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  • Last updated Dec 26, 2015 (Explorers)
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  • 14 Minions
  • 16 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 9840
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 6/1/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • Bus73r
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Versions of this spectacular priest deck idea have been roaming for a good while even in pre-Naxx times, but it never had enough amount of viability. But now, after various additions, it may finally have what it takes to be not only just spectacular, but also quite competitive. Over-aggresive metas also didn't help at all in my researches on how to make this deck viable, but now I present you the latest version with which I achieved countless OTWs, leaving non-believing opponents, because usually the surprise factor is insane when you have set your hand for the blast.

Main idea of this deck is to turtle until the late stages when your hand contains huge lethal threats to be dropped every turn, while usually your ultra-defensive and reactive mid-game plus sometimes the value of multiple Shadowform usages have brought you to a safe spot to turn offensive and finish them quickly with insane bursts from Prophet Velen and Malygos. The extra spell dmg is also coming out from Bloodmage Thalnos and the 2xAzure Drakes - they are usually used during the early/mid game to help you clear the board and draw into your combos, but in some cases they are played closer to the finish allowing you to precisely calculate your killing blows and set them up.

Shadowform is still an incredibly slow card (it would have been just perfect if it costed 2 mana instead of 3), but the awesomeness of transforming your light-bearing Anduin into a dark master of destruction is exciting enough for people like me to keep trying to build something viable around it. And the late-game madness of ShadowDragon is just absolutely worth the countless tries until the deck was made in a way it wins more than it loses. Also, most of the mastery in playing Shadowform is to know when it's best to actually do it. In some matches, especially against super aggresive opponens, forming early may lose you the game. In those cases you would rather wait until your other cards had let you stabilize and just use Shadowform as a finisher. In control matchups though, Shadowform is ramping higher and higher value as the fight goes on and it could sometimes even win on its own.

With the addition of Emperor Thaurissan, the finishing potential of this deck have just gone through the roof. Depending on what is in your hand when you drop him on the board, you can have up to 34 unstoppable spell dmg for 10 mana and this is assuming that Emperor Thaurissan only survived his usual single turn. Reducing Prophet Velen and Malygos' costs lets you combo multiple Mind Blasts and Holy Smites during the same turn for incredible gimmicky wins.

The first big drop you wanna play is obviously Alexstrasza since the deck is lacking big face dmg before the final bursts. She will also draw some heavy removal so you could play your other win conditions safer. Without Emperor Thaurissan, you have the usual Prophet VelenMind BlastHoly Smite turn for 14 dmg, MalygosHoly Smite for 7 dmg or even Azure Drake + Bloodmage ThalnosMind Blast + Holy Smite for another 11 dmg all for 10 mana. All the possible spell dmg combos can be calculated to finish the opponent, but even if they do not, they leave solid bodies on board after dealing their initial direct dmg, which often leads to the win through pure value. Remember that Prophet Velen doubles your output just AFTER spell dmg is calculated so playing him with any of your other +spell dmg minions could create explosions of dmg. I also ended up playing multiple 7+ Holy Novas with Malygos on board for extra fun. Prophet Velen can be used in multiple ways, but you mainly want him to just appear and be rid of your opponent in the same turn. Prophet Velen also doubles your hero power so playing him with an upgraded Shadowform gets your pings to 6.

One warning though - this deck is tough to play and often requires difficult decisions to be made in the right time in order to reach your winning conditions with no direct threats for your own life. Crucial Wild Pyromancer board clears can automatically win you games against aggro if you do them on-spot. With the addition of Lightbomb, the deck is even more comfortable going into late game. Remember that +spell dmg also applies on Lightbomb!

Matchups and mulligans (in order of importance):

Druid (Dark CultistSen'jin ShieldmastaShadowform, Holy Smite, Shadow Word: Pain): Your Wild Pyromancer will most probably be useless until you have some greater combo-potential so do not keep him unless you have some jackpot hand of activators including Power Word: Shield and Holy Smite. Setting up early defenses and relentlessly fighting for the board is key, draw silences before Sylvanas Windrunner, drop Emperor Thaurissan as early as possible. When your life reaches combo-danger, preferably defend than go for a huge, but non-killing blow with spell dmg. It's eaither you or him in the later stages, depending on how quickly and efficiently you can drop your huge finishers as the surprise factor they bring can catch him preparing to end your own life next turn, never to see it. On the other hand, the nowadays nearly exctinct Mill-Druid can give you lots of trouble if he manages to mill one or more of your main threats.

