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Simplexity's Mech Aggro [Legend]

  • Last updated Feb 17, 2015 (Undertaker Nerf)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 5 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: None
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 3080
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 2/14/2015 (Undertaker Nerf)
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Trump played my deck on stream on 2/13 (-1 Earth Shock, +1 Hex) and went from Rank 3 to Legend.

2/17 Update: Updated Class Matchup section
2/16 Update: Added Gameplan section
2/14 Update: Added FAQ/Formatting

 Hey guys, I'm Simplexity and I'm a huge Shaman fan and play it almost exclusively. I was pretty excited when I saw Purpledrank and Firebat having some success with the Mech Shaman deck they popularized. I had tried Mech Aggro Shaman when GvG first came out, but a much lower curved deck with Jeeves - it wasn't great.

I tried this current version when their list first came out. Although the theme of it has some merit, I felt the list could be improved and it felt like a true 50% deck after playing it for a couple days. I couldn't get it to work that consistently, and I even saw Firebat and other streamers playing not having great success. I felt the deck could be refined a bit better, and I changed the list and coasted to Legend in a couple days from Rank 4.

Here's my liststats of climb, 40-22, and proof. Here's also a VoD of me playing it with commentary from Rank 3 to Rank 1.

The differences from Purpledrank/Firebat's List

While the deck retains much of the same styles and themes of Firebat/Purpledrank's list, I changed the list by 6 cards, and I'll go over the rationale behind those changes.

+2 Bomb Lobber, -2 Azure Drake

This is the most drastic of the changes, but I strongly feel that Azure Drakes are incorrect. While they do provide a bit more sustainability, this deck is never going to out-late game any midrange or control deck. Even vs aggro decks like Mech Mage and Hunter you are often the beatdown. Azure Drake loses a ton of tempo by playing a 4/4 for 5.

While this deck has some reach, it's not as potent as Mage reach and the deck gets completely shut down the instant you lose the board. Bomb Lobber keeps the board and has the most immediate impact of any 5 drop. While Drake can dig for a finisher on turn 8+, often those games are already decided. The Spell Power from Drake is pretty much negligible as well as you don't run the amount of spells that Midrange Shaman does.

+2 Harvest Golem, -1 Tinkertown Technician, -1 Mechanical Yeti

Spare Parts do practically nothing for this deck. For that reason, although TTT will be great if you can drop him on turn 3 when you already have a Mech, more often than not your opponent has an answer for Mechwarper or Whirling on turn 2, and you don't play Clockwork Gnome to coin him out when going second either. Harvest Golem has synergy with Flametongue (which isn't stellar in this deck tbh), and a reliable target for a Powermace buff. Also, it can be ramped out by Mechwarper, which is relevant. Yeti is a fine card, but Shredder is the stronger overall 4 drop and has synergy with Flametongue.

+1 Loatheb, -1 Lava Burst

Lava Burst is good when used as burn. If you ever have to use it as removal though, it's pretty expensive and hurts your tempo too much. Taunts aren't too much of a problem since you do go for board control through turn 5 even in control matchups, so reach beyond taunts didn't seem necessary. Loatheb is also just fantastic in aggressive decks and is pretty much never bad. He also contests Sludge Belcher very well which can be a problem for this deck. It also provides an alternate turn 5 option since Bomb Lobber is a bit situational.

+1 Earth Shock, -1 The Black Knight

Earth Shock is just a way more flexible card than Black Knight. While Black Knight obviously deals with taunts better than ES does, ES still lets you bypass taunts and also a good portion of the meta aren't running taunts. ES is never a dead card, and even using it as a 1 damage Moonfire isn't the worst in a class that can't ping.


