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Control Warrior is back! Full guide

  • Last updated Aug 2, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 13660
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/1/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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About the author

My name is james0773, I have played hearthstone for over a year now and am a legend player, I have just finished my A levels so have a lot of free time on my hands xD Feel free to add me in game for any tips or advice and even some practise matches if I've got the time. james0773#2519. I also stream this deck and will be posting video links soon.

Dont forget to thumbs up if you enjoy the deck!

If you would like to watch this deck in action head over to my twitch where I Will be streaming frequently! If you would rather play an aggro deck try my aggro pally! http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/274329-easy-legend-eboladin-full-guide



*** After hitting legend I shall be coaching others to legend which shall be done via a raffle! If you're looking for help head over to my stream!

 Changes made:

ShieldmaidenHarrison Jones as suggested in comments

It time I bite the bullet and accept the second brawl into this deck xD I have removed whirlwind and replaced with brawl to improve almost every matchup :)

First of all I would like to state that this is not anything new, it is a typical control warrior ran by many. the objective of putting this on hearthpwn is to teach people how to use it and get to legend with this deck. The deck i adapted from a few other control warriors I've seen but its rare to see a guid beyond basic mulligans. So lets begin.

Starting with basic mulliganing:



Top priority: Fiery War Axe Armorsmith Cruel Taskmaster

2nd priority: Whirlwind 

Keeping a brawl is ok if you are confident it is midrange hunter and you already have very good opening moves.


 Board control. That is all. 

Top priority: Fiery War Axe Armorsmith Cruel Taskmaster

2nd priority: Death's Bite **Kill the flamewaker as soon as he plays it, do not leave it a turn is at all possible!


 Control Paladin

This matchup is in our favor however always be careful of their turn 2 shielded minibot. Ideally you would want Armorsmith and Fiery War Axe 

Top priority: Fiery War Axe Armorsmith Cruel Taskmaster

2nd priority: Whirlwind

Please note that whirlwind is for a specific purpose. Muster for battle is the perfect target, try not to use it until turn 3 incase he musters.


This matchup can vary massively all down to the opponents draws and starting hand. I played this deck last season to get legend so i am quite confident we can win this matchup with taunts, armour and of cause a little early game.

Top priority: Fiery War Axe Armorsmith Cruel Taskmaster

2nd priority: Death's Bite

Please note that whirlwind is for a specific purpose. Muster for battle is the perfect target, try not to use it until turn 3 incase he musters.


Most likely a patron warrior so you want to mulligan accordingly. Double Sludge Belcher helps a lot during this match up, 

Top priority: Fiery War Axe Armorsmith Cruel Taskmaster

2nd priority: Death's Bite Brawl



Top priority: Fiery War Axe Armorsmith  Execute Cruel Taskmaster

2nd priority: Big Game Hunter Shield Slam 

only keep Shield Block if you have shield slam. 

If possible I try to keep the handlock above 18 health, that way if he plays his giants you can pick them off one at a time, if he is playing jaraxxus he will think twice before losing the 3 health too! 


Top priority: Fiery War Axe  

2nd priority: Death's Bite Armorsmith  Cruel Taskmaster Whirlwind

Things to consider: turn 3 chances are they will play imp gang boss so death's bite will be crucial, also the implosion is almost inevitable in these decks so keep hold of whirlwind effects.


 So this is a nice matchup so long as you stop the priest getting a board at all costs! A priests hero power sucks without a good board so clear minions every turn.

Top priority: Fiery War Axe Armorsmith Cruel Taskmaster Acolyte of Pain

2nd priority: Death's Bite Shield Slam

Things to consider: injured blademaster + light of the naaru/circle of healing. northshire cleric, cabal shadow priest and worst of all MIND CONTROL (never put all your eggs in one basket by playing ragnaros without lethal or a way to counter mind control). SW: Death deserves a mention here too, if you are on turn 7 and can play boom or coin rag, always play boom to lure out a SW: Death.


Rouge is quite odd to play against because there are simply so many combinations she could use. Approximately 5% of my games have been rouge so this matchup is sort of irrelevant however 

Top priority: Fiery War Axe Armorsmith Cruel Taskmaster

2nd priority: Just mulligan for those 3.


Druid can be tough if you do not play around Force of Nature Savage Roar combo on turn 9 (now that they all run Emperor Thaurissan you may be forced to consider this on turn 7) Possibly the worst matchup I've faced but certainly not impossible. if you are facing a lot of druids I would recommend trying a different deck.

Top priority: Fiery War Axe Armorsmith Cruel Taskmaster

2nd priority: Execute


 i've actually seen no shaman decks this season thus far. for that reason i can only recommend you go for the basic mulligan rules here.

Top priority: Fiery War Axe Armorsmith Cruel Taskmaster

2nd priority: None. hard mulligan for top priority.


 Ok so now that's over and done with, onto the playstyle.

Turn 1-5 you want to maintain as much board control as possible. Use your fiery war axe's to take out minions whilst building a board with armorsmiths, do not be afraid to use your cruel taskmaster on his 1 health minions, even a 1/1 silverhand recruit is worth it as you will gain a lot of board presence where he was only able to use his hero power.

