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Everyday I'm Shuffling

  • Last updated Aug 8, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Theorycraft
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 11860
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/2/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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Shuffle Rogue

This deck is da' Bomb! Shuffle rogue including the lovely Sandra A.K.A Seaforium Bomber.

We will be utilizing the capabilities of the rogue class in order to bypass our opponents defenses and blast them out of this world with as much explosive that it takes.


In order to blow the opponent out, we need to set as many charges as possible. In order to do so, there are many cards that can help us achieve those results but the main ones are: Shadowstep, Zola the Gorgon and Valeera the Hollow


While its nice to actually have a few ways to make extra copies of Seaforium Bomber, we actually need a few more ways to milk out as much value out of our cards and the new expansion gave us a few more ways to make this type of deck viable.
Augmented Elekk, Lab Recruiter andBaleful Banker are going to constitute or value engine.

Shuffled Win Conditions

In order for you to fin the game you will need toshuffle win cons into either yours or your opponent's decks. the cards that make this entire archetype possible are the following: Fal'dorei Strider, Academic Espionage and of course the lovely Seaforium Bomber Sandra. these cards will let you either damage your opponent, or gain a board advantage via "free" cards.

Thanks for checking this out, I will add a mulligan section as well as a combo explanation part with match-up descriptions. If you enjoy the concept and would like to see it evolve, make sure to show it by leaving a comment!

Edit 1: Added Myra's Unstable Element for more consistency

Thanks for all the support I will make more decks in the future :D


Don't forget to sub: https://www.youtube.com/user/CanadianRumPunch for more decks like this one in the future!

I hope you guys enjoy playing this deck as much as I did, and May the top decks be in your favor.
