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Mustard Master Control (v2.0)

  • Last updated Jan 10, 2015 (GvG Launch)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 10920
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/10/2014 (GvG Launch)
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V2.0: Well, this was the extreme update for this deck. I know that I said Paladin's GvG cards suck. I was proven wrong. Muster for Battle and Quartermaster were 2 ultimate combo cards that Pally needed to get actual use to the hero power. Also, I removed some cards that I felt useless, and replaced them with cards that help you bash meta's face more.

V1.1: I Switched out Loatheb and replaced him with Lay on Hands because half of my games were against Mech decks. I know that those numbers are going to decrease when people stop hyping GvG, but right now I felt that spell-heavy decks are not that big of a deal that I should counter them. So I added Lay on Hands simply due to card draw and healing. I think they're necessary effects in this deck against this meta.

Hi guys!

I'm PraiseTheRNG, card gamer since 2008. I played some Pokémon TCG as elementary school-aged (now I'm 17) and I was one of my country's best players in Pokémon TCG competitions. I've played Hearthstone since Season 2. So far I haven't reached Legend but I study this game suspiciously lot and I know that I have potential to reach it. If you want to add me on Battlenet, my tag is PraiseTheRNG#2845

So, few days before GvG was set to come out, I created V1.0 of this deck. It had bunch of sticky minions that were difficult to remove and that way it focused on controlling board and health. After GvG was out, people learned how strong Paladin was. The new combo was so scary, strong and hard to counter, because you had two turns to deal with three 1/1 minions, or otherwise you'd piss yourself. I think that Paladin and Mage are the classes GvG helped most. Paladin got some early and mid game focus, which it lacked before GvG. That was the reason Paladin sucked. But now, It is just simply amazing!

Please show some love and +1 for this deck and comment below your opinions on this deck. If you have some questions, go ahead! I promise to answer every single question.

P.S. Sorry for not-the-best-grammar, english isn't my native language..

So, why did I pick these cards?

Zombie Chow : Gain board control in early game for 1 mana. This card gives you a lot of time in the early game. If you draw this to your starting hand, you have plenty of time to draw your mid-game cards.

Equality : This card is chosen to this deck because it has ability to make your opponent throw his (or her) PC towards the ceiling. I can't even describe about how well it combos with Consecration and Knife JugglerMuster for Battle . Think about your opponent having legendaries or giants on the table and you take them down using this card and trading some 1/1 guys for their big minions, or better, throwing knives to minions' forehead.

Loot Hoarder : For early game pressure and card draw. Great value for 2 mana and if opponent is not thinking straight, he might even silence this so your late-game cards are facing 1 silence less. Trades well with opponent's 2- or 3-drops.

Aldor Peacekeeper : Follow The Rules! This card is one of the reasons I picked Paladin. Because of control decks and new GvG cards people are running targets for this guy, who technically silences all the scary creatures from your opponent. If you want to run Stampeding Kodo , you get 3/3, 3/5 and "Kill a minion" effect for 8 mana.

Big Game Hunter : Chosen here to favor the match-up against every single deck there is. Every single deck runs Dr. Boom , so this gets value even against Aggro decks. Zoo is only deck that doesn't run Boom, but they have Sea Giant instead. This dude has great effect and strong body in the late-game.

Coghammer : Very strong Paladin weapon (yeah, Paladin didn't have ANY strong weapons before GvG, thanks a lot Blizzard...) That makes even a regular 1/1 guy annoying against Zoo or Aggro. 3 mana 2/3 weapon is below average, but the effect is just amazing. Staple in this deck.

Muster for Battle : Ah, the sweet mustard.. This card basically wins you the game against control decks. I've won enormous amount of games when opponent's control deck didn't have any AoE damage on mid game and my Quartermaster was slammed to the board making my opponent concede and go to his mommy crying pushing his head against her lap. Also, very good tempo card even without Quartermaster.

Truesilver Champion : Strong weapon that allows you to get little bit of healing and also to do a lot of damage to those Warriors', Druids' and Warlocks' 3 or 4 health minions. 2 pieces of these babies is a MUST.

Consecration : Grants you some AoE damage if you face Shaman, Priest or Aggro deck that easily takes the board control. If you played Equality first, you get a board-clear!

