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Cling to Life Paladin

  • Last updated Sep 2, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 5620
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/2/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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What type of deck is this?

I've heard of Aggro, Tempo, Midrange, and Control.  I originally made this deck to put up a fight against Control decks (Wallet Warrior before Naxxramas).


This deck ended up as a Control deck that is also a direct counter to Face Hunter (There were a lot of Face Hunters).  But with the necessary inclusion of Equality x2 to compete with Midrange decks, this deck become surprisingly resilient against Midrange and Control thanks to its ability to use Health Restoration and Humility to stall and setup the board for a complete board clear with the all mighty Equality Consecration combo.


This is a high end Control deck with heavy Face tech (Antique Healbot, Holy Light, Seal of Light, Tuskarr Jouster, Guardian of Kings, Lay on Hands).  This is a deck where you will do a lot of thinking throughout the match.  The question you'll be answering is, how do I not die?


Why would you use this deck?

  1. This deck does not rely on owning multiple Legendary Minions.  But does need the likes of Tirion Fordring to compete in matchups against control (Will likely include Eadric the Pure to assist Tirion).
  2. Always wins against Face Hunter.  This deck's high density of healing and cycling allow you to consistently win against Face decks.  Beating a Face Hunter does take some practice though (Not blindly triggering traps, keeping low minion count, not killing Haunted Creeper if you can't kill one of the Spectral Spiders, actively cycle for cards).
  3. It is much harder to draw a bad hand.  The stall strategy combined with card cycle allows this deck to transition smoothly to turns 7+.
  4. This deck has a heavy Paladin theme, with its heavy use of class cards, Knights, weapons, and heals.  But a couple of added tech cards do not fit the theme (Spellbreaker and Big Game Hunter).
  5. You will never run out of cards in your hand.  You will run out of cards in your deck before that happens.
  6. You will often drop to extremely low health, and end up winning at full health.  As the name suggests, you will be at death's door and be brought back to life.


Vocabulary used in Guide

  • Active Defense - Targeted Removal and Charge minions, cards that remove enemy minions on the turn they are played.
  • Core Card -  Cards that a deck needs to be viable.  For example, most low curve decks use Dr. Boom as a core card, they need to play it once their hands fizzle to be able to finish off the opponent.  This deck can't function without a large amount of healing and stalling in an aggressive meta which is why it relies on amazing Dr. Boom level cards to compete.
  • Cute -  Inconsistent card that can grant a large advantage to the user.  Often RNG based, but can also be condition based.  They are win more cards.
  • Face - Decks that avoid trading and instead attack the opposing hero, I'm often just referring to Face Hunters.
  • Face Tech - Cards used to counter Face, in other words, healing.  Face decks struggle against decks that heal face because Face decks often can only achieve 40+ damage.
  • Passive Defense - Taunt minions.  They do not remove minions on the turn played but instead protect face and minions using taunt.
  • Fast - Cheap mana cost.  Let's you deal with aggressive decks before they overrun you.  Become underwhelming in the lategame, purely meant to keep you alive.
  • Slow - Expensive mana cost.  To be used in the lategame once your opponent's aggro engine has run out of steam.
  • Tech - Cards used to directly counter specific cards or decks.  Usually only 1 copy is added.
  • Utility - Cards that do not directly damage.  Often low mana spells.  Add flexibility to a deck.


General Strategy

Your objective is to stall until the lategame.  Your strategy is to break your opponent's cards, not his face.  One of the main strengths of this deck is its variety of removal and its ability to cycle with Hammer of Wrath and Holy Wrath, which allows it to consistently shut down aggression.  By neutralizing the opponent's tempo, this deck is easily able to transition into playing hard to remove bodies.  This deck is unmatched in the fatigue game.

Early Removal - These are the first cards you will play.  You want to mulligan for these cards, so don't keep those 5+ mana cost cards.  High mana cards are more useful to you when tucked inside the deck.

