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[Legend] Reno Murloc Control Paladin!

  • Last updated Jan 18, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 11980
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/29/2015 (Explorers)
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That's right folks, what I have here is the ultimate Paladin deck. You like Murlocs? You like control? You like OTK? You like fully healing yourself in a single turn? You like secrets? Well lets throw it all together and see what magic pops out? The first draft of this deck actually had challenger with one of each secret, but that just doesn't work. There isn't enough draw power.

I'll be streaming a lot of this deck almost every day at twitch.tv/falconepunch55

Those of you that know me from my stream know that I like to do things a little differently. I like to play meta decks, sure, but I also like to throw cards in the pot and mix them up, and sometimes, magic like this happens. 

I won the first 5 games that I played with this deck, at legend rank. Taking me from dumpster 4k eu up to 2k. (I want to clarity, that at this time, there were over 9000 legends in EU, so 4k wasn't quite deep dumpster).

The general thinking behind the deck, is that it's a midrange paladin that has to be able to beat control decks. It has a lot of early game, and is able to hold its own against Aggro. It runs the three best murloc cards (Murloc Knight is top tier, Murk Eye is slightly worse than argent horse rider, and war leader is slightly worse than MC tech) which you can just about get away with running... But the Anyfin payoff is huge. In the late game, you get 3 powerful murlocs (and one random). You have charge, and also a board that needs to be cleared. In my opinion, it's much better than running Rafaam, ysera or Kel'thuzad.

I want to do a full write up, match ups, mulligan guide and also a video explaining how it works, but first I want to make sure there's a demand for it (I like to spend a lot of time on my guides, so I need to make sure if I put in the time, it's gonna get seen!)



 Card choices and why!


Blessing of Wisdom: I’ve always liked BoW. It’s just not quite good enough to actually fit into a deck… Usually. But obviously, we’re highlander, we only get one of each card, so I believe there is space for this one. It’s often just ‘1 mana, draw a card’. Sometimes it’ll be ‘1 mana, does nothing’ but the chance of it actually being decent is very very high. I use it to block my oponents cards from attacking almost as often as I use it to buff my own minions. It’s difficult to get enough card draw with this deck, and I do not think Solemn Vigil is very good, especially not in this deck with very few board clears.

Equality: Needs no explanation. I wish we could run two. This is the board clear card. Don’t waste it weak minions though if you’re playing control. If you’re playing a control matchup, decent use of this card, combo’d with consecration or Wild Pyromancer could be VITAL for winning.

Shielded Minibot: One of the best 2-drops in the game. Vital in any midrange paladin deck. This card is king of the early game, and great for controlling the board.

Muster for Battle: A vital tempo card for turn 3. Good in the late game too when combo’d with Quartermaster. Needs no explanation. Just don’t be stupid and play it with Wild Pyromancer.

Aldor Peacekeeper: Also needs no explanation. A decent 3/3 body, which is great for stifling aggro and reducing a control deck’s large minions to nothing. This card auto wins you the game against Fel Reaver. Any argument as to whether or not this card should be replaced with Keeper of Uldaman does not matter when you’re playing Highlander!

Truesilver Champion: Needs no explanation. One of the best weapons in the game. Significantly better than Coghammer in a more controlly Paladin. Very good for clearing threats, or pushing more damage to the face.

Consecration: … Obviously. Just be a little careful with when you use it. You’ve only got 1!

Keeper of Uldaman: This card is incredible. Probably better than Aldor Peacekeeper, definitely more versatile. Don’t be afraid to use it on your own 1/1 minion for Tempo against Aggro, but be a little more conservative against Control.

Murloc Knight: Top tier card, slightly worse as they only added weak murloc’s with LoE, but still great. Try to get it to proc at least once, to make Anyfin can Happen stronger. This card is also good on its own though.

Quartermaster: Try to use it after Muster. Thanks to Justicar, even if you fail to do that, this card is always going to be useful. It’s also a win condition if played at the right time!

