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[Legend S23] Brann Zoo Lock with Enhance-o Mechano

  • Last updated Feb 10, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 26 Minions
  • 4 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 1560
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 2/3/2016 (Explorers)
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This is Kolento's Brann Zoo Lock with a small change. Instead of his Dark Iron Dwarf I use [card]Enhance-o Mechano[c/ard (v1.1) for huge swings and extra taunts.

Here are the stats for the whole season from Rank 17 to Legend 192!!!

You can subscribe to my youtube channel for more videos with this deck or like me on facebook for constant updates.

Update 2/10: Just hit Legend (rank 192) with the 1.1 version of this deck. Watch the last games on the video below for proof:

The Deck

Flame Imp Best Turn 1 play in most cases. Avoid playing it when Brann is in the battlefield or you're pretty low on life.

Abusive Sergeant Egg enabler, makes your Voidwalker/imps little better in trading, removing early minions. Sometimes you can play it on turn 1 against pingless classes. Great with Brann with a nice +4 battlecry effect

Power Overwhelming Egg enabler & finisher

Voidwalker This guy protects your other minions or your life total during late game when your opponent's beef are on the battlefield. Good against secret paladin to break the noble sac secret or the shield of a minibot. With Abusive sergeant removes most 1-2drops.

Knife Juggler Great 2 drop with synergy with Imp Gang Boss, Implosion, Haunted Creeper and your other cheap minions. Watch your play against Patron Warrior.

Haunted Creeper Strong 2 drop which helps against mass removal, great to buff. It's usually a keep with Knife Juggler & coin.

Dire Wolf Alpha Egg Enabler, great with tokens & chargers. Be careful with placement. You can most likely buff all your minions while trading.

Ironbeak Owl Silence effect to keep hitting your opponent while in taunt. Great against paladin (Tirion, buffed Challenger) & freeze mage (Doomsayer).

Nerubian Egg You have some many ways to enable it so it's usually a 2 mana 4/4. Moreover it protects you from aoe spells. 

Dark Peddler One of the main reasons this deck is so good. It can get you really good 1 drops or 1 mana cost spells that will fit your curve and answer most of the problems you'll face both in the early & late game. Except the one drops you have you can get, Mortal Coil, Stonetusk Boar (good with PO), Blood Sail Corsair, Reliquary Seeker (up to 9/9 with brann & just 6 minions :P), Soulfire

Imp Gang Boss Best 3 drop in the class, works so well with many of your cards. Be careful against priest variations & his Cabal Shadow Priest

Brann Bronzebeard He makes your peddlers, sergeants, defenders of argus & Enhance-o Mechano so good. Play it late against Midrangy/Control decks to get some more value.

Defender of Argus You most likely control the board with zoo decks, so it's really hard not to have 2 minions on the board. He keeps you alive, buff eggs & wins you games. :D

Enhance-o Mechano It's a 3/2 for 4 but his effect is so good. Especially with Brann. It's not that common in zoo decks (haven't seen one during this season) so your opponent doesn't expect it.

Imp-losion Synergizes well with Juggler, Dire Wolf Alpha.

Loatheb This guy helps you a lot against control decks, combo decks (druid/pally,malyX) & sometimes even aggro (hunter/face shaman) when you're low on life.

Doomguard He is your finisher, his drawback most of the times doesn't count.

Mulligan Guide

As a general rule you don't want any 4 drops in your opening hand. Voidwalker, Flame Imp, Dark Peddler,Nerubian Egg are always a keep. Knife Juggler becomes much more appealing to keep when you have Haunted Creeper especially with coin as you can gain advantage of juggles suiciding the creeper on turn 2. So do Abusive Sergeant/Power Overwhelming/Dire Wolf Alpha with Nerubian Egg. It's reasonable to keep Imp Gang-Boss when you have 1drop into 2drop into Boss.

Mulligan Guide


The videos below are in greek language so you may want to mute them :)