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Death's Fury - Baron Rivendare Bloodlust/Deathr...

  • Last updated May 7, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 2540
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/5/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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Well, looks like I have enough views and likes... To the video making process!

Oh, and before I start, feel free to check out my friend Stormfrost's GvG Giants Mage

This is an experimental deck I made based off of other popular Bloodlust Shaman decks. It utilizes sticky minions like Haunted Creeper, Nerubian Egg, and Piloted Shredder to make sure you always have minions on the board for the Bloodlust combo. This deck started off as more of a standard bloodlust shaman, similar to the one played on Day[9]'s Hearthstone Decktacular: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5oDWSE1ONg 

This deck does require Curse of Naxxramas, but without the legendary (Sylvanas Windrunner, whom I don't find entirely necessary, see the end of Card-by-Card analysis), the deck costs 1040 dust, making it relatively cheap for those starting out in Hearthstone. 

This deck differs in regards to a few minions, primarily Sylvanas Windrunner and Baron Rivendare. I am a big fan of the Deathrattle Shaman popular after the release of Naxxramas, and decided to merge two similar decks. The average Bloodlust shaman already has a multitude of Deathrattles to keep minions on the board, so I use Baron Rivendare to increase the potential of these Deathrattle cards. The more babies the Nerubian Egg makes, the better it is.

Basic Playstyle

At its core, this deck plays similarly to other shaman decks. The goal is to establish board control and use minions like Azure Drake, Fire Elemental, and Sludge Belcher to slowly, but consistently deal damage to your opponent. Make sure to summon totems whenever possible, as it makes more damage forBloodlust. Look for Nerubian Eggs, Haunted Creepers, and Piloted Shredders in your opening hand, as these cards are extremely good for establishing tempo. Mana Tide Totem and Azure Drake are very good for gaining cards because shaman has little card draw on its own. Remember that Flametongue Totem and Defender of Argus synergize extremely well with Nerubian Egg, especially if you also have Baron Rivendare on board. An important part of this deck is to establish board control, remember that most of your cards have deathrattles to summon other minions making it effective to trade minions one for one because of the value from getting other minions. 

Possible Modifications

So if this gets drowned out with other comments, this deck was posted in my comments by futhead_gladiatorrrrrr as a possible variation to stop facehunter: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/239697-shaman-bloodburst-deathrattle

I use Sylvanas Windrunner due to her synergy with the nature of the deck, but other legendaries can be used. This is mostly due to me being a casual player with horrid luck. I've played the game since about release time and unpacked a grand total of two legendaries (Tinkmaster Overspark and Lorewalker Cho). But enough with the self pity: Dr. Boom and Loatheb both make excellent choices for the deck, because both are simply solid cards. Dr. Boom is preferred because he makes more minions for the Bloodlust combo.

So after much testing (and a few comments) I changed the 2 x Defender of Argus to 1 Defender of Argus and 1 Sunfury Protector, as the biggest complaint (and problem) with the deck is it's relatively poor match-up against face hunter. 

(For those of you who don't know, face hunter is a type of hunter built to win really fast by only attacking your "face", or hero, directly. This makes taunts very good against it.)

As suggested by ApexHawk, the Sludge Belchers can be substituted out for a Reincarnate and Loatheb

Card-by-Card Analysis

Earth Shock - While only one is used, Earth Shock is very important to this deck, it allows you to silence taunts out of the way to finish off the enemy or silence large threats like enemy Sylvanas or other legendaries.

Lightning Bolt - This is simple efficient damage you can use to take down enemies like ArmorsmithNorthshire Cleric, and Mechwarper. I recommending keeping this in your opening hand in most match-ups.

Rockbiter Weapon - When I was first building this deck, I considered removing this card, but after several games I decided that it is incredibly important to this deck. It gives your small minions an additional 3 attack, allowing Spectral Spiders and Nerubian Eggs to take out larger targets. 

Crackle - One of the most powerful GvG cards (in my opinion), Crackle is vital to any shaman deck, with this one being no exception. It ranges from a Darkbomb to a Fireball in damage for only 2 mana. It can be used in combination with the spell damage options of Wrath of Air Totem and Azure Drake. I use this card as removal and burn about equally, depending on the situation. The biggest problem with Crackle is that it's a gamble, usually I calculate it as 4 damage, but make sure I have the damage on board to back it. Do not rely on Crackle rolling high.

Flametongue Totem - Likely the the second highest value card in the entire deck, Flametongue Totem has great synergy with cards like Haunted Creeper and Nerubian Egg. In combination with Haunted Creeper or the baby Spectral Spiders makes them much more useful for trading, giving each of these minions 3 attack. In some scenarios, you can get a line of 2-4 Spectral Spiders and use the closest one, have it die, and have the next one in line move up and get the +2 attack. Nerubian Egg is very

Hex - Hex is a very powerful card, allowing you to destroy any minion and replace it with a 0/1 Taunt. While the taunt can be annoying in many scenarios, it's far better than a raging Ragnaros, the Firelord. Or Deathwing. Or Dr. Boom. Frogs are better than a lot of things. Also Haunted Creepers beat them. I recommend mulliganing this away, Lightning Bolt and Crackle are both better early removal options.

