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[S20] Perfect Dragon Priest

  • Last updated Nov 1, 2015 (Warsong Nerf)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 8580
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/2/2015 (Warsong Nerf)
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Hey there, my name is KSlayer.  I've hit legend a few times, and generally try to share decks that appear to be doing well in the meta.  Today, I want to share this Dragon Priest deck, which honestly, appears to be REALLY solid in this meta.  This is weird to say...but I think this deck just may beat...everything.  No opposing hero makes me roll my eyes and think "let's get it over with quickly so I can get to a better matchup".

The first thing you may notice is the lack of Northshire Cleric.  I am sure I'll be criticized for this exception, but I TRULY believe that as good as Cleric is...it simply has no place in dragon decks (at least not in this meta).  I keep a spreadsheet with statistics about my games, including a "dead cards" column...and this by FAR my deadest card when I used to play it.  If you're vs aggro, you want to be healing face...and if you're vs control or tempo, the tempo loss of healing to gain a card can get you behind quickly.  Note:  card draw is no issue with this deck.

So we've freed up a little room.  What do we do with all this space?  I'll tell you what we do...we tech against some of our bad matchups (warriors, freeze mages, and handlocks).  I generally don't like heavy teching, but I believe dragon priest gives you enough time and just enough cycle to put techs to REALLY good use.  So what are our techs in this deck?

1)  Harrison Jones - This is just a sweet card.  It pisses all over control warriors, hunters, and paladins....matchups we see a LOT of.  Also, every now and then, it will win you a Handlock match.

2)  Kezan Mystic - Against mages and hunters, this can single-handedly win the game.  It's not game breaking against secret pallies, but it sure doesn't hurt anything.

3)  Vol'jin - Some people consider this an auto-include...but it's undoubtedly a tech card.  This is your Ysera answer against warrior and priest and also another form of removal against Handlock.  We run double Holy Smite in this deck, which coupled with Vol'jin, make Smite ALWAYS an amazing card, regardless of matchup.

So how do we win?  We build an early board by trying to play unfair early cards with dragon synergy.  Twilight Whelp, Wyrmrest Agent, and Blackwing Technician are the big 3...and sometimes I keep Twilight Guardian (especially with coin) since it's such a good play on curve and also enables your early stuff.  I also keep Harrison Jones vs warrior.  Kezan Mystic vs mage and hunter.  Shadow Word: Pain against druid or paladin.  Holy Smite against hunter.  Velen's Chosen against priest (to make a 4 attack Whelp or Agent).

I may break down matchups if anybody needs it, but I suspect you all know how to play this :)

Happy hunting.