Early Game (turns 1-4)
  • Mulligan for Cogmaster, Mechwarper and Powermace.
  • Build up a strong board as quickly as possible. Play for tempo over getting in quick damage.
  • Get value out of Mechwarper. While it may be tempting to coin out Mechwarper, it's incorrect to so if you don't have a follow-up play in case it's removed. In those cases it depends It does depend on matchup though, and knowing what removals each class normally plays is beneficial. Paladins and Hunters can almost never remove a coined out Mechwarper. Most Priests don't run [card]Shadow Word: Pain/[card] or only one copy so a coin Mechwarper is pretty safe.
  • While an early Whirling Zap-o-matic into Flametongue Totem could possibly net you 10 early damage, it's too easy to lose the board after once Zappy is removed.
  • The winner of the early game in aggro vs aggro matchups is highly favored to win the game.
  • Curve out well and plan your first few turns (this starts at the mulligan!), toteming early or floating mana is disastrous with this deck.

Midgame (turns 4-6)

  • If facing aggro, continue controlling board. You'll have a more powerful midgame than pretty much any other aggro deck with Bomb Lobber and Fire Elemental. Flametongue Totem can also help trade up.
  • If facing a slower deck, look for opportunities to commit to their face to finish the game as this deck will never win the long game. Once you commit, do not change plans as you will never win the long game. Often the turning point is when they put down a minion that is troublesome to deal with (Sylvanas, Dr. Boom, even Piloted Shredder), that's when you should turn on the jets and go face.
  • Plan out your weapon charges. Managing your weapon charges is important. Usually you want to get value out of Powermace by swinging at minions, but if you need to swing face just to buff a mech because you may not have another one in hand you should do it. If you have Doomhammer in hand, get your Powermace charges out of the way by the time you may want to Doomhammer.
  • Avoid toteming still if you can. Do not worry about your hand size dwindling as your should be looking to end the game soon.
  • Cash in on damage from Whirling Zap-o-matic or Flametongue Totem if you're ahead on board.

Endgame (turns 7+)

  • Dr. Boom is a great closer and can instantly win the game if your opponent doesn't have a BGH. It's incredibly hard for your opponent to deal with if you previously played Fire Elemental on turn 6.
  • Against aggro control the board to the extent where you won't die, but look to close out the game as well. This deck also has a ton of burst damage.
  • Against non-aggro decks, you need to have a good reason not to swing at face as you generally won't have board for much longer. Get past taunts with Earth Shock, Hex or The Black Knight, whichever one you're running.
  • I tend to chuck Crackle at their face if I have spare mana and a spell power totem on board.
  • Don't save big burst combos like Doomhammer + Rockbiter Weapon for a finisher. Get in damage when you can to avoid being blocked by a taunt or Harrison. There can be exceptions (Alexstrasza in warrior), but it's a good general rule.


In general, mulligan similar to zoo or mech mage, curving out well is extremely important. When you have Mechwarper, consider how that also can affect your curve since you can treat your other mechs as costing less.

Always keep: Mechwarper, Cogmaster, Powermace (toss vs Druids if rest of hand is bad)

Usually keep/Always Keep With Coin: Annoy-o-Tron, Whirling Zap-o-Matic (toss vs Rogues/Paladins if rest of hand is bad)

Keep if you have a decent start: Spider Tank, Harvest Golem, Flametongue Totem

Keep vs Aggro: Rockbiter Weapon (also vs Rogues if you don't have Powermace), Earth Shock (hunter and warlock only)

Matchup Guide & Quick Tips

NOTE: I'm trying my best to give you guys accurate winrates and not trying to embellish what this deck is good against and what it isn't. This deck, like any other, has good and bad matchups. This is my experience with the deck over ~200 games. It's not the most overpowered deck ever, but it has favorable matchups vs some popular decks currently, which is what makes it strong.


Druid (65/35): This deck absolutely farms Druids. Most Druids are playing combo nowadays. Mechwarper and Whirling Zap-o-matic are very important to get since you can punish them hard for taking a turn to Wild Growth and often can disrupt their plan and make them [cardWrath[/card] instead. Druids can't deal with a strong board that well and this deck is pretty Swipe proof. Be a bit cautious of Mind Control Tech, but do not go out of your way to play around it.

