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Dragon Triadlock 68,2%

  • Last updated Jul 13, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6320
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/5/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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The Power of Chromaggus, Malygos and Ysera!!!


My new version of DRAGON TRIADLOCK, with Dr. Boom and more one Earthen Ring Farseer

See my deck statistics: http://hearthstats.net/decks/fantastic-4-dragonlock?locale=pt-BR

Gonna talk only about my changes in the tradicional Malygod lock

Removed the 2 Imp Gang Boss cause i need spots for Ysera and Chromaggus, and the 2 Earthen Ring Farseer can keep my early game with my Darkbomb and Mortal Coil, if aggro i can use my Ironbeak Owl too, and going to Twilight Drake and Antique Healbot out any other good choices in the 5 mana curve, like Blackwing Corruptor and Sludge Belcher to recover the game control...

Use only one Azure Drake cause with 2 we go so fast to fadigue and have so many minions in 5 mana curve, we need keep spots for the Chromaggus duplicate cards in hand

I decide to put Ysera cause of so many control decks in the ladder, and if Malygos can't give me the win, Ysera can, Chromaggus and Ysera help me keep my deck larger and duplicate key cards, like Antique Healbot, Siphon Soul, Earthen Ring Farseer and another ones, have a great sinergy with my Mortal Coil and hero power, we only need know the best time to use each one.

Dr. Boom i put cause is the best minion in 7 mana curve, and help me wen the adversary removals, keeping a better way for my dragons

If you face so many oil rogues, warriors and hunters you can try change one Ironbeak Owl for an Acidic Swamp Ooze, becoming a good choice vs others aggro decks, cause you don't have a strong minion in curve 2.



Vs Hunter, search for: Ironbeak Owl, Mortal Coil, Earthring Farseer,  Zombie Chow. Don't be afraid to use the Owls in Knife Juggler, Web Spinner, Lepper Gnome and Mad Scientist, try to survive in the early game and prepare to turn the game with your exceptional middle game.


Vs Mage, search for: Ironbeak Owl, Mortal Coil, Earthen Ring Farseer,  Zombie Chow and Twilight Drake, you need to discover what kind of mage you are facing, if Freeze try to keep your healings to use after Alexstraza, and try to keep a good control of the board, don't spam minions and stay prepare for Antonidas, a Ironbeak Owl our a Siphon Soul will be decisive. If tempo mage, try to keep a board control, if you can't prepare a AoE, these use to be a good match for you.

Vs Warrior, pray for match a patron, is a good match for you, control warriors use to be difficult, mulligan for Ironbeak Owl, Mortal Coil, Earthen Ring Farseer,  Zombie Chow and Twilight Drake, use your Ironbeak Owl to avoid warrior buy cards, your targets gonna be Acolyte of Pain, and if you face a control warrior, keep one Owl for Sylvannas, if you face patron, keep yours AoE spells to use after combo. Keep your Big Game Hunter for Dr. Boom, Ragnaros and Alexstraza.

Vs. Druid you need some lucky, is a difficult match, try to agressive him, you need always stay alert for combo damage keeping your life full with your healings, search for Big Game Hunter and keep him for turn 7, Siphon Soul is very important too, mulligan for Ironbeak Owl, Mortal Coil, Earthen Ring Farseer,  Zombie Chow and Twilight Drake.

Vs. Warlock pray to face Handlock, is a very easy match, if you face Zoo our Demonlock you gonna have some work, mulligan for Ironbeak Owl, Mortal Coil, Earthen Ring Farseer,  Zombie Chow and Twilight Drake, if Handlock play in defense only responding to the handlock moves, keep Big Game Hunter and Siphon Soul for Giants. If demonlock you need to survive, you need keep your life and wait to win with card advantage, keep in zoo and demon matchs yours AoE are very imortant, keep your Owls for eggs and Voidcallers, and your Big Game Hunter and Siphon Soul for Dr. Cabum and Malganis. 

Vs. Priest try to keep the board control, don't let him buy cards with Northshire Cleric, card advantage is very important in these match, stay alert in turn 10 for Mind Control. you need mulligan for Ironbeak Owl, Mortal Coil, Earthen Ring Farseer,  Zombie Chow and Twilight Drake, the Twillight Drake will be very important in these match, if you receive Ysera, Chromaggu our Malygos keep in hand if you can, to avoid be copy by Toughsteal.

vs Paladin mulligan for Ironbeak Owl, Mortal Coil, Earthen Ring Farseer,  Zombie Chow and Twilight Drake, is very important to keep one Owl for Tyrion, the other you can use in a Knife Juggler in early game to don't lose board control. Be prepared for a AoE every time, don't spamming minions in board.

vs Rogue you mulligan for Ironbeak Owl, Mortal Coil, Earthen Ring Farseer,  Zombie Chow and Twilight Drake, and try to never let minions in board, kill them every turn they are summoned, your healings are very important here too, to avoid a OTK, don't use to be a hard match.

vs. Shaman you mulligan for Ironbeak Owl, Mortal Coil, Earthen Ring Farseer,  Zombie Chow, don't let him spam the field with minions, the board control is the most important thing in these match.

Gonna make more comments in these deck if i have more comments here.

Thanks to all