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Pogo-Hopper Rogue - Boomsday Theorycraft

  • Last updated Nov 6, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Shuffle Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 10200
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/23/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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Collect the following cards:

This is where the combo begins. So assuming you're at 10 mana, Myra's Unstable Element uses up 5 of that. Now we need to play three 2-mana cards, but we only have 5 mana left. There's a couple of choices from here (in order of preference):

  1. Earlier in the game, play a Pogo-Hopper, and then return it to your hand costing 2 less with Shadowstep. This is the best option, as it gives your Pogo-Hopper an additional buff early on. I suggest swapping a card with a second Shadowstep to increase the odds of drawing it. (As a side note, this also works if you have a Shadowstep in your hand on the turn you play Myra's Unstable Element).
  2.  On the turn before you play Myra's Unstable Element, get a Pogo-Hopper on the board, and put it behind a taunt minion. This is so you then have enough mana to complete the combo.
  3. Play Myra's Unstable Element, play Pogo-Hopper, then play Lab Recruiter (targeting Pogo-Hopper). On the next turn, play Lab Recruiter (targeting the other Lab Recruiter). This is the least preferred choice, because if your first Lab Recruiter is destroyed, you can't play the second.

In the case of all of these choices, this is the repeating pattern of cards you want to play:

  1. Pogo-Hopper
  2. Lab Recruiter (targeting Pogo-Hopper)
  3. Lab Recruiter (targeting Lab Recruiter)
  4. Repeat until you have an army of incredibly buffed Pogo-Hoppers

Thank you kuuy for the great explanation!

Change History:

[23-7-2018] -1 Zola the Gorgon -1 Shadowstep  +2 Tar Creeper       

I replaced  Zola the Gorgon and Shadowstep with Tar Creepers because we didn't have enough survival while we already had enough value. Zola the Gorgon and Shadowstep  were just overkill and against aggro we don't have a chance without Tar Creeper.

[25-7-2018] -1 SI:7 Agent +1 Giggling Inventor

I replaced one SI:7 Agent with Giggling Inventor because I still wanted an SI:7 Agent for the early game but also a Giggling Inventor for later turns. Giggling Inventor is also a great minion to copy with Lab Recruiters.

[25-7-2018] -2 Fal'dorei Strider -2 Shroom Brewer +1 Pogo-Hopper +1 SI:7 Agent  +2 Pogo-Hopper 

When the Pogo-Hopper came out I went for a whole different value plan. Instead of the Fal'dorei Strider and Shroom Brewer were now only copying the Pogo-Hopper. I also added one Sunfury Protector to taunt up the big Pogo-Hoppers.

[26-7-2018] -1 Shiv +1 Vanish 

I added one extra copy of Vanish because DrPundo mentioned how much synergy it has with the Pogo-Hopper and that its a great removel. I cutted Shiv because we have a lot of draw already and it has not much impact anyway.

[26-7-2018] -1 Sunfury Protector +1 Zilliax 

I added Zilliax because it does what Sunfury Protector does, but better because he also gives rush and lifesteal. TheBelgianEmperor reminded me that your Pogo-Hoppers are mechs and they have a great synergy with Zilliax.

[27-7-2018] -2 Eviscerate  +2 Shadowstep 

I added Shadowsteps because it's an easy way to buf your Pogo-Hopper early and just an great card overall. I replaced them for both Eviscerates because its not the card you're looking for and have enough anti-aggro already (you should add them back when you're facing odd rogue a lot because of Hench-Clan Thug and Vicious Fledgling).

[27-7-2018] -1 SI:7 Agent -1 Preparation  +2 Fal'dorei Strider 

I added Fal'dorei Strider because it's a great card and has good synergy with Myra's Unstable Element. I replaced them for one copy of SI:7 Agent and Preparation because these are cards you dont want to end up with after your Myra's Unstable Element turn.

[28-7-2018] -1 SI:7 Agent -1 Shadowstep +2 Augmented Elekk 

I added 2 copies of Augmented Elek because it works great with Fal'dorei Strider and Lab Recruite and also has a really good statline. I replaced it with one copy of Shadowstep because one should be enough and with one copy of SI:7 Agent because Augmented Elekk is just like SI:7 Agent an anti-aggro card but also has the great effect.

[29-7-2018] -2 Fire Fly -Augmented Elekk -1 Fan of Knives -1 Vanish +2 SI:7 Agent +1 Sap +1 Preparation +1 Sprint

I made a major change to make the deck more consistent and better against aggro. I added an second copy of Preparation and one copy of Sprint to have more consistent draw. I also added 2 SI:7 Agents and one copy of Sap for aggro and high value/buffed minions. I cutted 2 times Fire Fly, 1 Augmented Elekk, 1 Fan of Knives and 1 Vanish because they were ot too bad in the late game or one copy of them was already enough.

[30-7-2018] -1 Bloodmage Thalnos -1 Shiv +2 Witchwood Piper

I made another change to make the deck more consistent. I added 2 Witchwood Pipers and removed Bloodmage Thalnos and Shiv for it. Because I removed Bloodmage Thalnos and Fire Fly the Witchwood Piper would always draw your core cards.

[2-8-2018] -1 Sap +1 Vanish 

I just like Vanish more than Sap because it clear the board and then you can play 2 Pogo-Hopper. I removed Sap for her because I run 2 Vilespine Slayers already so there's enough big minion removel.

[15-8-2018] -1 SI:7 Agent +1 Sonya Shadowdancer