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28-9 Finding the Rich Golden Monkey Feat. All L...

  • Last updated Mar 25, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6280
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/14/2016 (Explorers)
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Controllish Hunter Deck Featuring All LOE Legendaries

Got 28-9 with it while playing. Can beat Secret Paladin and the Cancerous Meta of Aggro Shammy, Aggro Huntards and other stuff. Weakness would probably be Renolock only(and maybe combo druid) almost all matchups are tie to favorable.

edit 1: kill command for doomsayer for boardwipe and kill command sometimes doesn't deal 5 damage cause of number of beasts

Mulligan and others: (Partially Done Check it out)   New Content!!!!


    Generally - Finley, Creeper, Mad Scientist, Scarab, Elekk, Animal Companion, Quick Shot

    1. Floody and Aggro Decks - General + Doomsayer and deathlord(priority) and powershot and uth (2nd priority)

   2. Midrangy Decks - General + Eaglehorn (priority depending on matchup) and Farseer(Sometimes) and Argus (if you have good 1 and 2 drops)

   3. Controllolol Decks - General + BGH (if matchup is warlock for giants) + Starseeker(sometimes)

More Tips (In Progress)

Finley Guide

Excellent - Priest (stall games and the upgraded is so nice), Druid (to kill low health minions)

Good - Mage (for pinging), Warlock (if you need more card draw)

Okay - Valeera (for pinging I hardly pick this), Warrior (upgraded is good I pick this most of the time when facing aggro if there is no priest hero power), Paladin (good for opponents who used up their fieldwipes early or if you draw finley late and you know that enemy has used up all their resources

Meh - Shaman (overall it is kinda okay you wouldn't benefit much from totems)

More to come enjoy!!!




Arch-Thief ( I picked this because of the value it gives me on the next turn and title of deck)

  1. Ysera (if you want value overtime)
  2. Nefarian (If you want immediate value)


  1. Green Mucus (facing a lot of weapon class)
  2. Loatheb (Don't wanna get wiped)
  3. Sylvanas (opponents are contrololollol and slow)

 Matchups Guide (NEW):

Matchups: 1 is the hardest (10%) 10 is the easiest (100%)

  1. Druid - Combo Druid (4) That Combo just wrecks you if you don't have enough heal and board control, Aggro Druid (8) Easy-peasy.
  2. Hunter - Huntard (9)  laugh at this matchup when he does not expect reno, Midrange (7) Meh.. easy overall just control the board.
  3. Mage - Freeze (5) Ugh that disgusting Ice block and Ice Lance, Tempo (6) Those mini majordomo executus wrecks you if you can't deal with them.
  4. Paladin - Midrange (6) Remove every minion and silence that dr.8, Secret (8) Just meddle with the challenger's business and tell him not to disrespect us. (Even without flare you can kill those thugs but if you're having a hard time tech in flare)
  5. Priest - Control (5.5) Those removals are annoying just try to act and play like midrange hunter use elise late game. Dragon (7) Normal matchup just wish he has no dragons in hand so no synergy.
  6. Rogue - Oil (7.5) Watch her disguised toast and destroy her tinkered weapon
  7. Shammy - Midrange (6) Use doomsayer early and powershot act as a huntard. Aggro (9) Imma laugh too cause he thinks I am midrange but I use Reno just stay above 15 health cause he has lava burst and crackle.
  8. Warlock - Zoo (5.5) Make sure to use powershot, doomsayer, uth when you have ,max value else you will run out resources. Reno and probably Handlock (3) those heavy hitters with taunt try to burst enemy from 15 to 30 hp if you can
  9. Warrior - Tryhards (8) Make him use up his resources I usually win with elise stay above 15hp avoid that chubby orc. Patron (6) Deny his patrons 2 options 1. control that board with heal or 2. aggro him out

 Thanks for the video Furo:

How to use some cards (NEW CONTENT)

  • Powershot - very  good for aggro matchup try to utilize the two damage in three targets but if you feel you will lose it's okay to use it for two targets.
  • Doomsayer - as a fieldwipe or to stall 1 turn. If you are running low on health, do not be afraid to drop doomsayer even if you know it will be removed as it gives you 1 more turn to stall the game and maybe get your heals.
  • Brann - best - healbot, good - Defender, houndmaster, farseer and discover cards (NOTE: Brann + Elise Reno won't activate)
  • Justicar - only after using finley or if you want to play aggresive. For example on turn 6 you have a good 4 drop and 2 drop or a single 6 drop (not justicar), Prioritize them rather than justicar cause she has a weak body and you would be able to only use your hero power the next turn.
  • Harrison - Hunter- Eaglehorn, Warrior - Deathsbite or gorehowl, Paladin - Truesilver or ashbringer. Shaman - Doomhammer (DO NOT OVERDRAW UNLESS YOU ARE GOING TO DIE OR IF YOU'RE OUT OF RESOURCES)
  • Arch Thief - depends on state of board (Lantern - if you have at least 2 more good minions than opponent and opponent has no wipes. Timepiece - enemy and you have few minions. Mirror - your board was recently wiped or you have no minions and opponent has many.)
  • Owl - If you think a minions is too harmful silence it. Do not hesitate to silence a minion buffed by velen's chosen unless you can deal with it properly
  • DeathlordDo not drop deathlord when you know opponent has good valuable minions most of the time CW and sometimes Warlocks (only drop it if you have a way to deal with big minions!0
  • Elise - Do not drop Elise Starseeker when your low on health or opponent's aggro because this decreases your chance to draw healing cards to stall the game. (If you have heals in your hand you could drop her as a body if you don't have any other minions)
  • Unleash the Hounds - usually you want to spawn at least 3 if you're able to spawn more it becomes very valuable. If you have no choice (you know you're gonna die the next few turns), you can use it to spawn 2 hounds. (Never put yourself in awkward situations by using uth to spawn 1 minion)

Many more in progress!

 People I met that were playing this deck (Not Famous streamers only normal players)


  1. Zohariel (Dragon Priest)

 Variations to try out (NEW CONTENT!!)


Core (Rich Hunter)
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Sets: (more sets to come)


     1. Normal Set: Mad Scientist, 2 traps(Explosive, Bear), Haunted Creeper, Doomsayer, Eaglehorn Bow, Deathlord, Earthen Ring Farseer, Houndmaster and Defender of Argus

     2. Healtard Set (for anti-aggro purposes): Earthen Ring Farseer, Refreshment Vendor, Tournament Medic, Alexstrasza, Defender of Argus, Deathlord, Doomsayer, Mad Scientist, Explosive Trap, Bear Trap

     3. Wiper Set (may or may not work but fun to play): Explosive Trap, Bear Trap, Mad Scientist, Explosive Sheep, Doomsayer, Wild Pyromancer, Baron Geddon, Deathwing (catch up), Mad Bomber, Unstable Ghoul.

     4. Anti-Pally (Secret) Set: IN PROGRESS!!







Thank you for the support guys this deck made it to the front page of hearthpwn!

I have updated some tips and will update some other stuff (CORE CARDS and ADDITIONAL CARDS so you can try to use other variations)

Sorry haven't updated for a long time now.

Check Out My New RenogodLock deck:

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Check it out at (with a short guide): http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/442864-best-renolock-variation-ever-in-hearthpwn