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Daemonflame's Legend Dragodin

  • Last updated Oct 22, 2015 (Warsong Nerf)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 8140
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/21/2015 (TGT Launch)
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Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Dragodin.

Finally, after TGT dropped, dragons became viable, so i started on a dragon paladin deck. I made top 200 last season, but that didn't really count as everyone was trying out new decks. Today, I made legend with it, so decided it seemed strong enough to share. Everyone is expecting skilladin, so when big ass dragons start dropping, panic ensues.

So, for those who like paladin, but are afraid of catching secret cancer, enjoy.

20/10/2015: Now that there are so many weapon classes being played I have taken out 1 Dragon Consort and added 1 Acidic Swamp Ooze. This serves 2 functions the former being that it gives paladin, hunter, and warrior a headache, the latter being it speeds the deck up a little, making the option for a beat down more feasible. It was a very difficult choice between this and Harrison Jones, but ooze is stronger against non weapon classes so I erred to this.

How to Play the Deck.

General Strategy.

This is a minion based control deck, which uses high value minions in order to maintain board control and gain card advantage. Eventually the opponent will run out of answers, then you win with big ass dragons.

Aggro. You need to get board control ASAP, a dream start would be chow into minibot into muster, with owl, twilight guardian and consecration in hand. The earlier you stabilize the better, because this decks mid and late game minions are way more than aggro can handle.

Combo. These are tricky to play against. The key is to keep a steady curve, with a constant flow of threats. Getting the initiative is very important so Truesilver Champion is vital in these matchups. Cards like Aldor Peacekeeper and the ability to do 3 damage early on are also considerations. Making big tempo plays, using Dragon Consort, equality etc, then following up with more threats usually wins the game.

Control. These are easy. The only way to lose is to play into AOE. The paladin hero power is super strong against control. This deck has many threats, and can go to fatigue. Quartermaster Truesilver Champion, Tirion Fordring, Lay on Hands and Alexstrasza win these game. Keep enough damage on the board to deal with anything, but don't overextend. Deciding whether to go for a beatdown, or wait for Alexstrasza is a crucial call to make early on.

Matchups as of 20/10/2015

Hunter: Favored

Druid: Unfavored

Freezemage: Highly unfavored

Tempo mage: Favored

Aggro Paladin: Slightly Unfavored

Secret Paladin: Unfavored

Midrange/control Paladin: highly favored

Control Priest: Unfavored

Dragon Priest: Slightly favored

Oil Rogue: Slightly Favored

Aggro Rogue: Not played enough to say

Mill Rogue: Highly unfavored

Mech Shaman: Slightly favored

Totem Shaman: highly favored

Control Shaman: Favored

Zoo: Slightly favored

Handlock: Slightly favored

Demonlock: Slightly unfavored

Aggro Warrior: Don't know, not played any this season.

Control Warrior: Highly Favored.


Class Breakdown


Mulligan: Zombie Chow Ironbeak Owl Shielded Minibot, Muster for Battle.

Beating both facehunter and midrange hunter relies on a similar strategy, getting board control early, and stopping face damage, then forcing them into dealing with your bigger minions, by using the cunning tactic of  hitting them in the face with dragons.

Against facehunter, staying alive until LOH or Alex wins you the game. Truesilver also heals. The deck has great taunt, so its not hard to win. Of course, muster for battle is a double edged sword in this matchup, as unleash the skill with Knife Juggler is game losing, but muster into coin quartermaster into an explosive trap can be game winning.

Midrange hunter is a little harder, you need to develop threats to deal with more beefy minions. Deciding to keep the owl for a Highmane or use on a mad scientist is usually a difficult desicion. The good thing is that you can play a little slower, muster deals with most secrets, Twilight Guardian deals with shredders, Big Game Hunter with dr Boom, and there are many ways to deal 5 damage into Highmanes. Here, the key is to outvalue them, eventually they run out of cards, so just make sure your health stays out of unleash/huffer and kill command range, and you should be ok.


