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Hunter Dekc (Perfect win ratio)

  • Last updated Dec 5, 2014 (GvG Prelaunch)
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  • 14 Minions
  • 16 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 580
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/28/2014 (Naxx Launch)
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This beast deck is meant to provide a perfect balance of all of the best hunter cards leading to high win ratios regardless of skill level. If you want to win this deck will do the job. The combos are straight forward but I'll list them out anyway. Ok now that we have gotten all the people who only read the first sentence and the deck listing let me level with you. This deck is just "ok" I just made it on the fly while streaming and yeah technically it has a 100% win ratio but that's just because I only played one match. For any of you reading this just be alerted to the fact that I'm going to switch in and out of BS mode at random. I want people to think this is legit after all. Chances are the American School System has failed these people like I've failed my parents. Honestly a lot of the people who use this site just take the top decks of all time and run them without reading the explanation. I've gotten a lot of hate mail over this deck for example http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/97184-can-magma-rager-be-good . I honestly just wanna see if people actually try to make this deck. Feel free to leave comments that talk about how awesome your "win percentage" is if you want to help with the illusion. Anyway to further make sure I scare off any tryhards that might wanna read this I'm gonna throw in some graphs that make this look like a really well thought out deck. As you can see this shows the effectiveness of Hunters mark over time. The late game shows much more promise for effective usage than the beginning. In actuality this graph more accurately shows  how angry I am over time when playing against a hunter. As you can see the early game has a peak of rage due to the announcer saying "Rexxarrrrr" and me immediately knowing it's going to be one of these annoying beast mode hunter decks. On turn two I begin to calm down but as combos begin to pile up my urge to throw someone into traffic does as well. It's at this point that I have to come clean and say that I might be a bit peeved about the way that blizzard has balanced hunters. But fortunately for us we have things like this Gahz'rilla coming to just destroy all of my fun. The chances we will see more beast hunter decks will probably go up.


The Idea of this deck is to rush down the opponent using superior combos and not ever letting the opponent have board control. Just keep them down and don't let up. Always check for lethal and if you have it go for it. It's alright to use a kill command if it gives you victory.


Most everything is a combo in this deck because this is a hunter deck and hunters are all about synergy.

Avoid using Houndmaster on your weaker support beast like leok and the wolves. They need protection more than anything. Otherwise feel free to use that guy on pretty much anything else you've got.

Use Multishot to take down weaker but annoying support minions and use kill command to take down heavy taunts or last minute kills.

Unleash the hounds plus either of the wolves will give you the OP win conditions and clearing power you need to keep board control.

No animal companion is bad so feel free to just play it whenever.

But for further explanation look at this formula which will tell you when it is best play it. As you can see it completely breaks down the need for different Animal Companions. Look at this math man. You know what this really is? It's some weird math to show experience gain or something in pokemon. Y'all are crazy I mean seriously look at that. Anyway my favorite pokemon is Alakazam because I'm a 26 year old "gen oner" and refuse to progress my life past the point that Smash Mouth was considered a good band. I'm actually a little ashamed that I have nickleback on my ipod but it's stuck like some unrelenting curse that itunes insists one keeping me on. Do I need to go to confessional to get rid of it? I mean everyone has a past they regret but may whatever divine beings exist please give me forgiveness for my sins. I was young and didn't know what I was doing. Sorry I needed to get that off my chest. Don't even get me started on that "free gift" that U2 blighted us with. How do I get rid of this crap? Sound off in the comments if you know and also what your favorite pokemon is.

Future improvements

The new cards expected from Goblins vs Gnomes will mean this deck will need a revision. We have already seen a huge influx of amazing cards for hunters and they will definitely be welcome in this deck. I'm going to wait to see all the results of the reveals before I make any progress on this. In actuality I'll probably never touch this deck again because who cares really?

Thank you everyone who tries this deck out let me know in the comments what you think and be sure you upvote it when it works out for you.

EDIT: Video added


