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Legendary Execution - Inferno Mage

  • Last updated Oct 19, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 11200
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/30/2015 (TGT Launch)
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Hey Guys, this is Brooklyn-san reporting for duty once more and this time, it is getting infernal! I want to mention here and now, that this Deck is related to the first Firestorm Deck which was the first real Grinder Mage overall. Therefore it is likely that you experience with this Deck are much different compared to Firestorm 2-4. This Deck is much more difficult to play, much slower, but it is amazing fun to play! This is the reason why i strongly recommend that you read the Guide first and if there are Videos, you watch them, if you are not familiar with playing a Grinder Mage.


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You always, always want to mulligan for your Mad Scientist!
Top Tier list is :

Mad Scientist, Frostbolt, Twilight Guardian, Explosive Sheep


This Deck excels in Aggro and Control Matchups. Its weaker Matchups are around the Midrange Decks, which means a ratio around 50% at worst case. I never experienced anything under 50%.

To be more specific :

  • Facehunter = Strong

  • Midrange Hunter = Medium

  • Rogue = What`s a Rogue? Strong

  • Freeze Mage = Strong

  • Tempo Mage = Medium

  • Warrior = Strong

  • Ramp Taunt Druid = Strong

  • Ramp Double Combo Druid = Medium to weaker

  • Shaman = Medium to Strong

  • Token inspire/Secret Paladin = Strong

  • Priest = Strong

  • Handlock = Medium to weaker

  • Control Paladin = Strong

 Majordomo Executus

Written by author SirFunchalot


Most cards should be fairly obvious, so I’m only going over a couple of cards choices that might seem strange.


So I know what you’re all asking so I’m going to address this early; yes I’m playing Majordomo Executus on purpose, no this isn’t a gimmick, no I don’t just have him to troll, yes I really do play him in games, and yes he really does help win games we would not have if he was another slow legendary like [card]Sneed's Old Shredder[/card] or Ysera. Majordomo is the ultimate in value IF you can protect yourself, which this deck most certainly aims to do. Yes there will be times when your opponent plays [card]Big Game Hunter[/card] and then [card]Kezan Mystic[/card] and kills you but they would eventually have beaten you with that [card]Kezan Mystic[/card] anyway if they had a board that you couldn’t deal with so this point isn’t really relevant a lot of the time. So when is Majordomo good? He’s actually insane against other control decks once you enter the late stages of the game and you have around 5-10 cards left in your deck and you can stick him on a relatively empty board, and this happens a lot more often than you’d think when you play a deck as slow as this where games often take 20 minutes to complete (if you don’t lose super fast to perfect aggro starts when you have a bad hand). What domo does that other slow control finishers don’t is that he gives you access to a threat in the form of a Hero Power that you can use every turn for the rest of the game that your opponent can NEVER remove. He’s threatening in the control mirror for the very same reason why Lord Jaraxxus is so strong, he simply gives you gas until the game is over and the only way your opponent can prevent you from having access to that threat is to kill you. “Die Insect!” the hero power of our elemental lord of fire is basically akin to a 2 mana Deadly Shot or Pyroblast every turn which against other slow decks is pretty much absurd since you’re either putting your opponent on a very quick clock by blasting their face with a ton of damage or you’re killing their board for 2 mana without having to use actual cards to do so allowing you to save them for emergency situations. Majordomo is at his best against all forms of Priest, Handlock, Control Warrior and Ramp Druid (the variant with taunts and no combo), since these are all slow grindy decks that actually get demolished by your new hero power and have relatively few if any ways to burst you down to 0 without anything existing on their board. The matchups where majordomo is at his best tend to also be the more difficult matchups for the deck overall so he’s a welcome inclusion.


So now that you know what Mr. Executus can do I want to address a commonly asked question “But SirFunchalot, can’t your opponent just pop your Ice Block, then kill [card]Majordomo Executus[/card] and then do 8 more damage to your face and kill you?!”. The answer to this is yes however it is extremely unlikely. This deck is so defensive and contains so much healing that you’ll often find yourself entering the later stages of the game with 18+ HP yet due to our plethora of defensive cards this can still be a safe time to deploy the majordomo as even if our opponent can answer him and pop our block it’s not that hard to keep yourself protected on the following turn.


Written by author Brooklyn

I decided to Quote what SirFunchalot said about Majordomo Executus because if someone nails it, he nails it.

Helpful things

  • If you want to cut Duplicate, be aware of the fact that this Card is one of the main reasons why Grinder Mage is a strong Control Deck. I wont doubt it can work, but you have to compensate for it with more drawpower then. (I found this change actually even better for now.)

  •  If any possible, try to play Majordomo Executus on empty Board and on game stages, where it comes to Topdecking. This is the point where he is most powerful, as Minion itself and when you transform into Ragnaros. Also, if your Opponent is runs a Board spamming Deck, keep Boardclears ready, because this is a indirect counter to your Ragnaros Hero Power.

Ice Barrier and Illuminator

I decided to give this particular case a extra slot. Those Cards are both working just fine with this Deck, but the reason why i want to explain this a bit is because i ran myself a long time Ice Barrier over Illuminator. I felt like Ice Barrier is superior against quick Face Decks because my Mad Scientist dropped them for me, so i didnt had to spend any Mana or a Turn for my protection on it.


So why did I change? Yeah, as much as I fell for the easiness of having Ice Barrier, did i feel that my early game was kinda super boring. Also I wanted to have some actuall 3 Drops but i coudl not afford it to lose my Heal/Armor for it, so Illuminator was the only viable Choice here. Illuminator is able to heal you much more yes, but also i felt like they heal for 4 and then die. So I thought fuck, 4 vs 8 Heal, god damn it. But the truth is that if Illuminator gets killed, he also soaks up additionally 4 points of Damage. Simple. To put this straight, Illuminator Heals for 4, but has unlimited potential, whereas Ice Barrier has not.


A thing worth mentioning here is, that Ice Barrier pushes your health when it gets activated while you are in Ragnaros Form and Illuminator can only heal what has been taken from you. This is a downsite that made me hesitate a long time on putting Illuminator in this Deck. So if you decide to go for the Illuminator build, keep this in mind and think about using Alexstrasza for your own face is even more important than before.

It`s hard to well which solution is the right one for you because it all comes down to either personal preferences or/and if you are experiencing a facedown rush where you cant use Illuminator or have bad RNG and you dont get the Ice Barrier in time.

 When and what to Tech, Card choices and replacements

  • Alexstrasza cant be replaced as she is too vital for this Deck as finisher and most important life saver
  • Twilight Drakes can be included for a Azure Drake. I`m not completely sold on Twilight Drakes on Mage because you cannot tap like a Handlock. Eventhough, they are insanly powerful if you can stack your Hand in control Matchups.