  • Argent Lance x1-  Fast.  Truesilver Champion's little brother.  Great against aggro.
  • Seal of Light x2-  Core Card.  Flexible.  Let's your two weapons do serious work by extending damage range by 2.  Can double as Knife Juggler removal.  Offers much needed health.
  • Truesilver Champion x2-  Core card.  Insane control for the 4 mana slot.  Too slow to deal with small minions.
  • Hammer of Wrath x2-  Powerful utility.  Very slow.  Unaffected by Taunts.  Cycles.  Deals well with more expensive minions (Grim Patron, Piloted Shredder, etc).
  • Consecration x2-  Core card.  Shuts down minion floods.  Combos with Equality.

Slow Removal - High mana cost removal for the lategame.

  • Big Game Hunter x1-  Ragnaros Tech.  Must run 1 copy.  Often used against Dr. Boom or Giants.
  • Holy Wrath x1-  Slow.  Cute card.  Run only 1.  Highly dependent on mana curve.  Same strengths as Hammer of Wrath.  This deck is built around it, odds favor 4+ damage.
  • Argent Commander x2-  Active defense.  Can double as sticky pressure on an empty board.
  • Avenging Wrath x1-  Active defense.  Combos with Equality.  Effective against many small minions and Bubbles.  Can double as finisher.  Removed to adapt to current meta.

Threats (5+ Mana)When you are not dying, play threats.  Play on curve, maintain your health at 15+ to avoid burst finishers, and summon Silver Hand Recruits when you can.

  • Sen'jin Shieldmasta x2-  Core Card.  Shields face.  Solid 4 drop.  Absorbs damage, kills threats, and can pressure and empty board.
  • Defender of Argus x1- Shields face.  Turns board control into a shield wall when facing those pesky face decks.
  • Tuskarr Jouster x2-  Core Card.  A strong body for the 5 mana slot to play on curve when dealing against control decks or combo decks.
  • Antique Healbot x1- Face Tech.  Reliable sustain, weak body.  Do not omit this card.
  • Sunwalker x1-  Slow.  Passive defense.  Vulnerable to silence and transformation.  Highly recommend you run no more than 1.
  • Grand Crusader x1-  Being tested.  Strong 5/5 body that generates card advantage.  Been having a lot of fun with this card.  It has already given me so many basic spells, high quality rares, and legendary minions.
  • Guardian of Kings x2-  Slow.  Active defense.  Heal buys time.  Big body for the lategame.
  • Tirion Fordring x1-  Slow.  Ace Card.  Passive defense.  Vulnerable to silence and transformation.  To be used only as last resort.  Deathrattle allows for more powerful control range with a mana free 5/3 weapon to be combined with other removal or face heal.

Utility - If you can't kill them.  Stall.  Low cost cards that restore health, defuse big minions, and offer other interesting utility.

  • Holy Light x1-  Fast.  Modular heal.  Offers much needed time early on in aggro matchups.
  • Equality x2-  Core card.  Must run two copies.  Combos with Consecration and Avenging Wrath for full board clear.  Use sparingly.
  • Aldor Peacekeeper x1-  Fast.  Threat Control.  Currently running only 1.
  • Eadric the Pure x1-  Being tested.  Global threat control.  To stall against high attack threats hiding behind  Annoy-o-Trons.
  • Lay on Hands x1-  Slow.  Draw engine.  Powerful sustain, digs for utility and health restoration like Holy Light.


Recent  / Future Changes - I have recently removed Avenging Wrath.  Added Grand Crusader.  I have removed 1 copy of Aldor Peacekeeper due to lack of need for single target diffuse, the easily removed 3/3 body, and to strengthen Jousting.  Removed 1 copy of Sunwalker because it is very often a dead card (Polymorph, Hex, Silence), .  I have also removed Spellbreaker to see if the deck can perform better without silence.


What am I using? - The exact posted decklist.  Will likely replace this section with a "noteworthy replacements" for players who do not own all cards in this deck.


ConclusionIf you are either interested in playing Paladin, making Face Hunters cry, or playing big minions,  If you have no neutral legendaries.  If you want to play with big hands.  If you want to play with a deck that competes with every type of deck, Aggro, Midrange, Tempo, and Control.  Give this deck a try.