Hunter (Wild Pyromancer, Shadow Word: Pain, Power Word: Shield if you already have your Wild Pyromancer, Holy Smite, Dark Cultist): You absolutely need a good part of your early game in your starting hand to have a chance against face hunters. Managing to wipe up their early pests will let you draw into your ultra-defensive mid-game cards and often make them rage-quit before you even start your own show time. Never keep Shadowform and don't go into it until you are safe to turn offensive. I actually won quite a lot of games after taking 40+ damage in my face, my deck has what it takes for a good trench warfare until my brainless enemy is completely shut down. A bit of luck is needed ofc, because hunters sometimes just win the topdeck lottery and you can't to anything. Mid-range hunters are just a bit more difficult to hold off and Holy Fire plus trying to do as many heavy-clearing combos as possible will guide your ass through.

Mage (Shadow Word: PainHoly SmiteWild PyromancerPower Word: ShieldDark Cultist against Mech/Cancer Mage and Shadow Word: PainDark Cultist, ShadowformSen'jin Shieldmasta, against Freeze, but you basicly don't try to guess and go for as much early game as possible): The question here is whether to keep Shadowform or is it safe to play it if the mage is Mech/Cancer. There is no universal truth here since it has yielded controversial results so far. Safer play is to avoid it, but if you draw it, use it with extreme care - it can win or lose you the match. Smart removal of early pesky mechs, maximized Wild Pyromancer turns and efficiently luring opponent's own counters before end-game - if done right, your win-rate post turn 10 is close to 100%. Freeze mages are a bit easier to deal with since you don't really provide that much minion threats for them to dump their counters on and an on-curve Emperor Thaurissan should allow you to show the best of your OTW potential and leave them speechless if not Ice Blocked. If they did, pop it efficiently and sustain yourself. Shadowform is your most valuable card against Freeze-mage so use it as soon as possible if you see they play that.

Paladin (Wild Pyromancer, Holy Smite, Shadow Word: Pain, Power Word: Shield if you already have your Wild Pyromancer, Dark Cultist, Holy Nova): Bad match by default. Their early game plays well into yours and vice-versa. That's why, if you don't manage to pull out a neat combo clear, you will have to wait for Holy Nova as they will usually not have minions with more than 2 health at turn 5. Shadow Word: Pain their Shielded Minibots and clear as much dudes as possible when nearing mid-game - best done if you already managed to Shadowform. Often though, even your increased defensive capabilities will leave him with an unpleasant board going into late-game, so ulitlize your Lightbomb well and a Mind Control or a type of silence can be added to increase your chance against paladins in general. The new dragon-paladin decks are also quite tough to tackle with and most times it comes down to just what Nefarian will give him. Most chances are on his side if you don't have at least one of your finishers on board when this happens.

Priest (Shadow Word: Pain, Wild PyromancerBloodmage ThalnosHoly SmiteShadowformDark Cultist): To make it clear - you will never encounter a deck like this one against you and being that unique sometimes leaves fellow priests clueless until it's too late. You should use this to your advantage and try to minimize their early techs - Shadow Word: Pain any Northshire Clerics, Bloodmage Thalnos/Wild PyromancerHoly Smite an early unhealed Injured Blademaster and only clear the board if you won't leave a Northshire Cleric alive. Shadowform as soon you can do so without falling behind too much. Your absolute dream is a doubled Shadowform on turn 3/4/5 with no huge threats against you. Beware of Mind Control when you start dropping big cards - make sure they do some harm before his next turn, which is mostly achievable with an early Emperor Thaurissan. 50/50 for you in best case though if the priest is the ultimate-thief-style deck. You could consider including your own Cabal Shadow Priest or Mind Control to increase chances.

