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[S18] Legendary Mid-Secret Paladin + GUIDE

  • Last updated Oct 13, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 15 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 5560
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/15/2015 (TGT Launch)
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Hi there, I'm Bloor, an Italian streamer and legendary player (x3). This is my Midrange Secret Paladin used to climb until legend.

Deck Intro

I played since rank 12-13, but with some changes. The deck i used was made by the italian legendary player "Tiamat". It was stable but my winrate against Warrior/Priest was really bad. So i changed with owl beacuse it's good against every deck, for example silencing Mad Scientist (Mage/Hunter), or any other minion. Blessing is amazing cause it could be used as lethal or as trade, and Aldor it's only good against mirror Mysterious Challengers or Savannah Highmane. I decided to switch for blessing and the change allowed me to won a lot of games.

This is my last day of ranked winrate, from rank 3 (4stars) until legend:

This is my TOTAL winrate (from Rank13 until Legend). As you can see it is still 62%, it is good enough to hit legend in a very short time, and this is the reason why i reccomend this deck.

Here you can see my last matches until legend, this confirm my winrate and my win-streaks:

First of all i want to thank everyone that likes and comments on this deck. I just decided to write a Guide because i heared a lot of positive feelings about the deck and someone just hit legend like me using it. You already know my winrate, but someone actually did better then me, in fact you can easily find in the comments someone who hit legend with 75%winrate :)

So, let's explain something about this deck:

Deck Guide

This deck is good against every enemy. Obviously there are "good" and "bad" matchups, but you can still win if your mulligan is correct and if you play good. For example, warriors are one of the worst matchups for this deck, but i won 2 matches at rank1 against Patron Warriors! 

Don't be afraid if you start using this decks and your score is like 0-3! Sometimes, i started my day of ranked with this winrate, but i continued using the deck, because if you lose 2-3 games, then you win 4-5! If you don't believe it, watch my last games until legend up there! :) Also, remember that 3 games are not enough to evaluate a deck! Keep trying and you'll see that it works :)

So, let's speak about matchups:

Good and Bad Matchups + explanation


  • Fast Druid, because Swipe is not enough to counter your board control. Swipe could trade your recruit, but not Minibot, Shredder and other minions. If you hold control until turn 6, Challenger will do the rest.
  • Midrange Secret Paladin: mirror matches are good, you just have to hold the board and counter the enemy one. Keep practicing with this deck will make this matchup easier. Mulligan for Consecration is the key.
  • Control/Dragon Priest: this matchup is good against priest only because of Ironbeak Owl. If the priest runs Lightbomb it could be a problem. Never use Misterious Challenger alone (whitout a board) because it will become a 9/8 and it is an easy Shadow Word: Death = Loss. 
  • Patron/Control Warrior: with the previous version of the deck, warrior were 100% loss. Now, with owl and double Blessing, it is easy to win and counter them. It is still a difficult matchup, and you need skill to win against him.
  • Rogue: nothing to say: just play around Sap and you'll be fine. Btw, you'll not encounter so much Rogues.
  • Shaman: the shaman board is a very problem: just trade EVERYTHING until turn 6. For everything i mean that if you have Shielded Minibot and the Shaman has a totem, you have to trade it! Don't let him empower NOTHING. 
  • Handlock: Handlock is a very easy match: play around molten giant, then OTK with Challenger or Blessing cause the opponent probably will be at 14-15 health.


  • Eboladin/AggroSecretPaladin: as Face Hunters, they are really fast and if you do not counter the board you will probably lose. Btw, is better to face Eboladin instead of FaceHunters.
  • Immortal Warrior: the new Control Warrior with Justicar Trueheart is sometimes a problem, but not always: remember that he will gain +4 armor a turn, so you always have to do more then 4dmg a turn if you still want to win. If he gain to much armor, you'll probably lose.
  • Zoo Lock: it is a 50-50 matchup. You have to play better just because if he gain to much board control, you will lose because of that. Mulligan for Consecration and try to win :D


