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Legend S7 No To Soulfire Handlock Version 2

  • Last updated Nov 18, 2014 (Naxx Launch)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 9660
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/26/2014 (Naxx Launch)
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Updated 11/19/14: -1 hellfire -1 defender of argus. +1 mortal coil +1 harrison jones. Yes guys, this is a very good list against hunters and warriors which are pretty common in ladder. try it out and say, "Soulfire belongs to the museum!" Btw, i put back the 2nd mortal coil in because it's just so good against aggro and in finishing off 1 health minions. 5 health seems to be so popular. talk about yetis, belchers, loathebs, sylvanas, black knight, highmane. It is just so impossible for the deck to be smooth without 2 mortal coils. Have fun! I removed a defender and a hellfire because it's too clunky at times and i often wish i had a different card in hand. I might return the 2nd defender though and remove faceless. let's see. anyway, have fun with the deck's update!

Updated 11/17/14: -1 mortal coil +1 sylvanas windrunner. The reason for this is we don't have a turn 6 drop which is essential against midrange and control matchups. Also, sylvanas can combo with our board clears. Can be subbed with the black knight,bgh , harrison jones. Still testing out -1 2nd coil +1 Harrison which can be Very good against warriors and hunters. rogue as well.

Updated 10/30/14: added warrior, paladin, rogue and mage matchup guide and updated the shaman matchup guide. Keep those votes and questions coming. Thanks!

Updated 10/29/14: added card alternatives and warlock and druid matchup guide.

Updated 10/28/14: added common matchups guide.

Thanks for the votes guys. kindly + this deck if you like it as well. I will be updating this again if i get more votes. Thanks again and happy gaming!


Hello guys! I am Superband. I have been playing hearthstone as a pure F2P player since january 2014 in all servers ( yes that is right, i was quite addicted in arena before and i would play arena in all servers everyday then when i had a better collection, i moved in to play constructed ) and have gotten to legend rank last July in EU and in this 7th season, i have gotten to legend rank in NA server as well. My next goal is to get legend in asia to complete my world Hearthstone Legend...wait for it...tour :D Whoever said this game is pay to win, ehem, excuse me. ;)

As you can see guys, the deck i used is a ripoff of kolento's blizzcon eu regionals deck which i used to climb the lower ranks till rank 4-5. You can see the list and a deck discussion here: www.hearthpwn.com/decks/106781-kolentos-warlock-blizzcon-2014-eu-regionals
I was having a tough time using the deck at ranks 4 and above so i decided to swap some cards.

Card Changes:
The main thing that makes my deck unique from other handlocks is i removed the 2 soulfires in it. I was really questioning the card's value in handlock as it basically can ruin your games. The random discard effect that it has was really hurting me in most of my games. Some examples are, discarding jaraxxus / twilight drakes against priests, molten giants / taunt givers / jaraxxus against hunters, shadowflame / hellfire against shamans and zoos, the list goes on. You basically trade 2 of your cards for 1 opposing minion and the random discard just makes it worse so I have decided to dump the card away and add 2 essential cards to beat the meta. The first card i added was a 2nd hellfire. It was an easy decision to add it since it improves significantly my matchup against aggro decks. The second card I added was the tougher one to add. At first, i was testing out big game hunter / shadow bolt to have more 3 drop options but it was inconsistent. I found BGH to have no value at all in some matches and shadow bolt just not being able to impact the board better. I also tried The Black Knight and Sylvanas but the impact they have on the board was not satisfying at all and after testing these 6 drops, i noticed i needed more a surprise card that can impact the board as well as my life and so i looked upon alexstraza and tried him last night and what can i say? It was a brilliant change! People aren't really expecting both jaraxxus and alex to be present in 1 deck. i was hesitant to try it at first because alex cost a lot of mana but i really need him to either push for the kill or just put me in a safe spot.

