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The new Deathrattle Priest ( after Undertakers ...

  • Last updated Jan 28, 2015 (GvG Launch)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6360
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/27/2015 (GvG Launch)
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So after this Undertaker nerf, he will be pretty bad and useless.

The first thing that crossed my mind was: R.I.P Deathrattle Priest.

But after some thinking i realised that he wasnt a core card to this deck.

Beauty of DR priest is that you can control your opponents board and win easy even if you got the worst starting hand possible so losing undertaker isn't such a big deal since DR priest wasn't an aggro deck.



Vol'jin So the idea of this card is to beat the big guys while getting one for yourself. But it isn't hard to replace him. Feel free to replace him with something that is in the current meta. At this moment the best replacement is Loatheb

Dr.Boom So this card is the best legendary card added in GvG and he is a really good card but can be replaced with another strong removal card. I would recommend Ragnaros the Firelord or even Kel'Thuzad since he can't be targeted by Big Game Hunter

Sylvanas Windrunner This card is the core card in any priest deck and its pretty much irreplaceable if you want the full value of this deck. You can put another Cabal Shadow Priest or another Shadow Madness or Mind Control but it won't be the same deck.



Hunter: Since this deck is running Wild Pyromancer, Deathlord and Auchenai+Circle you should have like 95% win-rate in this match-up

Zoolock: It goes the same as in hunter match-up, only you need to be aware of the fact that warlocks get back in the game very easy with their hero power so don't waste your auchenai+circle untill you get the maximum value out of it.

Mage: There are a lot of different mage decks at this moment and your biggest struggle would be the fatigue mage. May the RNG gods be with you in this match-up.Mech mage on the other hand is pretty easy to beat with this deck.

Handlock: So as you all know handlocks were the priest's worst nightmare. But with this deck you should have no struggle with it since you are running a Lightbomb that kills every giant which are the core cards in Handlock. For Drakes you have your Shrinkmeister and you can steal them with your Cabal Shadow Priest. You also have Vol'Jin to switch his health with giants. So this match-up is 80% your win.

Control Warrior: In this match-up you need to make sure that Warrior runs out of steam while you still have some left. It often goes to fatigue. Your Shadow Word:Death is a winning condition in this match.

Mill Druid: Unfortunately, the chances that you will win in this match-up are VERY low. You MUSTN'T keep more then 5 cards in your hand if you want to avoid the card loss. Also hope to Thoughsteal their Tree of Life and you may even win. But if you are facing a lot of Mill Druids, avoid playing priest.

Paladin: Just play around their Equalities and you should have no trouble winning.



Feel free to ask me anything in the comments :)