  • Face Hunter: it is not always a problem: sometimes you can still do it if you counter the board and play around Unleash the Hounds! But, in general, it is easier for Face Hunters to win.
  • Midrange Hunter: it is not a really problem, i only consider it a "Bad" matchup because if your mulligan is uncorrect you'll probably lose. Midrange Hunters were an easy match when i used Aldor Peacekeeper because used on a Savannah Highmane let it become a 1/6, really useless, and you could ignore it. Whitout it, you can only silencing and trading it, and you're forced to do it because of Houndmaster. So, it is a various matchup, sometimes good, sometimes not.
  • Freeze/Mech/Tempo Mage: Mage is, in general, a bad matchup. You can win sometimes if you counter Mad Scientist with Owl or something like that, but the Mech board control is a problem because you got to trade it, Freeze is a 110% loss, and tempo is still viable. My winrate is 60% against Mage only because i practiced a lot with this deck, but a novice will probably lose.


 Mulligan Guide

This deck mulligan is not so easy as it seems. It really depends on your opponent and what you draw first.

In general, you don't want to mulligan for SECRETS. They have to be hold for Turn6 Mysterious Challenger. Btw, it is not a problem if you draw a secret because it will be very helpful to hold the board until turn 6.

So, let's speak about the real mulligan. It is to much easy to say "hold low drop minions". Obviously you want to mulligan for this cards:

  1. Turn one Secretkeeper against every deck
  2. Turn two Shielded Minibot against every deck, Knife Juggler against every deck because it is still a good 2mana drop but dangerous against Patrons, for example. Another important cart to mulligan for is Ironbeak Owl, helpful against Mage's Mad Scientist for example!
  3. Turn three Muster for Battle against every deck

These are the low drops i spoke about. In general you want to mulligan for them, but there are a lot of different cards that could be helpful against other decks. Let's speak about it:

  • Consecration it is a key card against Aggro/Mirror matches. You have to mulligan for it against Zoo, Hunters, Mirror paladins, Shamans and other board control decks. In general, a Turn4 Consecration is good enough to grant you a minion like Shredder or Loatheb turn 5 and a Challenger turn 6.
  • Ironbeak Owl it is usually a good counter against that early minions that grants advantage to the opponent decks. For example, Owl into Scientist grants you a lot of tempo. In the same way, Owl could be useful in later turns, but don't be afraid to use it on turn 2!

This deck mulligan is not so easy, but i think you'll improve your mulligan just playing it. There are a lot of different situations, for example it is not a mistake to hold a Piloted Shredder if you have the coin, because it is the best 4 mana drop and it is good to have board for turn 6, as i already told.

 "Bloor, do i have to mulligan for Mysterious Challenger?" 

No, you don't. I know that Mysterious is the main card of the deck, but you cannot hold a 6 mana drop that you will not use for 6 turns. And this also if you have the coin! It is really good if you draw Mysterious like turn 4-5 and you have the coin, probably it is good to hold coin for Turn5 Mysterious in that case, but you don't have to mulligan for it because there are a lot of early drop cards that could grants you advantage against your opponent. If you don't draw the Challenger you can still win the game because you have to play your secrets in order to empower your low drop minions, and you have a strong late game thx to Boom and Tirion.


Deck Strategy

This deck seems easy to play, and probably it is if you draw very good, but sometimes it is hard to decide what to do in that turn. In general, the strategy is:

Every turn, use your stronger minion. I mean: turn 2, Shielded Minibot is stronger then Knife Juggler. You got MFB? It doesn't metter, you play Minibot because it has divine shield and it could survive for the turn 2 and 3! Turn 5, you have the combo Juggler + Muster for Battle? Yes, it is good to clean opponent board, but if you don't have to trade and maybe you're also against an hunter that could use Unleash the Hounds, you will probably go for Loatheb!.

I mean, you just have to think about how to hold the board until turn 6. If you play Mysterious Challenger alone, it could be easily removed thanks to Shadow Word: Death , Big Game Hunter, Execute . It is simple to imagine: You play Challenger, your enemy attacks it, Noble Sacrifice procs, Avenge procs, Challenger become 9/8 and the 2/1 minion from Noble Sacrifice resurrect thanks to Redemption. It is easy to remove a minion like this, and it is harder if you have the board because Avenge could also target other minions! 

