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[S18]Pigenator's #35 legend TGT Zoolock

  • Last updated Oct 2, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 27 Minions
  • 3 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 2800
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/13/2015 (TGT Launch)
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Hellaso everyone! My name is Pigenator and i created this zoolock deck and used it to get legend for the first time! It's really easy and effective. Anyone is welcome to try the deck, make changes to it and upload videos of it on Youtube, but if you show it on Youtube i would appriciate if you credited me. Thanks!

 Edit: Thank you for 100 likes!

Thanks Khristophesaurus Dinosaurus for the deck spotlight!

Deck basics:

A common missconception a lot of people make when they play zoo is that they just go face. It is NOT a face deck, however dont be afraid to leave a couple of enemy minions alive if youre smelling the lethal in the next few turns. This deck has a lot of burst potential with Doomguards, Power Overwhelming's, one Argent Horserider(YEEAAAH!) and one Abusive Sergeant.


Your primary goal with the deck is to gain early board control while keeping the opponent's board clean. That way, the opponent can't deal with your Knife Juggler or some other important minion, which allows you to go for face when the time is right. Then you proceed with winning by locking down your opponent with a Loatheb or making sure they can't deal with it by buffing it with minions like Defender of Argus.


Mulligan Guide:


There is a few cards that you always keep, including Flame Imp, VoidwalkerHaunted Creeper and Dire Wolf Alpha and Argent Squire.

 You can keep Abusive Sergeant if you have already have a Haunted Creeper or a Nerubian Egg, or Nerubian Egg if you have any of the buffs except Defender of Argus.

 If you have a smooth curve for the first 2 turns then keeping an Imp Gang Boss can be really good. You can keep the Voidcaller/Doomguard combo if you are facing off against a slow deck like druid or warrior, as it allows for great damage potentals at the cost of the early game being a little bit weaker.

 If you get 2 Nerubian Eggs and you start second, it is ok to keep a Defender of Argus, since you can use it to avtivate both eggs.


 VS Warlock:

Follow the basic mulligans but also save Ironbeak Owl if the other cards are good, since it is good against both zoo (silence the Nerubian Egg) or against Handlock (silence Twilight Drake or a taunted up giant). If you're starting second you can keep one Imp-losion if you're facing a lot of other zoolocks, since they dont usually run AoE. Keep Voidcaller/Doomguard combo if youre going second.


VS Paladin: 

Against paladin Knife Juggler is really good because of the opponent playing divine shields and Muster for Battle so keep it if you have Voidwalker or Haunted Creeper. Keep Flame Imp if you dont have Voidwalker or if you can combo it with Knife Juggler and have a good curve into it. Don't keep the Voidcaller/Doomguard combo.


VS Mage:

Basic mulligan, go for the high attack minions since most mages you will face will be mech mages and to counter mech mages you need to be really aggresive. Save Ironbeak Owl for Doomsayer. Dont save Argent Squire.


VS Warrior:

Basic mulligans. Warrior always has Fiery War Axe be aware of the fact that you will probably not be able to do any sick combos with Knife Juggler. Keep Imp Gang Boss if you have an ok curve because it dodges Fiery War Axe.


VS Priest:

Basic mulligans, but keep Crazed Alchemist as well to counter Dragonpriest. You can keep Voidcaller/Doomguard if you have The Coin since priest isnt usually that strong. If you have a good curve keep Ironbeak Owl.


VS Shaman:

Not much to say here. Just have cards like Totem Golem in mind and always keep Abusive Sergeant


VS Druid:

Try to keep a fast start and don't risk too much. Save Imp Gang Boss. Be aware of swipe and buff 1/1's with Defender of Argus.


More coming soon!



First of all, i would like to mention that you can't run this deck if you dont own the first three wings of Naxxramas, because all the Naxxramas cards are absolutely staple in this deck. You can still play some kind of zoolock without them, but not this one.

Dr. Boom: You can replace Dr. Boom with any other big threat like Sylvanas Windrunner or Mal'Ganis. If you dont own any of thoose lategame legendaries, then try Sea Giant or Frostwolf Warlord. People on the comments say Fearsome Doomguard works for them, so i guess it's a fair replacement too if you want to go cheap :D (Thanks comments)

Imp Gang Boss: Harvest Golem or Spider Tank. Could also be replaced by Shattered Sun Cleric if you usually have something to buff on turn 3. You could also tech in one Void Terror.

Defender of Argus: Shattered Sun Cleric or Void Terror.

Doomguard: Craft it. If you dont have enough dust, remove the Voidcallers and replace them by 2 Dark Iron Dwarf, one Arcane Golem and one Abusive Sergeant.

Knife Juggler: Acidic Swamp Ooze or Flame Juggler

The other cards are either commons that everyone should have or cards that have no replacement. Don't be afraid to mess around with replacement, go with what works for you.