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"Dub-Rattle": New take on Reincarnate / S8 Upda...

  • Last updated Nov 15, 2014 (Naxx Launch)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 3880
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/5/2014 (Naxx Launch)
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Hello, I'm VeiledSyn. A newer player still climbing and collecting, I have been playing for 4 months now and this is my second season reaching legend. Anyways... This is my most current deck, I call it "Dub-Rattle", read on to understand the intricacies. I have been tweaking and tuning, and am at a point I am comfortable sharing.

Update 11/12: Due to many people liking the idea, but wanting more consistency, I have 2 versions of the deck. The first is a bit more flashy better suited to casual but a ton of fun. The second deck is stripped down, uses the same key cards, but holds up much better in Ranked play. (Find it at the bottom half of the post.)

I have had great success in ladder. Plenty of control cards (silences and removals) to counter Priest/Pally and Handlock, and enough taunts, AoE and damage to keep Zoo and Hunters in check. Excellent board presence especially late game when you finally start dropping Ancestral Spirits and Reincarnates with Baron Rivendare and Kel'Thuzad.

Steady early game, aim to hold off Zoo/Aggro. Mid to late game use Ancestral Spirit + Reincarnate +Baron Rivendare to double or even triple your stronger cards like, Thaddius, Sylvanas Windrunner, Sludge Belcher, Cairne Bloodhoof or even Kel'Thuzad

Basic Plays:

1: Using Reincarnate on a minion with KT out, causes you to re-summon one, and KT will re-summon the one you killed after end of turn. Be sure to make a trade (with the minion still living) first.

2: If you use Ancestral Spirit and Reincarnate or Ancestral Spirit + Baron Rivendare on KT and end up with two on the board, both KT's will activate re-summoning the same minion twice. (Just be sure you don't OVERFILL your side)

3: My Favorite, Sylvanas WindrunnerReincarnateReincarnate... You just stole 2 creatures and still have a Sylvanas on board for turn 10. (Try having a Baron there to steal 4 minions, WARNING>> stealing Handlocks giants make them very angry. >.<)

4: Faceless Manipulator a Minion you have Ancestral Spirit on or use it for a second KT or Baron.

5: Earth Elemental + any way to copy... Faceless Manipulator or Ancestral Spirit + Reincarnate/Baron, or Reincarnate with KT active. A very strong taunt minion that doesn't cost overload when copied. Abuse this if possible.

6: Nerubian Eggs + Baron Rivendare and an activator in early to mid game, can easily create two or more 4/4s and give you some cheap early board presence.

7:Doomsayer + Ancestral Spirit either requires being killed 2 times to stop it, or keeps the board clear for 2 turns getting you closer to late game while also clearing out heavy aggro starts. (Very useful early game if your losing control.)

Why KT is such an important minion (read if your thinking about leaving him out):

As for KT... Let me break him down and tell you why. Not only valuable with a strong board, even with a weak board, he is a great card. Looking at his stats a 6/8 for 8-mana. If that's all he was, just a 6/8, his cost would be 7-mana.(Core HoundWar Golem, similar in stats for 7-mana) Now lets actually make that better and say he would cost 6-mana. So essentially any turn you traded/lost a minion worth 2-mana or more, your gaining more resources than lost if you play KT.

If possible, yes, you want to save him and get better mileage, with reviving 2-3 minions. But when it comes down to it, even resurrecting a Harvest Golem or Feral Spirits is a good deal.

If you have to use KT on an empty board, try using Reincarnate on a plain KT for 10 mana. You end up with 2 next turn. 2x 6/8's for 10 mana, not bad. And they have to kill both or one will re-summon the other. Additionally any minion of yours that dies with 2xKT on board, comes back twice.

Deck 2 : Ladder Build --------------------------------------------

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Tips to improve game-play (both decks):

First, do not be picky on your CC and spell targets. There is such a strong late game that you will rarely need to save spells. Don't be too worried if you have to use Reincarnate/Ancestral Spirit on a Blecher or Nerubian Eggs. Not having too many 4-cost minions really gives you some room for Overload to have less of an impact on your play. Be careful to not over-extend too much making you an easy AoE clear.

Second... Mulligan aggressively for:  Feral Spirits, followed by Forked Lightning, or Flametongue, and any of your 1-3 mana minions. Also look for a turn 2-3 Doomsayer or Wild Pyro if your expecting heavy aggro.

Third, possible subs for a stronger early game... (Check it out, some great alternatives if Aggro decks are the bane of your existence.)

Deck 1 - Casual Play - Substitutions :

>> -1 Cult Master +1Lightning Storm

>> -2 Abusive Sergeants +2 Zombie Chow/Shield Bearers(Goes well with Flametongue, but not a great option otherwise)

>> -1 Doomsayer +1 Wild Pyro

>> -1 Earth Shock & -1 Harvest Golem +2 Nerubian Eggs. Great for early game, but requires you using Baron and/or Reincarnate with Defender, Flametongue or Abusive to activate, not optimal use, but definitely worth it to have 2x 4/4 at turn 4-5 and make it into late game with great anti-AoE.

>> -1 Cult Master -1 Wild Pyro +2 Silvermoon Guardian. Effectively needs 2 cards to remove with a decent Attack and Health. 

>> -1 Wild Pyro +1 Carine Bloodhoof its a super sticky minion but more suited to later game.

Deck 2 - Ladder Play - Substitutions :

>> -1 Wild Pyro / +1 Sludge Belcher or +1 Flametongue (This is preferable if you don't seem to be having an issue with early game aggro)

>> -2 Abusive Sergeants / +2 Zombie Chow (Or any other 1-2 cost minion you like, I like these to buff totems or eggs if need be.)

>> -1 Harrison Jones / +1 Loatheb (If facing more control)

>> -1 Cult Master / +1 Doomhammer

>> -1 Wild Pyro / +1 Doomsayer (Can be used with Ancestral Spirit to stamp out early game rush)

Lastly, have fun. I play this in ladder at Legend, I agree its a sub optimal deck, but I also haven't fallen ranks because of it. Be creative. Sure It's nice having 3xSylvanas or 3xThaddius, but don't limit yourself to only that, I've won games with 3 Belchers and 4 Slimes, or an Ancestral Spirit on a Doomsayer because they over-extended and couldn't take out 2 0/7's, even Harvest Golems deathrattle with Baron can overwhelm your opponent.

Playing this deck with the intention of doing something specific will cause more problems than if you play it like normal with the bonuses of a double deathrattle/reincarnation.  Play smart, save  your key cards for big plays, but don't hold onto them for so long you lose board control waiting for the perfect draw. With the amount of playable combinations in this deck, mana cost, dead hands and putting together win conditions shouldn't be a problem at all.


Thanks for taking a look and I hope you appreciate this unique build and have a great time bewildering your opponent. If you like the deck be sure to +1 or if you have a suggestion I might have overlooked, leave a comment.