Imagine this scenario: Challenger + Piloted Shredder. If you have a turn 6 like this, you probably played good because your opponent didn't clear the shredder. He let the secrets procs, so if the Avenge targets the Shredder, you got: Challenger 6/6, Shredder 7/5, NobleSacrificeMinion 2/1. He will probably clear something, imagine that he clears the 2/1 or maybe the challenger, but you still have a strong board, and thanks to Competitive Spirit you have +1/+1 to your minions!

As you probably understood, the strategy key is to hold the board for turn 6. Always play the strongest minion, you don't have to be a single turn under your opponent. Always think about what to play next turn, create a mana curve. The coin is really helpful to create it! Also, if you don't draw Mysterious for turn 6, don't panic. If you have Dr.Boom turn 7 is good enough! Boom really helps for board control, and if you draw Challenger turn 7, you still play Boom cause of the mana curve! In fact, this grants you to play Boom turn 7 and Challenger turn 8, with a 2 mana drop or just hero power.

The last thing i want to tell you about the strategy is to never panic. You can always come back with this deck! I won games when i had 1hp or 3hp, sometimes thanks to Tirion Fordring! This deck has not "face dmg cards" like Kill Command, it just have Consecration to avoid taunts, so if you face a mirror and you draw Tirion, it is really good and it could help you to win the game :) You don't believe so? Follow my stream and let's see :)


Card Replacements:

  • -1 Truesilver Champion, +1 Coghammer. This is good to counter aggro decks like hunters, aggro-secret paladins or mech mage. [UPDATE 29/09/15: REPLACED TRUESILVER WITH COGHAMMER TO FIGHT AGAINST AGGRO DECKS]
  • -1 Blessing of Kings, +1 Aldor Peacekeeper. This is nice if you have problems against control decks like Handlock and you need time against a Giant, for example. This is also good against Savannah Highmane! Aldor saved my life several times against this card, but i decided to switch to Blessing cause in my last matches i only met Face Hunter instead of Midrange.

In general, i think that this deck is PERFECT. It is unbalanced to remove a card for another, i really did a lot of tests and i think that this is the best version i've ever tried. You can really try to change something, but you will easily see that it doesn't worth it. There are a lot of versions for Mid-Secret Paladins but this version can really counter this meta decks, at every rank. You can ask to replace a card in the comments if you want, and maybe we could find a compromise, but remember that if you got all the deck, you have to copy/paste this :)


  • 29/09/15: -1 Truesilver Champion, +1 Coghammer. Today i helped some friends reaching legend and we met a lot of aggro decks, instead of the control decks i met in the first days of season, when i reached legend. I think that this replace is actually good to contrast Aggro deck in general, and i think i'll use this deck (i mean with Coghammer) to climb S19 ladder and reach 500 games with Paladin because when the season starts and finish there are a lot of aggro decks. You can watch me hitting legend in few days (i hope) here: http://it.twitch.tv/bloor95 . I will update this deck as soon as i modify it.


Final Discussions

I'm pretty sure that the most of you will like this deck. It is a tier1 deck and it probably will be so for another season. There are counters, but you can win against every single opponent.

I want to thank Tiamat first of all, because his Midrange-Secret version is the best one i tried before changing some cards, and it gave me some ideas to raise it a better one (i hope so). I also want to thank all my streaming followers and viewers, they are my strenght and they are the reason why i'll keep working like this and keep climbing legend every season with different decks. If you want to see my streaming this is the link: http://it.twitch.tv/bloor95 . Let me know if you read this guide or appreciated the deck!

I also have a Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/bloor95 . It is important to know when my stream is online and what i do in general in real life or Hearthstone. It is updated every single day and it is a nice FB page i think :)

Finally, thanks to everyone that read this guide. I spent a lot of time working on it and i hope it is good enough to grant you good results with this deck. See you with another deck guide!

Bloor :)