Mulligan: Zombie Chow. Shielded Minibot. Blackwing Technician Aldor Peacekeeper. Truesilver Champion. Big Game Hunter

Druid is hard for 3 reasons. The first is dealing with Darnassus Aspirant, the second is dealing with innovate into something big, the third, is finally stabilizing, but you are within combo range. If the Druid gets a perfect mana curve with ramp, its gonna be very hard to win, so the key here is getting high health minions on board before them. According to research done at CERN Druid has swipe 100% of the time against paladin, but sometimes it is necessary to play muster for battle into it, to kill the Aspirant with a minibot. Getting tempo is so important, sometimes even playing muster or similar into a turn where you know they have swipe, just so will spend a turn removing it, so next turn, you get the initiative to play a big minion is something that, although not perfect, can be done. Of course, if druid gets a slow start, they are in for a very bad day. Druid has difficulty dealing with high health minions, and that is what this deck is full of. Muster Quartermaster usually seals the deal in this match-up.

Aggro Druid
This is the easiest of druid to beat, get board control early, then outvalue them with high health midrange minions. Big Game Hunter or Aldor Peacekeeper for the Fel Reaver early on usually win the game.

Midrange Druid

Try not not miss playing a card from turn 1 to turn 5, and hope they hero power turn 2. Truesilver, Blackwing corruptor and Dragon consort are so important in this. Get big minions on board, then use weapons and aldor to gain tempo.

Ramp Druid.
This is a difficult deck to spot early on, and the only card you need to worry about on this is Kel Thuzad. Its slower than midrange, which means you can get a chance to play threats first, just keep an equality or owl for KT. Otherwise, similar principle, keep the threats coming, bait out the swipes, and use Blackwing Corruptors and truesilver for tempo swings.


Freezemage mulligan: Ironbeak Owl, minibot, Blackwing Technician, truesilver, Twilight Guardian.

Tempo/mechmage mulligan: Ironbeak Owl, Muster for Battle, Chow, Aldor Peacekeeper, Consecration.

The playstyles here are somewhat different.

 Against freezemage, you want to rush them down ASAP and force them to use burn instead of AOE  on your minions. Basically, you are a facehunter. Truesilver and Corruptor for 1 doomsayer, owl for the other or to unfreeze one of your minions. Equality is for Alex or Tyrion. Sometimes big game hunter can be used on their Alex, but usually that means you die next turn. Don't flood the board with 1/1, play around the mage AOE. It is wise to consider using truesilver for heal, and LOA is nearly always played after they play Alex. Ideally, it should not go this late in the game though.

Against tempo mage, you want to be fighting fire with fire, using consecration, truesilver and blackwing corruptor to beat them at their own game. A mistake many would make would be to start playing slow minions into their minions. Then they use burn and hit you in the face with their minions. Keep clearing the board, you will at some point regain tempo through the chance to play a minion they cannot deal with efficiently, that is when you win.


it's gonna be secret paladin. If it's not by some miracle, then crack open the champagne.

Mulligan:Zombie Chow, Shielded Minibot, Knife Juggler, Muster for Battle, Consecration.

Against secret paladin, you just need to keep clearing board so early. By turn 6, you need board control, or at least an empty board, and weapon and big game hunter ready to go. If you fall behind on board, it is really hard to come back.

Against midrange/control paladin, get board control early, laugh as they use equality or silence on a cheap minion, truesilver any pesky murlocs, then hit them in the face with dragons. Save the owl for Tirion, and equality should ideally still be in your hand when you win.


Mulligan:Zombie Chow, Shielded Minibot, Knife Juggler, Blackwing Technician, Truesilver Champion, Equality.

Priest usually goes one of either 2 ways,someone gets beaten down by turn 8, or the game goes to fatigue. Knowing which depends on who gets a board that sticks first, and knowing what cards each person likely has in hand.