I used this deck last nightwhen i was at rank 3 and 4 stars. I didn't count my wins but i only lost 4 times till i got to legend. I am 5-6 wins - 1 loss against hunter surprisingly with this one. 3 of those wins were some bad-ass games and it was so damn exciting. :D


Shaman - mulligan for these 5 great cards: ancient watcher, ironbeak owl, hellfire, mountain giant, shadowflame. this is a highly favorable matchup since we have 4 board clears in our arsenal along with mortal coils to take care of deathrattle minions. Always clear their board and be wary of your health. They can have surprising burst damage so count the lightning bolts and rockbiter weapons that he has used already. lava burst is also getting popular so put that in mind. Also, don't be afraid to drop a twilight drake preferably on an empty board. If he earth shocks it, that is one silence gone. That helps maintain our taunts mid to late game so he can't easily burst us down. twilight + shadowflame is the best way for our drake to get value.

Priest - mulligan for twilight drakes and mountain giants. this is another highly favorable matchup. play jaraxxus if you have board control and you already summmoned your moltens. the addition of alexstraza adds more 8/8's so we have tons of shadow word death candidates and priests only have 2. take advantage of that.

Hunter - mulligan for ancient watcher, owl, sunfury protector, molten giants, shadowflame/hellfire. Not a favorable matchup but this deck has a better chance than other handlock variants since we have 4 board clears and 2 life reset options. ancient watcher into owl or sunfury protector is our best start so try to mulligan hard for it. take your time to decide your actions here and try to bait out kill commands with your taunters. alex and jaraxxus will save you late game and allow you to steal this hard matchup.

Handlock - wait for your opponent to finish his mulligan. If he mulligans 3 or more cards, suspect that you are up against a handlock variant so mulligan for mountain giant, twilight drake, ironbeak owl and mortal coil. The mirror matchup is very tricky but whoever gets to drop there mountain giants and twilight drakes fast are favored. Reserve your loatheb in protecting your board. He usually seals you the win if you have board control. Also, Play around molten giants and slam down jaraxxus if you have summoned your own moltens already and have a better board than your opponent.

Zoolock - Wait for your opponent to finish his mulligan. If he mulligans 2 or less cards, suspect a zoolock so mulligan for hellfire, molten giant, shadowflame. As long as you are able to clear the board effectively with your t4 aoe, you have a good chance to win the game. A favorable matchup.

Druid - mulligan aggressively for your mountain giants and twilight drakes. You can also consider holding your aoe + molten giant. This is a favorable matchup since most druids don't have a good answer to your fatties. They might have 1 bgh in there but that's it. Just be wary of your life total and save your silences on taunts and other high value minions that they will drop.

Control Warrior - Slowing down the draw of these turtles are the keys to win. They have tons of cheap removals and hard hitting weapons in their arsenal so they can pretty much deal with our fatties better than most classes can. I like to mulligan for twilight drakes and mountain giants in this matchup. I dislike going t1/2 ancient watcher into owl since i usually save my owls for acolytes here. Also, be careful when you tap when warriors have 9 mana. The burst damage they have are usually the things that can kill us when we aren't careful enough. Treasure your taunt givers as well in this matchup since long games are expected and tough decisions.

Control/Taunt Paladin - Mulligan for your twilight drakes and mountain giants. I don't like going t1/2 ancient watcher into owl here since i usually save my owls for tirion/taunts although if you have watcher and owl in your starting hand, it is not bad to go into that strategy since we want to have a strong start and bait out an equality clear as early as possible. Another match that can go down the wire.

Secrets Mage - Very tough to decide what to do with your turns against mages but what you need to be really careful about is mirror entity so mulligan for your ancient watchers and owl here. Be wary of there potential burst damage as well as spells don't really care about our taunts. Haven't fought a single aggro mage but that is a tough matchup if it gets popular. Against freeze mage, save your heals until he alexstraza's you and just be aggressive in the whole match. Have some second thoughts before you tap. Loatheb makes a big difference here.

Miracle Rogue -  A good matchup for us. Mulligan hard for your twilight drakes and mountain giants. Our 4 board clears makes this match even favorable for us. Save your taunt givers and just drop them when you really need to taunt.

Card Alternatives:

Since some of you have been asking on certain card replacements/alternatives, i have added this section to give you some ideas on other good cards to replace in the deck.

if you don't have alexstraza/jaraxxus - swap with cards that give you immediate value such as ragnaros, the black knight and big game hunter. Cairne and sylvanas are also good if you have them. Cheaper alternatives are sunwalkers.


Kudos to Kolento for such a brilliant handlock list and to Dustydog96 for helping me out with that win. :D