Eadric the Pure: We’re only able to run 1 Aldor Peacekeeper and 1 Keeper of Uldaman. Run this for an extra way of dealing with control, or a strong midrange board. It’s actually incredibly good at keeping you alive for a few extra turns, or buying you time to play Reno or Lay on hands. Just be careful against decks like Druid or Shaman who can buff up their weak minions for an OTK

Lay on Hands: Healing and draw power, what’s not to like? It’s a good recuperation play if it looks like you have to start top decking soon. Try to safe it for a turn where you already have a decent board presence so that it does not give your opponent a chance to gain ridiculous tempo on you.

Tirion Fordring: One of the best legendaries in the game. I don’t need to say any more than that.

Anyfin Can Happen: This card will confuse, surprise and potentially kill your opponent. You don’t usually expect to see Murloc Knight in an Anyfin deck, but we’re not playing to OTK. We’re just playing this card to establish a very powerful board. Your opponent almost definitely will not play around it, so enjoy winning game after game with this little shock.


Zombie Chow: It’s the only real 1-drop, and the best neutral 1-drop in the game. Amazing for early Tempo/Control.

Knife Juggler: Works great with Muster and the Paladin Hero power. Another great Tempo drop on turn 2.

Loot Horder: Was originally haunted Creeper, but I found that with the inconsistency of the highlander deck, I needed more draw power. Arguably could become thalnos if you fancy trading the extra attack for more damage on consecration.

Wild Pyromancer: This guy is here to combo with equality, or with Acolyte of pain. Works well with Blessing of Wisdom or Consecration too. This deck is lacking in board clears, so don’t drop Wild Pyromancer just for tempo, wait until his effect is actually useful.

Acolyte of pain:  If this guy can draw you two cards, you’re really happy. Acolyte is useful in most control decks, and this is no exception.

Big Game Hunter: Great against control. Doesn’t need too much explanation, but with only 1 equality I like the extra removal. Very strong against Reno Lock.

Murloc Warleader: Arguably the worst card in the deck. It’s worth it for the combo with the other mucloc cards and the surprise anyfin can happen. You can happily just use this for tempo.

Cult Master: We’re running Muster, a multitude of weak minions, and we want to draw as many cards as possible. The more we draw, the faster we beat the control decks (due to the anyfin surprise, this deck rarely hits fatigue) Cult Master is great for the job. Don’t play him for tempo, play him for his effect.

Piloted Shredder: The most stupid card in Hearthstone, used in almost all decks.

Harrison: Originally I ran ooze in this deck, but there it is again ‘card draw’ we need more of it, and here it is. We’re in a meta where Harrison is VERY good, as there are penty of Warriors, Hunters, Rogues, Shaman and Jaraxus-warlocks

Sludge Belcher: Needs no explanation. What Midrange/Control deck does not run this card?

Justicar: This is for the control Matchup. Unless your opponent runs A LOT of board clears, dealing with 2 1/1 recruits every turn gets very tricky eventually. Combos well with Quartermaster.

Reno Jackson: Fully heal your face for only 6 mana? Sign me up. Send the aggro decks running away crying with this single card. (Just be prepared for hate messages)

Sylvanas Windrunner: Another win condition in the midrange side of things, could be swapped for a healbot if you’re facing too much Aggro.

Dr.Boom: No explanation required!

Mulligan guide!

This is kinda tricky. Similarly to Reno lock, you need to make the judgement as to whether or not you're keeping Reno in your opening hand. Against a Hunter, or Shaman, or a class where you expect it to be aggro, you want to consider keeping the Reno, but it also depends on what else you have. You might need to ditch everything, in order to up your chances for a Zombie Chow or a shielded minibot. It's hard to tell you exactly what to Mulligan, as some of your decision making should be based on what other cards you got.

Almost always keep Zombie Chow, Shielded Minibot, Knife Juggler and Muster for battle. They are the cards that you need to start with. Almost regardless of what else you have, you want to keep all of the above cards.

I say almost always because there are SOME situations where you on't want these cards, though I just spent 5 minutes sitting here thinking of one and couldn't... 

Sometimes keep Wild Pyromancer, Pilotted Shredder, loot horder acolyte of pain, Reno Jackson.

These are the cards that you want to keep if you have at least one decent early game card, and think that you can survive playing that on turn 1 and following up with one of these. Reno is the exception, and I explained when you'd want to keep that above.

I'll be sure to answer any questions here or (preferably) on my stream at twitch.tv/falconepunch55 enjoy the deck!