Lightning Storm - I use two Lightning Storms in this deck, mostly because of Facehunter and Mechmage being as popular as they are on the ladder right now. While sometimes you only need one per game, having two in the deck doubles the chance that you will draw one when you need it.

Mana Tide Totem - The shaman class has always had a problem with card draw, being as dependent on playing minions as it is. I use two Mana Tide Totems as opposed to the standard one because I find it makes the deck more consistent. Mana Tide Totem follows the same rules as Lightning Storm, having two in the deck increases the chance you will get one of them. These can also be used to absorb enemy removal, as most players respect the value of the card and will try to get rid of it. Most players also don't expect you to have two in your deck, as many Shaman decks only use one. Try to protect your Mana Tide Totem with taunts and larger minions.

Bloodlust - This card could easily be considered the core of the deck. Bloodlust is a finisher or a way to to deal huge damage to the enemy board or hero. Try to clear taunts before you play Bloodlust, as they get in the way of your damage. Bloodlust becomes card efficient at about three minions and mana efficient at about four minions. I try to have at least four or five minions before I Bloodlust just to deal damage. Using it for lethal damage, I calculate it as 3 x # of minions on the board, assuming the enemy has no taunts.

Fire Elemental - Fire Elemental is a fantastic standalone card, it comes into play as a 6/5 minion and a free lightning bolt. This three damage is very powerful, allowing you to clear minions like a Slime summoned by Sludge Belcher, or a Frog from Hex. I mainly use this three damage to deal with little taunt creatures or annoying small minions put down during the late game.

Haunted Creeper - When we talk about value, very few cards in Hearthstone match Haunted Creeper, especially in this deck. It works great with Bloodlust, because it creates two 1/1 Spectral Spiders, and with Baron Rivendare it gets you four 1/1 spiders from a 2 mana card.

Nerubian Egg - Probably my personal favorite Naxxramas card, this card is a staple of the deck and many other deathrattle-based decks. I usually play it whenever I get the chance, it provides a threat of the enemy tries to clear you board, and it makes a perfect target for Defender of Argus and Flametongue Totem.

Baron Rivendare - Along with Bloodlust I consider Baron Rivendare the core of this deck. He is one of the biggest threats in the deck if you play him at the right time. I like to play it in combination with a ready to attack Piloted ShredderHaunted Creeper, or Nerubian Egg. There are some fun clips of Sylvanas Windrunner and Baron Rivendare, but I often find that this combination is difficult to make work.

One of the best games I played with this deck,  I played two Nerubian Eggs,Defender of Argus on turn 4, and Baron Rivendare on turn 5 before killing both eggs on my opponent's minions and spawning four 4/4 Nerubians. My opponent then conceded.

Defender of Argus - This card can seem out of place in the deck list, but if you've read the other card breakdowns, it's uses are pretty varied. I like to use this card with my Nerubian Eggs or Haunted Creepers, as I've said before, but it works well with most cards in the deck. I would avoid using it on your Flametongue Totem or Mana Tide Totem.

Piloted Shredder - One of the community favorites from GvG, this just a solid value card. I also really like this one with Baron Rivendare. And if you get another Nerubian Egg, you're happy, same with Succubus.

Azure Drake - Azure Drake follows the same rule as many of the other neutral cards in the deck, it has very high value, especially in this deck. As Crackle and Lightning Storm both have varying damage, Azure Drake can be used to bring up the minimum damage on these cheaper removal spells. The card draw is also very good for the late game of this deck.

Sludge Belcher - Another solid card from Naxxramas, Sludge Belcher is great late game body as it keeps minions on the board, even after it dies by making a 1/2 Slime. Once you hit turn five to seven, you begin to run low on cards usually, you can use Sludge Belchers to protect your Mana Tide Totem while you refill you hand. If they use removal on the Mana Tide Totem, it means they aren't using removal on the sludge belchers; and of course, vice versa. Baron Rivendare can make lots of little Taunt Slimes which is a lot of fun.

Sylvanas Windrunner -  The only actual legendary in the entire, which I feel is impressive considering the winrate with this deck, Sylvanas is a very power part of the deck, though I do not find her necessary to play the deck, as about 80% or more of games, I don't even play her. She works very well with Baron Rivendare, as she takes control of two minions, rather than one. Don't be afraid toCrackle your own Sylvanas the turn you play her if you have Rivendare. She might hate you more than the Lich King at that point, but hey, it's probably worth it, right?


I will keep this updated with my current rank and any changes I make to the deck. 

Good Luck! Feel free to ask questions in the comments or simply suggest changes. If anyone get's high in ranked, let me know, as it would be pretty cool for me.