Mech Mage (55/45): I had a very easy time with this matchup (11-2), so I might be biased. The key to this matchup is to not let them stick a Mech early. If you can prevent their Tinkertown Technician and Goblin Blastmage on curve, they have a really weak midgame and can't hold the board. This deck is equipped to be able to control their board early so you can remove their mechs. Nut draws happen though on both sides, just how it is in aggro mirrors. Mad Scientist is usually the hardest thing to deal with and can challenge Cogmaster and Whirling Zap-o-matic well. You can bait the Mirror Entity though with Flametongue Totem if you have it.

Face Hunter (40/60): This is a difficult matchup since it's not the easiest to take board from them early. Most hunters can punish you for not running AoE too with Unleash the Hounds and this deck doesn't deal with 1/1s well. Racing them is generally your best bet but generally they are a bit too fast. Mechwarper is very important and they generally can't deal with it if you coin it out, as Eaglehorn Bow is usually their only reasonable answer. Ramping out Mechs is usually the best way to win the race. Annoy-o-Tron is also very good in this matchup and can kill off their early minions, soak up Unleash dogs, or be a nuisance for them lategame.

Paladin (35/65): Paladin (35/65): This is the toughest matchup because they have multiple ways to mess up your early game, but it's far from impossible. Shielded Minibot is an absolute nightmare and counters Cogmaster and Whirling Zap-o-matic. Muster for Battle is the other trouble card in this matchup because you have a similar problem with Muster as you do with Unleash. Powermace usually is needed to help you through the early game. Although they have a strong early game, you do have one trump card: it's pretty much impossible to deal with a coined out Mechwarper, so go for it if you have the right hand. If you can remain even with them, your midgame with Bomb Lobber and Fire Elemental should be stronger and turns 5-7 you can usually gain an advantage. 

Rogue (65/35): This is another heavily favored matchup. Your weapons put in a lot of work since Rogues naturally take damage from using their dagger and you take advantage of rogues not running taunts. There are a lot of key cards in this matchup. Bomb Lobbers are absolutely amazing in this matchup to counter their Azure Drake. Powermace is very good to counter their early game 3/3s. Doomhammer is also a card you want to see in this matchup also since they don't usually run taunts and they can't keep up with the damage output. Loatheb is also a game-winner and can seal a game in the midgame. Unless they draw insane removal early, your board is generally pretty hard to remove. 

Warrior (45/55): A big part of the game is already decided if they draw Axe or not. Not much you can do if they draw it, but if they don't you can very easily establish a board and get in a lot of early damage. Annoy-o-Tron is excellent in this matchup to protect your board early because it blocks weapon, which is their only efficient removal for small creatures. It is worth waiting on coining out a Mechwarper for example on turn 1 to coin Mechwarper into Annoy-o-Tron on turn 2. Harvest Golem and Piloted Shredder are also pretty good as they're good Brawl protection and reliable Powermace targets. You need to commit to going face rather early in this matchup, as they do have a lot of lifegain. Minions like Shieldmaiden should usually be ignored.

Priest, Warlock and Shaman are all pretty rare and I don't enough experience in those matchups to comment.


Q: Why no Lightning Storm?
This deck isn't designed to ever lose the board. The deck has enough early game minions and cheap removal (Rockbiter and Powermace) to compete with any deck early game and not need storm. Although the deck has a weakness dealing with 1/1s from Unleash, Imp-losion, or Muster for Battle, trading a 5 mana Lightning Storm is going to get you behind on tempo. 

Q: What can I replace for Dr. Boom? What can I replace for Doomhammer?
Dr. Boom is nice because you can follow up a strong Fire Elemental turn into Dr. Boom and seal a lot of games. Ragnaros or Al'Akir can also do well as finishers, though those cards are more for reach.

Let me know what you guys think and I'll try to answer any questions! Thanks for reading! Below is a video guide made by coliorni!