your hand which is very strong because you gain tempo while thinning out your deck at the same time.

2 x Arcane Intellect = Draw engine for the deck along with Loot Hoarder the replaces itself.

1 x Counterspell = Can be very useful and powerful if your opponent doesn't have coin to proc it and keeps you or your board alive. I only run 1 because while having a lot of secrets seems good, you don't want to see secrets in your opening hand as manually playing them for 3 mana is tempo loss.

1 x Mirror Entity = Same reason as Counterspell on why I only play 1. I also like 1 of each because it can confuse the opponent into thinking you have 2 of the same secret unless you have them both up at the same time.

2 x Harvest Golem = 4/4 for 3 is solid and in most cases goes 2 for 1 in the early stages of the game & can buff Undertaker even more which is another reason I run it.

2 x Fireball = Standard mid/late game removal that kills all 4 mana cards that are being run in this meta & can also be used to finish off your opponent depending on how low they are.

2 x Polymorph = Very strong removal for dealing with tough endgames minions that have strong death-rattles or simply used for tempo to push thru minions like Sludge Belcher.

2 x Water Elemental = Arguably one of the best 4 drops in Hearthstone 3/6 is tough to deal with and poses a huge threat to heroes that can attack like Shaman, Rogue, Warrior, Druid, Hunter & Paladin.

1 x Loatheb forces your opponent to trade the board with creatures most times and can stall big aoe removal. I recommend this card in every deck.

2 x Sludge Belcher = 4/7 taunt which is insane and annoying for your opponent to deal with and must have vs agro.

1 x Cairne Bloodhoof = The stats are insane if the card doesn't get silenced and I picked this over The Black Knight because I want to be able to play it on curve and sometimes if their isn't a taunt minion out your holding on to it and not having a strong turn 6 play.

1 x Sylvanas Windrunner = Works so many wonders and prevents opponents from laying big minions until they can kill it & the death-rattle is so powerful and lets you have some late game vs control decks.

1 x Flamestrike = I think 1 is right in this deck because how this deck curves out you are most times in control of board and I find this card situational and not core to this style of mage.

1 x Ragnaros the Firelord = Very strong card, a little RNG factor of missing your target and going face, but sometimes hitting face for 8 can set you up for lethal as well. Poses a huge threat and has to be dealt with right away.


Try this deck out and give me feedback on possible changes or how this list worked out for you.