Turn 6-10 you must continue to gather board presence whilst using as many card draw mechanics as possible, popular ones include acolyte of pain with whirlwind or death's bite deathrattle. You are getting to the stage where you can drop big minions that your opponent must deal with, typically a turn 7 Dr. boom turn 8 ragnaros and turn 9 grommash hellscream will do the trick. 

Do not be afraid if you are still fighting for the board at turn 7+ just continue to do so, eventually you will find alexstrasza who can make up for any lost ground on the damage front. If you have a board on turn 9, alex then face will set up for the perfect grommash + taskmaster combo next turn! 

Turn 10+ so now that we have gotten this far the odds for most matchups have dramatically shifted in our favor. By now each turn you should have the choice between a massive minion or a few smaller ones instead. Depending on your opponent depends how you play the rest of the game out, consider all their combos ie force of nature + savage roar. would that give them lethal? can you prevent this? do you have lethal next turn? all these questions should be considered every turn.

This part of the guide I am writing for newer or older players who may just want general tips for playing warrior.

  • First of all, some of the best advice I can give is you have 90 seconds to take your turn ... use it wisely. 90% of misplays that are made by novice warrior players could have been avoided just by double checking you have enough mana, or that you don't fall one damage short when you think you have lethal. 
  • Secondly to improve your general game and skill level little tricks can be done, for example understand that armour is worth more than health. If you have a weapon you should attack first before giving yourself armour, this is because of cards that rely on your armour or health. 2 great examples are shield block and alexstraza. If you topdeck shield block but spent armour instead of health last turn you may need just one or two more armour to kill a molten giant. Then consider if you have 30 health and no armour alex will deal 15 damage to you, whereas if that same 30 health was distributed 1 health and 29 armour alex heals for 14! In short, unlike other classes its good form to use your hero ability last.


I dont have a card what can I replace it with?

Baron Geddon can be replaced with a second brawl (although i dislike it personally many players find this effective. shieldmaiden seeing as this was the last card taken out.

Alexstrasza is a very important card in this deck and wins me so many games it is unreal, with this said I would struggle to find a good replacement for alex. Because we are losing survivability I would avoid adding in another late game card like Ysera, instead think more along the lines of what do I have that could stop me dieing for another turn? Possibly another shieldmaiden, or maybe a board clear (second brawl) because if you control the board in the early game you may not need the extra survivability. 

Harrison Jones is key in this meta however I was doing just fine before i tech'ed him in, you can replace with an ooze for the battle cry and good turn 2 play or with a shieldmaiden which was the version IUran before adding Harrison.

Sylvanas or Emperor, this is the part where I begin to see just how versatile CW really is. You can use most of your good legendaries in this deck so when looking to replace either of these cards look for a good card with similar mana cost, Carine Bloodhoof is not a terrible choice because it may lure out a silence that would otherwise be used on a more important card. Another widely used substitution is piloted sky golem for its deathrattle however sylvanas is still a better minion.

Dr. Boom, ragnaros, Grommash. Even more versatility lies here in that you can use a lot of 7+ mana cards to replace these, for example Ysera can be a good replacement as can Gorehowl Chromaggus, Nefarian maybe even Kel'Thuzad? I have not tested many of the new BRM legendaries in CW so play with caution.




Q. How far can this deck get me in ranked?

A. Many people hit legend with this deck or a similar one every single season. This deck is no face hunter, you do require a lot of practise to play this deck so if you are struggling to get anywhere with it keep practising! 

Q. what about lower ranks, can I ladder with this deck?

A. Of course you can! S16 I have played this deck from rank 15 onwards, if the meta shifts to a hunter meta again I would consider running another deck, I do have a good win/loss ratio vs hunter but its far to unreliable to get win streaks.

Q. Can I replace whirlwind with Revenge?

A. Of cause you can! Many people are asking about this change to the deck so I will explain my reasoning for running whirlwind. I consider this deck to have enough tools to deal with patrons as it is. A brawl + wep will clear all his patrons for the first time. it's rare he gets 2 patron combos off but in these circumstances I can usually trade my minions into his giving him a FULL patron board all of 2 or less health. when I play geddon it will then kill them all and none spawn. The use for whirlwind is for 2 things, the first being to counter aggro pally and hunter. Turn 1 leper gnome, turn 2 haunted creeper. simply kill the haunted (however you can, wep or trade) then whirlwind to gain a good advantage. Secondly I use it to combo card draw/armour, when I have 1 or 2 armorsmith's out I can whirlwind for a lot of armor and maybe even better trades. the extra mana makes it harder to combo with playing more minions for more armor. Also consider the 3 damage AOE vs a control matchup, you are on low health, have a belcher on the board and acolytes in hand, you don't want to acolyte then revenge because of the damage your sludge will take and then kill your acolytes too.


I am working on class specific tutorials for this guide but thanks to Khristophesaurus for doing this video review of the deck!

 Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope it serves you well. Add me if you need any help at all and remember to thumbs up if you enjoyed the deck!

Good luck everyone and remember "For Khaz Modan!" james0773#2519