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Hybrid Mage (66% Win Rate 1st TIME LEGEND)

  • Last updated Sep 16, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 14 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Tempo Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 4400
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/22/2015 (TGT Launch)
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Hybrid Mage 66% Win Rate (1st TIME LEGEND)

Gameplay of the listed version is out! Check it out: 
This deck is being updated with all the cards that came since it's first release, along with being made a standard deck, I can't thank everyone enough for all the support throughout time and I'll be uploading videos of the deck on my youtube channel,
So be sure to check it out!
Hello Guys, today I have achieved Legend on the EU server for the first time in my life with a deck I made myself and which I'm going to share with you today, please bear in mind that this is my first deck post ever and any criticism is appreciated ^^.

This deck achieved a win rate of around 80% until rank 1 where I struggled a bit and even tilted after a few unfortunate matches until I got to legend with my final win rate of more or less 66% with 99 games done.
I made this deck with what I had avaliable as most of the decks I had in mind or that were the most popular included minions like Rhonin or Archmage Antonidas for instance, which I do not have, ofc if you have these feel free to make the changes you think are necessary.

Match Ups


Easiest Classes to win against were definitely Patron Warrior, Handlock, Face Hunter and any kind of Mage Deck, I will try to go into detail as to what a few of these matchups mean to you but I won't cover all of the matchups as they are endless, any doubts and I'll clear them in the comment section.

Patron Warrior:  I didn't lose a single game against Patron Warrior, your early game aggro is more than they can handle, although games where you have a shitty hand are hard ones you can always Flamestrike on turn 7 if needed and Alex on turn 9 for a combo for the victory. Most of the times i dropped a Mad Scientist and they dropped an armosmith and I cannot stress this enough but either kill that Armorsmith in the span of 2 turns with the MS or Flamecannon it or something, do not leave it alive. If you are able to maintain board control and he has for instance, a Death's Bite with 1 or 2 charges feel free to Frostbolt his face if you feel like this will guarantee the win, I had a single mana wyrm win the game by doing that one game (it had 8 attack)
Mulligan: Try to find Mana Wyrm; Flamecannon and Mad Scientist

Handlock:  I just breezed through almost every Handlock, remember not to overextend if you can't deal with double Molten Giant Sunfury Protector next turn or if you don't have lethal and you should be good, only bad scenario I can think off is you having a bad hand until turn 4 since then you won't be able to deal with their threats efficiently, it's really important that you have board control but don't go too nuts because of Hellfire and Shadowflame, also, a well timed Counterspell basically won me games against Handlocks who because of it did nothing else the rest of the turn giving me a free turn to do whatever I wanted, don't be afraid to go for crazy plays and killing off your own mad scientist.
Mulligan: Go for your early threats.

Face Hunter: Although the amount of hunters have dropped (mainly because of the appearance of Secret Paladin) there are still a few of them on ladder, these matchups heavily rely on you dealing with their early threats with Mana Wyrm, Arcane Missiles and Flamewaker + any removal spells, make good use of removal and your secrets, Suiciding Mad Scientist turn 2 giving you Counterspell to deny their Animal Companion is just so much value. If you are able to attain board control against a hunter feel free to Frostbolt his face if you feel like this will help secure your win.
Mulligan: Mana Wyrm, Arcane Missiles, Flamewaker, etc... (cheap removal)

Secret Paladins: Okay this is a tough one, I was sure that this deck absolutely destroyed Secret Paladins as I was 12-3 against them but then I lost a lot of my games against them at rank 1, It is really important that you have board control across the whole game against these mofos and that you make good use of it, don't be afraid to Fireball their Mysterious Challenger and also if you get Arcane Missiles/Flamewaker/Counterspell save it to try to counter an early muster, that did wonders for me, most of my games they ended up without nothing and resorted to topdecking and if that happens to you, just hope they don't topdeck Divine Favor into Mysterious Challenger when you have no board (that game got me so salty)

 Mana WyrmFrostbolt or Flamecannon (to deal with that pesky secretkeeper), Flamewaker if you think you already have enough to last til you can drop it.

New Fatigue/Outlast Warrior: Forget this matchup, they absolutely destroyed me, they have an awnser to all your threats and outlast you in the most ridiculous manners, only games I won I drew godlikely and they drew like shit so don't expect any easy wins for sure.

 Cards you might find in an odd spot

Double Arcane Intellect AND an Acolyte of Pain? Isn't that too much Card Draw?  Yes but mostly no, I've ran into games where I had only one card and just couldn't find my card draw, it's way too important and they both do well, I do not prefer one over the other, Arcane Intellect provides more combo options for Mana Wyrm, Flamewaker and Sorcerer's Apprentice and Acolyte of Pain can deal with stuff like Muster for Battle while drawing you cards.

Why are you running Unstable Portal, isn't this a dead card since it relies too much on RNG?  This is probably the card you should switch if you are the unluckiest person it the world and you simply do not like RNG factors, as for me, this card is simply too good, it synergizes with a lot of your cards since it's a spell and it's a not only a game winner when it works but it didn't set me back at all when it didn't work (I had one unstable give me Southsea Captain and the other gave me Faceless Manipulator, 2 4/4's against a priest won me that game.

Only one Flamestrike? doesn't that end up not working out for you in the long game?  I only found one Flamestrike to be necessary, most of the games I didn't even need it but it's always nice to have that guarantee that if something goes horribly wrong you can hope to topdeck your Flamestrike, (also gets rids of those pesky muster + competitive spirit combos.

Alexstrasza? Wut?  
This card has won me so many games, ranging from using it as a pinch card, saving you from death, to using it right before a Fireball Fireball Frostbolt Combo, it is just so diverse and it drops a great body too

Final Discussion:

I really hope this deck helps you achieve a higher rank just as it did with me, I usually sit at around rank 5 every season but this season this deck carried me all the way from rank 10 to rank 1 in nearly no time, overall it's a pretty fun deck to play and provides a large amount of excitement when you win, Happy Climbing ^^