Sen'jin Shieldmasta : Taz'dingo is very strong Mid-Game taunt to slow your opponent's game a little bit. Usually Paladin's use Piloted Shredder instead of this, but both Reynad and I don't see the synergy there. It's true that Shredder is sticky, but that's about it. I don't want to have some random sticky minion on the board, I want to have great taunt. Testing shredder here I didn't see the reason running that. I think it's more important to have taunts slowing your opponent than having just one random sticky minion. Also, this deck has very good early game, and Coghammer gives your opponent hard time enough dealing with Divine Shield AND Taunt. When you play this turn after that, you squeeze the last juices from your opponent's early game tempo.

Spellbreaker : Just regular silencer, feel free to run Ironbeak Owl if you like 2 mana silence more.

Quartermaster : Master for Mustard. This guy gets value every single time you play it. If you somehow manage to play this guy with not getting value out from it, delete this deck, disenchant the cards of this deck, build a Zoo and go play casual. This one single card made Paladin's hero power the best hero power there is after warlock. It's great card every time you play it. This is basically the only card you can't replace in this deck. IMO it's the best card in the game after Fiery War Axe .

Harrison Jones : This is little bit tricky choise. I like this card a lot, because it destroys your opponent's weapon, for example DoomhammerDeath's BiteGorehowl or even Blood Fury . Even if you get only 1 card draw, it still tightens the web you're wrapping around your opponent and gives you 5/4 minion for 5 mana! Some players think this card sucks because every class don't have a weapon. Yes, that's right but think about effect as a bonus. You play the 5/4 and 6 out of 9 times you usually draw cards and destroy opponent's weapon. Besides, there are nowadays, for some reason, players running Blingtron 3000 , so you may get the battlecry effect even against Mages, Priests or Druids.

Sludge Belcher : The best taunt of the game. 5 Mana Sen'jin Shieldmasta , that summons Goldshire Footman when dies. The point is that you don't have to cast that. When your opponent pushes through 3/5, he has to deal with annoying 1/2. Great and must-have against any decks in this game!

Sylvanas Windrunner : Maybe the best legendary in the game right now. This chick can change the direction of the whole match if you play her at the right time. You can trade her for big minions and steal your opponent's minions! Sometimes your opponent trades his whole board for Sylvanas just so you can't steal his minions. So, this baby is second MUST in this deck.

The Black Knight : Awesome card in current meta. I said earlier that Sludge Belcher is great card against every deck in this game. Your opponent knows that too. That is why you run this card. Play Yeti and use 2 more mana to take down any minion with taunt? Sign me up! 

Dr. Boom : Sjow says this card is best GvG legendary there is. It's 7 mana 9/9 + 2 Darkbombs. That's right. This card is strong overall card, which makes it consistent in ANY deck. Maybe pretty weak card since every deck is running at least one Big Game Hunter , but still this card is staple right now.

Guardian of Kings : Your opponent has lethal on the board and it's your turn. "Justice..." and you live one more turn. 7 mana for 5/6 is bad, but as it's designed to play in the late game and to heal your face for 6, I am putting 2 of these guys in! It strengthens your late game a lot. It trades well with 5 health creatures and gives you some time. And I really like the way this guy says "Justice" when you play him :D

Lay on Hands : 8 Mana late-game card that heals you and draws some cards. Great card which helps you to survive longer against those nasty Mech decks. Also helps you to draw big late-game minions, Equality or whatever you're looking for.

Tirion Fordring : Clearly best class legendary in the game so far. Just beware of the Mind Control or silences! Extremely strong card for 8 mana and deathrattle is insane!

Other card choices

Cairne Bloodhoof : Great 6 drop, stays on the table for long time. I just didn't find place for him in this deck. If you do, feel free to run him.

Loatheb : 5 mana 5/5, which slows your opponent's game a lot. Great against Druids so they can't play Force of NatureSavage Roar combo. If you're behind, this helps you a lot, because your opponent can't play much spells and he has to deal with the 5/5. 

Stampeding Kodo : If you want to place this, it is in the deck only to combo with Humility or Aldor Peacekeeper and the effect hits random to any opponent's minion with 2 attack or below. I didn't find it that reliable.

And more coming up!