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Real Control Hunter (The Secret Way of Victory)

  • Last updated Feb 18, 2015 (Undertaker Nerf)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 10540
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 2/9/2015 (Undertaker Nerf)
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Hi guys, I present you my POV on control hunter. I'm playing control hunter since GvG came out and I would like to share with you my experience .

First of all, feel free to remove and add everything you think is needed. I'm open to all suggestion and will answer to all of your coments.

Thank you so much for your support !




Multi-Shot : This card is the perfect removal for a control hunter deck, it is good against every class, pretty important in those zoo match up.

"Ok, I understand the Explosive Trap much boom such value but why would you run a Snipe ?"

The point of this deck is to control the board as much as you can. Ok Freezing Trap is cool it gives you more time but in the most cases it will just tempo and doesnt really do his job, why ? Because a control deck will reach the late game and the card with +2 mana is not a problem at this point. I've seen a lot of druid and fatigue mage for example runing Coldlight Oracle, Keeper of the Grove and trust me you don't want them to be back in your opponent's hand.

Some of you would say that it will just overkill But who cares the trap kills alomost every minion and even if it doesn't its still -4 life. This is to me one of the best secret of the game and nobody will expect it.

Hunter's Mark : Always run at least one, if you face too much handlock or druid taunt feel free to put another one.

Arcane Shot : Nice removal, try to keep it with all the spell damage combos.

Feign Death : Always good, combo with 13 cards of the deck, one is good two Feign death would be too much and most of the time a dead card.

Steamwheedle Sniper : Epic value from the early to mid game.

Bloodmage Thalnos : Surprising card that we are all talking about and this is actually really good for the secrets , Yes you might not know but secret got +1 damage spell with this card BUT this card is a must because of his deathrattle, card draw is ALWAYS important in the control hunter, sometimes i felt like i I didnt get the right card or good oppening i will auto lose, guess what ? not anymore with this card combo with Feign Death + Arcane Shot.

Eaglehorn Bow : I see this card more like a removal than a weapon tbh, you can even hit face if you feel like you dont need to trade or if you will take too much damages.

Savannah Highmane : Dont need to say why its good, combo with feign death as well but the thing is that I sometimes like switch one for Cairne Bloodhood cause two hyena 2/2 are in some matchup too weak but anyways I keep two because of them atm, 6 attack kill almost every thing or will at least force a silence.

Mad Scientist : Because secret because good 2 drop because deathrattle Feign Death.

Illuminator : Since the deck got 4 secret, this card is excellent to survive against aggro match up, the opponent will have to remove like a "taunt". In a average game, you can heal for 8-12hp.

Kezan Mystic : This card is a must in this deck since the secrets are really important with the Illuminator combo, must not remove !!

Big Game Hunter : A must in this deck since the current meta is full of Druid big creature Handlock with giants, Alexstrasza for mage and warrior. Also don't forget the Dr. Boom which is played by like Everyone actually.

Piloted Shredder : Best 4 drop in my opinion really sticky and fun, you never know what you'll get from the deathrattle and so much value with Feign Death.

Azure Drake : Perfect card for the deck, card draw + spell power for Arcane Shot, the secrets and multi shot

Sludge Belcher : The Feign Death on him only is not really good but GOD DAMN it is the most annoying card of the game. It will offer you some turns.

The Black Knight : I added him recently since I face a lot of druid and for the Sludge Belcher is always good, just another answer to the current meta.

Sylvanas Windrunner : Always good by itself but with feign death this card is insane !

Dr. Boom : PewwWw PewwW OpieOP.

Alexstrasza : Will save your ass ! Since you'll have board control, this card will help to prepare for lethal, better than Ragnaros the Firelord for the most time.



Here is a video from sellabg, thanks to him :