Rogue (Shadow Word: PainHoly SmiteWild PyromancerDark CultistSen'jin Shieldmasta: Even if you play your perfect early game, an oil rogue can give you trouble if you don't defend efficiently later. Your timely taunts are crucial and should be targets of Power Word: Shield instead of your Wild Pyromancer unless you really need the combo. Even if it does not feel too safe to Shadowform, you better do it because this match becomes a race when you both have combos in your hands, much like druid matchup, it's either you or him and you should prepare to burst him down before he does.

Shaman (Shadow Word: PainDark CultistShadowformSen'jin ShieldmastaHoly Smite): By far your best matchup since your Shadowform and removal tricks are totally wrecking his totems. It's not wrong to keep Wild Pyromancer too - he can do wonders if the shaman is Mech or Murloc. Even with his possible Powermace combo, you should manage to cope with what is thrown at you until late-game when the shaman stands no chance if he is not entirely dominating the board.

Warlock (Shadow Word: PainHoly SmiteWild PyromancerPower Word: ShieldSen'jin ShieldmastaDark Cultist against Zoo/Demonlock and ShadowformDark CultistSen'jin ShieldmastaShadow Word: Death against Handlock): You should also consider keeping Shadow Madness if you already drew some early game, because it plays really nasty into Zoo's early minions and also Demonlock's Voidcallers. Basicly Zoo is a good matchup, but chances against Handlock are that you have set your finishing combo up before their extreme late-game board wrecks you. Against Zoo, you try to kill their board efficiently and then let it crush into your taunts and Emperor Thaurissan before you start actually attacking. They will usually have low enough health for you to finish them even if you did not manage to entirely cope with their board. Handlocks will give you your precious 4 turns to set your positions, dream is again double Shadowform which will let you kill his incoming big drops with the immense help of your hero power (Holy Fire + ping = 7/8 dmg for 8 mana - kill Dr. Boom or a Giant without any spell dmg bonuses). Keep his health above 15 if you are not capable of sealing it in 1 turn. Save your Lightbomb to make him cry if Molten Giants are slammed down and taunted.

Warrior (Shadow Word: PainDark CultistSen'jin ShieldmastaShadowform, Holy Smite): Control warriors are a decent matchup for you as long as you Shadowform early and not let them put too much armor on. Most of the times if you just drop Alexstrasza before they do - game is yours. Patron/Berserk Warriors are more tricky and you should always be aware of your board and health's current vulnerabilities to Warsong CommanderFrothing Berserker and Grim Patron possible combos. You also want to Shadowform early and even double it to wreck his low-health minions. You don't want to waste your taunts to weapons or too early so play them smart. Also after a mad Grim Patron turn, your Lightbomb is usually the only way to completely clear the mess unless you can combo your Holy Nova with Bloodmage Thalnos or an Azure Drake. Wild Pyromancer is close to useless here so you will rarely end up using his combo in your favor, rather play him as a simple 3/2 which is not that bad against Patron/Berserk Warriors.

Basicly what you can add/adjust in this deck against current/future metas is adding even more defense to it - second Lightbomb, second Sludge Belcher, second Antique Healbot, second Shadow Word: Death, Big Game Hunter and even Sunwalker. But if control decks become more popular in the future, with this already being in your favor by default, you can increase your deck's late-game versatility with adding Dr. BoomRagnaros the Firelord or Ysera. Include Faceless Manipulator for extra fun, but it will probably make you more fragile and situational.

Here is one neat example of what your finishing hand may look like sometimes, the guy could never guess he was already cooked:


That's it for now, thank you for checking this out! I can't promiss you any consistency above rank 6 (the highest I have ever achieved using this deck), maybe due to the meta as a whole, maybe the survivability against ultra-aggressive opponents is still not perfectly rounded, but... Have fun playing my signature deck - one of the most gimmicky ways to win out there!

*Edit (July) Added Vol'jin as it was suggested in the comments, but he only fits into the Sludge Belcher spot. Testing showed good results though, especially against handlocks and other priests.