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Auto-Barbara Streisand

  • Last updated Jan 16, 2015 (GvG Launch)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 9560
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/9/2015 (GvG Launch)
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Hi I am Swishface and this is a deck what I made with my friend Geekbean.

This deck was solely made to use the pun name "Auto-Barbara Steisand", but weirdly seemed to do really well... it might still be garbage though, maybe.

It went 9-0 to end up at rank 5 legend before losing to a hunter and a dc. Proof: http://imgur.com/kEGzndd. It ended the night going 14-3, which probably isn't too bad.

Mulligans are written after the card reasoning.

Here is my stream: http://www.twitch.tv/swishface.


Deck Edits as of 11/01/15 (reasoning at bottom): To be clear the original deck still works well, these are just some changes I have been using on ladder. I am continuing to update the deck and wanted to keep everyone updated, if you personally find a card working well for you or fun, leave it in, it will still work fine :)

Link to original deck list for convenience: http://i.imgur.com/aFRfoK4.png?1

-1 Goblin Auto-Barber, +1 Sap

-1 Blade Flurry, + 1 The Black Knight

-1 Piloted Sky Golem, +1 Loatheb


Watch pros be mean about my deck because I wasn't streaming at the time and people like videos to learn from.

Vs. Amaz Paladin - http://www.twitch.tv/amazhs/b/608538347?t=1h10m02s (opening hand was sky golem, boom, rag :(

Vs. Hyped Rogue - http://www.twitch.tv/hyp3d/v/3670214?t=6h000m51s


Well thought reasons for cards:

Backstab and SI:7 Agent are purely tempo cards allowing you to keep mechs alive, they also combo with bomb lobber well.

Blade Flurry: It may seem odd that there are no deadly poisons, but still a spell which requires weapon damage to be effective so I will also speak to the lack of a card here. Deadly poison is too slow. Auto barber is often the same mana cost due to mech warper and gives you board as well as an upgraded dagger. Due to the number of early minions, a large board clear is often unnecessary and as such flurry can often be saved for truly opportune times with spell power and autobarbers buffing it up.

Eviscerate: It's a rogue deck. Works as burn, removal and tempo, everything you want.

Annoy-o-Tron: Protects mechs and your face with its shiny body, gets a shinier body with Iron Sensei.

Bloodmage Thalnos: Cheap Spellpower is only outvalued in this deck by the draw that Thalnos gives.

Goblin Auto-Barber: Replaces deadly poison, is a mech, mechs work well with mechs.

Mechwarper: Makes mechs cheaper, lots of mechs in the deck, cheaper mechs are better mechs.

Fan of Knives: One would think fan is there for zoo and hunter... which it helps with, but Paladin, Paladin is the sole reason for this card to exist in this deck. Also, cycle.

Big Game Hunter: Dr Boom is annoying to deal with, rag is worse, this kills both of those. Sabotage is too slow with no preps.

Iron Sensei: Originally only had 1, maybe that was right, all I know is he did work 100% of the games I drew him and Sensei buffing each other is funny.

Arcane Nullifier X-21: This card is strong against aggro, but Warrior is where it shines. This card and sprint are the only reason Warrior is a winnable match-up. A Nullifier that is buffed by Sensei is an infinite annoyance for a class that solely wants to kill said Sensei with their face.

Piloted Shredder: A yeti that gives you another creature, more creatures is more tempo. Also, helps gain card advantage.

Azure Drake: Was originally an under-performing lotheb, now is the best top deck other than sprint for when your hand peters out, which will happen from time to time. Spell power also good, is less relevant with no preps though.

Bomb Lobber: The MVP, the Showstopper, the Shawn Micheals of two for one's. Every Druid who is greedy with shades become nothing but a source of pure glee.

Piloted Sky Golem: Similar reason to Shredder, but this one is bigger. There were two once, one of which was always in opening hands... there is one now, zero of which are in opening hands.

Trade Prince Gallywix: As far as I know I was the first to put this as a replacement for the second sprint in the typical midrange rogue deck a month ago and I still don't know if it is garbage or not. It's basically a fat lotheb and much like Weblord, you never know if it is actually affecting their plays.

Sprint: Against Warriors this is a win condition, against everything else, this is a nice bonus you are furious to see before turn 6.

Dr. Boom: Some would say this is here because it's in every deck... Sensei'd boom bots are real funny.

Ragnaros the Firelord: Always kills big idiot minions and big idiot faces/ always misses his target and gets bgh'd. 50/50.



Sap - Sylvannas in a huge problem to deal with and this is the best answer to her, them having to replay it is much better than a silenced 5/5 that can still kill minions. Sap also can help push for lethal and the Handlock match-up.

The Black Knight - The are exactly 5000 druids on ladder and even though this deck is favoured against them, a ramp druid with infinite taunt can be impossible to kill at some point. Every deck has gone back to taunts of some description so it finds value in other match-ups also. The deck is favoured enough against aggro for this to not affect the match up with the other changes. Also helps against handlock.

Loatheb - Allows to set up lethal or in the very least protect your board from a ridiculous board clear. Makes freeze mage winnable, but still heavily unfavoured. Also helps against the 8000 druids from hitting your face for 14.



Zoo/hunter: Backstab, Si, Fan is good against hunter more so than zoo, any cheap mech, particularly annoy-o-tron.

Warrior: Keep 4 drops and sprint if you have anything to play turn 3 or earlier or the coin. Annot-o-tron is great keep if you have anything to protect, especially Iron sensei.

Shaman: Similar to aggro, fan is also good due to Spectral spiders. Think about how much you lose to earthshock before throwing things away.

Handlock: Every cheap mech you can find, pick a combination that plays the best around hellfire if at all possible. If you have a backstab or a hand that you feel can survive against zoo, bgh is fine to keep in mulligans against warlock just to give yourself a chance. Black Knight is too big of a risk to keep.

Palladin: Fan of knives is a must keep, other than that, back stab and si both kill knife jugglers pretty well. Mech warper is great against them because they have no way to do 3 damage on turn 2.

Mage: Assume mechs, if freeze mages are around put a lotheb in for Piloted Sky Golem and mulligan for that; otherwise backstab, mechs and si... there is a theme here with mulligans.

Druid: Annoy-o-tron, mech warper, Iron sensei. The holy trinity of "which one of these do you want to keeper?".

Rogue: Mechs, backstab, 4 drops. Try and hold a combination of cards that will take a card and a half to deal with and get either tempo if they can't deal or card advantage if they do.

Priest: Anything to play turn 4 or earlier, shredders are fine to keep with coin.