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Hobo Druid - minion hyper aggro

  • Last updated Jan 16, 2015 (GvG Launch)
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  • 24 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 1860
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/10/2015 (GvG Launch)
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Hello, my nick is Treefolk and I want to present you the oblivion. In the past (Season 1-5) I ran mostly freeze mage and miracle rogue, with nerfed miracle and warriors floaded meta unplayable freeze, I wanted to try out some aggro decks. Since I'm control player, all the credits and idea goes to friend of mine LadaB (#2387) whom plays aggro decks most of the times.

You may find my friend's version here: http://i.gyazo.com/da0aeaa0e800067864a13f1b4caf3c37.png

After a lot of tweaking, I wanted to share with you guys, hear some feedback and tell you, how to play this deck to it's full extend.

UPDATE 1: With provided feedback from you guys, I decidet to cut some cards to fit in more draw, owl and some more pure power (Ogre Brute)

- you can add Novice Engineer in place of Loot Hoarder as with this curve you can almost ALWAYS play card you will get from her in the same turn and Hobgoblin synergy :D if you do, replace last Undertaker with Leper/Clockwork Gnome


First off, we are talking abou hyper agressive deck here, Huntards stands no chance, altho we are still able to maintain strong buffed board midgame, as well resist boardclears with sticky minions.


- Budget deck (1840 dust), altho I have most of the legendaries, I chose not to put in any on purpose!
- Deck so agressive that you EASILY beats huntards.
- So agressive that most of control matchups are not THAT problematic
- This deck is VERY synergetic
- No natural Big Game Hunter/Shadow Word: Death target, also not really big Execute/Shield Slam/Humility/Aldor Peacekeeper/Siphon Soul etc. target
- Does not suffer as much as other decks from bordclear, may stabilize very quickly again
- Almost no spells, nothing that Loatheb/Troggs could really screw up hardly
- Divine shields
- Against other agressive decks, you can go later on and trade efficiently, your board is stronger every turn
- Does not rely on Hobgoblin solely



- May run out of steam really quickly if you don't get Jeeves
- Big taunts are problem (I may consider pushing in 1 Ironbeak Owl because of that
- No reach spells, no Swipe, nor boardclears (Starfall)
- Not many uses of spareparts, but we run just 3 generators (like Gazlowe); 
sidenote:Finicky Cloakfield on Hobgoblin or Jeeves may be gamebreaking
- Without Jeeves you don't have any other card draw mechanism


Cards breakdown 1 by 1

Innervate: Amazing tempo gainer, allows us for Hobgoblin combos and emptying our hand when Jeeves is out, as well as bumping up our board with Power of the Wild

Argent Squire: Simply amazing card, arguably best 1 drop to buff up, needless to point out Hobgoblin synergy, AND stickiness that is really important for Savage Roar, trades up with any 1 drop and any 3/2. 2 drop, VERY good Mark of the Wild target on turn 2

Clockwork GnomeUndertaker synergy, possibility of getting Finicky Cloackfield for Hobgoblin or Jeeves, any other spare part is also nice, 2/1 trades with 3/2. 2 drops, bing mech is good for Tinkertown Technician[/card [card]UndertakerHobgoblin synergy + 6 deathrattle minions makes this card viable at any part of the game, I think this card is well known, so nothing else to point out

Mark of the Wild: Best targets: Argent SquireEchoing Ooze,Imp MasterAnnoy-o-Tron

Power of the Wild: on big board, very nice buff, never is a dead card, as you can just drop 3/2, also synergies with Echoing Ooze, and Haunted Creeper[/card [card]Annoy-o-TronHobgoblin synergy have amazing value here, as well as our other buff cards, protects our board, sets up for non-favorable trades for our opponent, is mech (Tinkertown Technician)

Echoing Ooze: Amazing synergies with whole deck, HobgoblinKnife JugglerSavage Roar and all buff cards

Haunted Creeper: Same as Echoing Ooze, may allow you for very big tempo gain with 4x 2/2 spiders with Power of the Wild, allows us to have board for Savage Roar at any time, synergies well with Undertaker and Knife Juggler[/card [card]Knife Juggler: With our very low curve, he is almost never dead card, don't be afraid to drop him on empty board if you don't have any better options, juggles don't win us game

Savage Roar: Nice finisher, and allows us to make some favorable trades, servs as our primary win condition on a full board, if you have 2 on your hand, you're up for some mess ^^

Harvest Golem: Both bodies are mech (Tinkertown Technician), is very sticky, allowing us to have board for Savage Roar and Power of the Wild as well, overall great value and good card/ Those are also reasons why I picked him over Spider Tank

Hobgoblin: Only running 1 copy, as you may win wihtout him easily, synergies with 12 minions, may turn some games around, worth keeping in your opening hand against slower decks, Two would be overkill, slowing you down in tempo and making your board weaker to combo clears and Brawl, makes almost half of our deck viable mid game

Imp Master: Simply amazing card, synergies with HobgoblinSavage Roar and Power of the Wild and Knife Juggler like probably nothing else (NOTE that imps are not buffed by Hobgoblin, altho you are getting more imps from +2 health)

