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Bane of Doom

  • Last updated Apr 13, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 14 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 9460
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/17/2014 (Live Patch 5170)
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Since Hearthstone Beta I created a deck all around the card Bane of Doom, and I loved this card from day one I played Hearthstone. So this is the story about a card and a lot of different deck versions in a series of decks, and I just named this deck "Bane of Doom". There are 5 different versions around, and with the last overhaul of my decklists on hearthpwn.com I came up to only submit the latest version which can be run at the current meta. The older lists are no longer available - sorry.

Until 31th March 2015 (Patch the card could only summon one of these demons:
Blood Imp, Flame Imp, Voidwalker, Succubus, FelguardDread Infernal
It was not possible to summon the other demons: Void Terror, Doomguard, Lord Jaraxxus, Illidan Stormrage.
With the addition of more demons in the game and the change that the card can summon all of them it got insane value and the decklists with this card exploded on hearthpwn.com.

All Bane of Doom decks have some +Spell Damage in common and in the Version 5 Malygos finally found his way into the deck.

Bane of Doom History
Version 1 - 8th March 2014 (Beta Patch 4482)
Version 2 - 17th April 2014 (Live Patch 5170)
Version 3 - 17th September 2014 (Naxx Launch)
Version 4 - 28th September 2014 (Naxx Launch)
Version 5 - 2nd April 2015 (Black Rock Launch)


This is the version 5 deck of my Bane-of-Doom deck series optimized for the meta on season 13 and 14.
Remember that at the end of season 13 the card Bane of Doom was changed so it can summon ALL demons available in the game.

Moreover, what often is forgotten, you can target your opponent to deal damage (and yes, it will spawn a demon if it's lethal damage).

Mulligan hard for Zombie Chow and Deathlord, since the current meta is very aggro heavy. A perfect opening is turn 1 Zombie Chow and turn 2 lifetap.

This deck will end up in very long games and it's difficulty is at the same level as Handlock. Save your Mal'Ganis and Lord Jaraxxus when your opponent burned most of his removal. You will often go into fatigue, but this deck has a good winrate and is very fun to play.

First of all, your opponent will not calculate with a spell damage warlock deck, so it's not that bad to hide this information as long as possible.

Here are some hints playing this deck:
- save your Bloodmage Thalnos for your Imp-losions to get at least 1 more Imp on the board. 
- pull out opponents high minions in midgame with the Deathlords and use your board clears to kill them off (8 mana board clear with Mini-MageShadowflame (5 damage or more if you have more spell damage on board).
- try to save your Twisting Nether after both Deathlords are dead.
- with your lifetap, Mortal Coils and Azure Drakes you will cycle very fast through your deck - have your cards in hand and deck in mind!
- save at least 1 Darkbomb for face damage after your Malygos is in play (8 damage will greet gently)
- Bane of Doom is your key tempo card, but it also is a huge RNG, usually you get 2/3 good value out of this card
- save 1 Antique Healbot after you used Lord Jaraxxus, you don't have any taunt givers for your Infernals
- don't attack with your Mini-Mages unless you have to (e.g. your opponent playes a Death's Bite or you see an incoming Swipe
- save Big Game Hunter for opponent's Dr. Boom
- don't hesitate to use Sacrificial Pact on an Imp after you used Imp-losion, unless you plan to go for a Mal'Ganis at the very end of the game. Usuaslly the opponent will remove the Imps, so it's better to have the 5 life than to sacrifice an Infernal in the late game.
- your favorite matchup is of course Warlock because you can sacrifice his demons to get the 5 life or even end the game when he played Lord Jaraxxus.
- if you play against a Priest who played Thoughtsteal do not play your Lord Jaraxxus until you sure know that he hasn't thoughtstolen a Sacrificial Pact (remember your opponents card positions of the stolen cards)
- kill creatures with Mortal Coil, Shadow Bolt, Imp-losion.
- Shadowflame only if you get at least 3-4 minions killed. 
- save your Darkbombs for face damage when Malygos is in play. Always try to have at least 1 spell damage in play, the more the better.
- Turn 10+  Malygos + Mortal Coil = 6 damage on a minion + 1 card draw


Hope you have fun with the deck - if you like it, please rate it or leave a comment (or both) !I

Check out my other decks and my stream: