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[Top 50 NA] Legend Grim Patron Warrior with Dra...

  • Last updated Apr 25, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 4320
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/23/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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Legend proof:

Hello everyone. It is my first time hitting legend since playing Hearthstone beta. I usually ran Tempo/Freeze Mage. However, I have been having a hard time getting to legend ever since. I decided to switch to another deck. I wanted to counter face hunters and zoo so I decided to experiment with the Grim Patron Warrior deck. I removed the usual win-axes for two dragon eggs. I noticed that the axes are good removal (2 mana for 6 damage, remove two small minions) but most of the time, i lose too much hp and get burst down by hunter/zoo. This deck completely dominates the hunter/zoolock matchup. It is usually effective against midrange paladin, oil rouge, and midrange druid. It's weaknesses are control warrior, freeze mage (any mage deck with lots of AoE eg. flamestrike, blizzard). Otherwise, it can take you to legend without much grinding. I personally went from rank 3 to legend losing only 3-4 time. I apologize though because I didn't track my stats.


Face Hunter: Keep Egg, Ghoul, Cruel Taskmaster, Armorsmith 

Tips: Keep Armorsmith alive as long as you can while trading for minions. Gaining armor and having board control is key to winning this match up. When hunter play explosive trap, don't trigger it immediately if you don't have Armorsmith down. You could also play a Grim Patron and have it duplicated since it survives the 2hp damage.

Zoolock: Similar to Face hunter but keep Deathbite if you have coin to counter Imp Gang Boss, Nerubian, Imps from Implosion and possibly Void Caller. You can also keep whilwind if you have minions to play before turn 4.

Tips on wining match-up: Usual Board control is key, drawing comes second. Keep Crush/Execute for the Sea Giants/Boom

Oil Rouge: Keep Egg, Ghoul, Acolyte and Inner Rage if you have the Acolyte in hand, Armorsmith.

Tips on wining match-up: Maintain boardcontrol and burst when in range with Grim Patron/Warsong Combo/Whilwind/Deathbite/Inner Rage. The rouge is usually at low health since she uses her face to remove your minions. Playing Thaurissan when you have said combo cards in hand is key, not only in this match-up but on every match-up.

Midrange Druid: Keep Egg, Cruel Taskmaster if you have Egg, Armorsmith or Acolyte in Hand. If you have coin and both Acolyte and Taskmaster, keep them. Play them on turn 4. Save your execute and crush for taunts. Ready your Deathbite deathrattle on before his turn 5 so you can kill belcher. Ignore Piloted Shredders if you can. Takes too much effort to clear that and the 2 drop. Play Egg, Acolyte behind Ghoul to bait out wrath. Then your Grim Patrons will be somewhat safe from removal in the later turns. Get atleast two card draws from Acolyte with inner rage, taskmaster and cruel. Try hard not to lose steam. 

Handlock: Keep Egg, Acolyte, Taskmaster, Armorsmith, Frothing, possibly execute and crush if you have minions. Focus on early aggro to force him to play cards. The usual egg combo or an early frothing will do. Do not put him below 15hp unless you can burst him down the next turn. Grom + Deathbite is good finisher. Draw as much as you can and do not overcommit the board since he has shadowflame. Play at least 3 to 4 minions at a time unless you can reload quickly the next turn.


Control Warrior: Be aggressive and try to burst him down before turn 6 where he can play shieldmaidens and put the game out of your reach. Try to bait out his brawl early with the Egg combo so your Grim Patrons can be relatively safe in the later turns.

Midrange Paladin: Keep Ghoul, Armorsmith, Egg, Acolyte and task if you have those other cards in hand. Ghoul trades with juggler, kills any 1-1s. Egg + Task is a great opening. Boardcontrol is key. Keep whirlwind and deathbite if you have those key minions. don't overcommit the board because of equality+consecrate. You should be able to kill him before turn 8 with the combo.

I haven't fought any shamans and priest with this deck so I don't know how it matches up. I ran into a lone priest on the way up. They usually play so slow and reactively. Try to draw as much as you can while pressuring early with Egg+taskmaster. Don't use Grim Patron Combo if you can't kill him immediately. He can lightbomb them and clear the board. Usual finisher is Warsong/Grim/Frothing/Whirlwind Combo. Best time to do this is when his board is full without taunts. You can make the frothing oneshot him.

I might make a twitch account in the future so you can watch me play there. I might upload a video too. 

Card replacements:


i usually have a damaged minion so Crush is usually 3 mana. I like it better that execute since I don't have to damage the minion initially before i can execute. I just run one since it is very situational but is useful to get past that last taunt or a big minion when you top deck this in the later turns.

Rampage/any card draw eg. Gnomish

I put this card in as a wildcard. People don't normally see this card in warrior decks and it usually works on a damaged egg after you taskmastered it. Works on Grim patron that you want to trade to a minion that could potentially kill it. Works on Grommash for that extra damage. Play it on an acolyte when you know the opponent is prepping to kill him next turn with a dark bomb or waraxe. Basically, use it to save minions from being oneshot by removal or minions. Especially useful on a damaged acolyte since the opponent has to hit it multiple time to kill and on Egg too.

Ask me in the comments section and I will respond. Happy climbing and God bless.

edit: took out rampage for revenge. experimenting with one.


watch me play here: http://www.twitch.tv/dirkval