Tinkertown Technician: Nothing special really, only running 1 off since we don't have many mechs and we don't NEED spare parts. Even if you have no mechs, 3/3 for 3 is ok, if you do, it pushes tempo even more, solid 3 drop

Enhance-o Mechano: makes strong board more resilient, more agressive and overall stronger, only running 1 as it's very nice to have him, but not our win condition, very good 4 drop for agressive minion-based decks

Jeeves: Butter for our already tasty bread. Easily drew me 9 cards over the game, note that this deck relies on Jeeves a lot, may be worth keeping in our opening hand. Also sinergies with Hobgoblin 



sideboard contain possible cad swaps as meta changes and/or your playstyle vary

of course Ironbeak Owl and Acidic Swamp Ooze
Dr. Boom (-dr boom have 2 mech deathrattle minions, as well lategame presence, so he may be considered, but that just gives our opponent BGH target), 
Kel'Thuzad (- may be actually a good choice, as you have board most of the time, BUT sticks in hand when you want to Jeeves and may be a dead card),
Piloted Shredders (-overall fits in, just didn't find place for him myself)

Version with Shredders runs better with 1 Cogmaster instead of 1 Undertaker


Matchups breakdown:


Huntard: easily winable, as hunter goes for face, our deck may go for his with even better results, trust me, hunter is nowhere near as agressive, altho you HAVE to play around Explosive Trap. That being said, Unleas the Hounds is not that big of a deal, since our board is most of the time strong enought, and we have some taunt protections against Unleash the Skills. Hunter shouldn't be able to get to turn 6 and put Savannah Highmane, favorable matchup


Mech-Mage: fairly even matchup, Goblin Blastmage is probably the biggest thread along with Flamestrike, still favors us, not him.Mechwarper is target No. 1, just kill it before he floads board more than you

Freeze/Control Mage

Freeze/Control Mage: depends on draws of both opponents, you either rush him down very easily, or he wipes/stall your board till he gets Alex/Lethal; altho as game goes on, you can apply  more and more pressure, worth to say that Freeze mage have weak early turns, where our deck shines

Quarter Paladin

Quarter Paladin: Shouldn't be hard, your heropower gets rid of his, deathrattle AND divine shield minions are resilient against combo clear, if not, then you should be able to refill your board easily, try to protect Jeeves more than anything else, kill Knife Juggler and hope you will get your early so you can wipe out Mustarded Silver Hand Rectuits (from Muster for Battle), Also we run no answer to Tirion Fordring, 50/50

Divine Paladin

Divine Paladin: Probaby unwinable, haven't played against him, gladly there are next to no divine paladins anymore


Priest: Depends lot on draws, your board is vunerable against Shadow Word: PainCabal Shadow Priest and Shadow Madness, altho those cards may give you even more space since they cost a lot of mana, and he hopefuly wastes Shadow Word: Pain early on, sill favorable matchup

Tempo Rogue

Tempo RogueBlade Flurry may ruin your day, but divine shields may ruin his, this matchup depends a lot on your ability to sustain board early, as well as shut down his threats, overall still favorable matchup as long as they don't run 2x Blade Flurry and draw into lot of removals

Miracle/Teachers rogue

Miracle/Teachers rogue: If he have no Antique Healbot, and you either kill him before he drops Sludge Belcher or deal with it, you should be able to rush him down before he drops his 1/1 tokens on table, Ragnaros the Firelord is more of a dead card in his hand, once again, Blade Flurry is biggest problem, if he have boosted weapon, consider holding on your cards, also care about Fan of Knives, as those rogues are likely to run them


Shaman: Shaman is seriously 50/50, you never know what that crazy guy runs, neither if you are dead next turn or not, but to be serious, most of his dangerous cards have Overload, which gives us good chance to maintain stronger tempo, as we should survive Lightning Storm to some extend and Fereal Spirit is joke card, best chance to win is to get good Innervate combo 1st turn


ZooLock: Seriously depends on who gets more value and better draw, but as long as you are able to maintain good boardcontrol, you should be able to burn him down with Savage Roar, biggest problem is probably Imp-losion as we run noSwipe and Sea Giant since both of you are going to have big board


HandLock: Maintain good strong board early on, Hellfire and Shadowflame are not issue, since we have sticky board, taunted giants and drakes are, in generall, you can get powerful board early on even before he starts to drop his mountains on. 
You need to know when to try to burn him down (to medigate Antique Healbots), and when to stay back and keep him on 15+ and then burn him down in single turn with Savage Roar
(Because of Molten Giants, Lord Jaraxxus, and/orAlexstrasza)

Wallet Warrior

Wallet Warrior: As most of the aggro matchups are really bad, I have to say I don't have that big of an issue dealing with Warriors, they run low on taunts and you can chop down their armor early on, as well kill them later on with Savage Roar, Kill him before turn 9 or leave him at 15 and try to kill him in 1 turn, as with Handlock (reason =Alexstrasza)
Do NOT fill your board mindlessly, as you can lose to Brawl, keep eye out for Baron Geddon = try to keep your minions above 2 health


If you have any questions, recommandations, ideas etc. let me know in comments ! :)

Some funny pictures so you can see the possibilities