Cabals love minibots, so don't give them the pleasure of stealing them. Argus is a very strong card in this matchup. Priest usually relies on AOE instead of single taget removal, and there are 7 targets for shadow word death, so eventually they will run out of answers. Card advantage is key here, stop their card draw, gain card advantage through favorable trades, and then this matchup is easy. If priest get massive card and board advantage, you need to plan for an euqality consecration turn, but the outlook will still be bleak.

Keep equality at mulligan in case priest has an insane start. Usually it is kept for ysera, but it is so powerful against priest, I keep it in the starting hand, Truesilver is one of, if not the most vital card in this match-up also, so it is sometimes not correct to keep equality.


Mulligan: Zombie Chow, Shielded Minibot, Knife Juggler,Blackwing Technician, truesilver chamion, Twilight Guardian.

The key to beating rogue is playing high health dragons. Really, that simple. They only run 2 sap, and they will end up using their burn on your minions. Truesilver is really important, NEVER allow rogue to have a minion that sticks on board. Save the taunt for when you need it, and after both saps are played, play tirion, then watch them concede.

If.... it is mill rogue, cry. Try and play everything in your hand, don't make dudes, as vanish will make you cry even harder.


Mulligan:Zombie Chow, Shielded Minibot, Knife Juggler, Muster for Battle, Consecration.

Shaman is a favorable matchup. Muster for battle is really strong against this. Get board control early on, and you win. Consecration is very strong against all forms of shaman. The only way you will lose is if shaman keeps board control into the midgame. Luckily, most of the scary cards have overload, which will allow you to regain the initiative the next turn. The early game really decides who wins this.

Most variants of Shaman run a similar early game, so the mulligan and early game play are similar. Don't play into lighting storm and hex, and your hero power should win the game.


Mulligan:Zombie Chow, Shielded Minibot, Ironbeak Owl,Knife Juggler, Big Game Hunter, truesilver.

Against zoo, you want minibot and muster REALLY badly. If you get them, you can keep board control and win without great difficulty. Board control at all costs is the rule of thumb here. I keep BGH because in the current versions of zoo, it is still very relevant. The same is true of the owl, so, against zoo, think twice before playing it into a haunted creeper. There is only 1 owl in the deck and zoo is a lot slower nowdays.

Against handlock, you want solid minions that make it difficult for him to use Shadowflame and Hellfire efficiently. You need to be able to kill the first round of giants and drakes. Owl and big game hunter are usually no brainers, but equality should usually be used for the final push through molton giants. This deck has answers to most of the the handlock threats, and has threats handlock has difficulty in dealing with. Keep up the pressure, don't let him play free molten giants, then burst him down. If he plays Jaraxxus, you need to win in the next 2 turns.


Mulligan: Zombie Chow. Shielded Minibot. Ironbeak OwlKnife Juggler. Truesilver Champion.

Control warrior is a really fun matchup. The key to winning this is having multiple threats on board at the same time. Warrior is great at clearing a full board, or single target removal, but 2 or 3 minions is hard for them. I on occasion save chow for a turn 3 play with the hero power, instead of playing it on turn 1, where the war axe could kill is so easily. The owl is for either an acolyte of pain or sylvanis, big game hunter is for something big, equality is also for something big, and the dragons should deal with everything else. Don't play into brawl, second charge of deathbite, and keep chipping away at the armor. Argus is great in this match-up, can get something out of whirlwind or shieldslam range. Justicar is really strong in warrior, so use the turn its played to make sure you have enough damage on board to counteract tank up.


I'm starting to get a few questions about replacements, so here they are.

Alextrasza - Any big dragon. Ysera is second best, but Chromaggus, Onyxia, Nefarion or even Deathwing himself should work also.

Chillmaw - Dr Boom or Sylvanis. Sunwalker is another option also.

Tirion - Wisp or target dummy..... Really, any slow paladin deck needs Tirion, its one of the best cards in the game, sell a kidney, craft it. Nothing comes close, however any powerful lategame legendary or another Quartermaster could be subbed.

Lay on Hands - Divine favor

Edit: started on a write up, hopefully it should cover all the bases. Ill polish it later.