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70% WR | Bomb Control Warrior 2.0 | Deck Guide

  • Last updated May 2, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 12240
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/24/2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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Hallo Heartstone players! 

My name is Timo Maartense I am 24 years old and my main class is Warrior.
I just started playing Hearthstone again 1 week before RoS and since then I have this strange desire to record all my games and make some intresting Hearthstone content. 

I have over 1900 Warrior wins and became 2x Legend with control Warrior back in the Naxx/Old gods days. 

I created this Bomb Controll warrior deck. Because I love to play Control Warrior and I like the idea of having more win conditions in this deck thanks to the bombs and the sticky mech minions.  I went 21-9 with this deck from rank 10 to rank 5! Enjoy the guide :)

Deck Combo's: 

Acolyte of pain + Warpath or Dynomatic  For extra card draw. Try to find Mad Genius.
Zilliax + Eteriun Rover for a strong minion on turn 6 or on turn 10 with a shield slam or warpatch for a full board clear.
 Boom Mad Genius + Blastmaster Boom for bomb clear


Token Druid:  Warpath,Brawl, Eternium Rover, Berron Geddon, Dynomatic
Zoo Warlock:  Warpath,Brawl, Eternium Rover, Berron Geddon, Dynomatic 
Controll Warrior:  Dr.Boom Mad Genius, Blastmaster Boom, Acolyte of pain 
Mech Hunter: Zilliax, Eternium Rover, Warpath, Shield Slam, Dynomatic 
Priest: Execute,Brawl, Shield Slam, Dynomatic
Conjuring Mage: Shield Slam, Execute, Militia Commander, Brawl, 
Roque: Eternium Rover, Acolyte of Pain, Execute, Militia Commander, Dynomatic 
Shaman: Execute, Eternium Rover, Clockwork Goblin, Militia Commander, Brawl, Dynomatic, 
Paladin: Shield Slam, Execute, Zilliax, Militia Commander, Eterium rover 

How to play the deck VS midrange/aggro decks: 
The main goal of this deck is keeping controll of the game  while you play your bombs. If your opponent hase 20 health and you can start setting him under pressure with your own minions. 
Minions VS Warlock, Token Druid, Roque, Mage,Shaman: Eterium Rover, Clockwork Goblin, Omega Assembly, Millitia Commander, Zilliax, Blastmaster Boom

How to play the deck VS Control: 
Don't Play your cards untill they do. Keep controlling the board with your removal and only play the cards in your if you need to. If you have around 30 health and you opponent hase weak minions. Just amor up and pass. Always have around 7-9 cards in your hand so you can win the value game. 

I worked on a deck guide video for you guys. In this video I explain my card choices and why I play them in this deck. I also show highlights of the cards while I talk about them. 

00:00-02:00: Introduction
02:00 - 03:00: Execute
03:00 - 04:38: Acolyte of Pain
04:38 - 05:50: Warptah
05:50 - 06:12: Archivist Elysiana
06:12 - 07:19: Militia Commander
07:19 - 07:29: Omega Devastator
08:05 - 10:30: Blastmaster Boom
10:30 - 12:06: Berron Geddon 
12:06 - 13:18: Archivist Elysiana VS Controll Warriors 
13:19 -  rest of the video: Talking decktracker stats & talking about all the matchups in this meta and how to beat them. 

In this second video I show highlights of cards in the deck. 
I also show matchup highlights vs Token Druid, Zoo Warlock & ConJoring Mage.

This is the type of deck you can play with the right draws on curve, you play control and you always have comeback tools in the deck. 

How to win in the mirror matchup VS Control Warrior /w Banker or Youthful brewmaster. 
Hallo guys I got some comments about the mirror matchup VS Control Warrior /w banker or brewmaster.  People are saying this matchup isn't winnable for this deck. I don't agree with this statement and I will explain how to win this matchtup and show it to you guys in a explaination video. 

In the first wave of the match: You need to play agressive and put the other warrior under pressure with early minions and bombs. If you put enough pressure on the other Warrior he hase to use hes removal faster then yours. 

After turn 10(second wave of the match): it is important that you don't play the value game and cuz he will win the fatique/value game with the Banker+Elysiana combo. 
Stick to the pressure plan en try to play big minions (Barron Geddon,Omega assembly minions) and ALWAYS but ALWAYS get BIG minions out of your delivery drone hero power. This again forces the other Warrior to use hes removal in your minions. I

Endgame: Always play your Archivist Elysiana first. This allows you to get a 7/7 on the field which gives you more pressure. Out of the Elysiana choose BIG minions whenever you can. if you played this game agressive enough he hasn't have any more removal or maybe 1 shield slam. This allows you to control the game more and be the leader on the board with big minions or many minions. 

I created a video whichs shows the matchup and how I played it out.
I hope this little guide over the mirror matchup and video help you out with this deck :)