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Suicide Trollock

  • Last updated Sep 29, 2014 (Naxx Launch)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 7800
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/25/2014 (Naxx Launch)
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Update 9/27: Ranked videos up!

If you want to experience this deck first-hand, play me! Ward #1628 -- *please note that I've been getting a flood of friend requests... I'll try my best to play with as many as I can!

Tired of the same-old, same-old, where you do nothing but try to win?  I am.  That's why I constructed the Suicide Trollock.  Your goal: die as quickly as you can, as stylishly as you can.  While expensive on its face (heh... heh heh), this deck contains no required legendaries; all expensive cards can be replaced by something similarly trolly.

Please see Section III for videos!

I. Card Explanations

A. Core Cards

  • Soulfire - 4 damage to your face for 0 mana!
  • Lorewalker Cho - let your opponent join in on the fun! (thanks BoilerUp)
  • Elven Archer - 1 damage to your face for 1 mana
  • Flame Imp - 3 damage to your face for 1 mana
  • Pit Lord - 5 damage to your face for 4 mana
  • Zombie Chow - heals your opponent for 5
  • Hellfire - 3 damage to everything, including your own face
  • Youthful/Ancient Brewmaster - combos with Flame Imp or Pit Lord to do some serious damage to your face
  • Sense Demons - places own-face-wrecking demons into your hand
  • Summoning Portal - enables face-shredding combos; also stalls the game for about a turn to let you set up your suicide better
  • Bloodmage Thalnos - "Bloodmage Thalnos will help make all of your damaging spells more powerful. If you think soulfire for 4 is good, wait till you see soulfire for 5!" - Thanks Potato1 on Reddit.
  • Sacrificial Pact/Lord Jaraxxus: see combo section below

B. Fillers

  • Angry Chicken - great turn 1 play to confuse your opponent.  Who doesn't enjoy hitting his opponent to the face with an angry chicken?
  • Drain Life - net zero damage to your face.  Complete waste of mana!

C. Combos

  • The Big Combo: with a summoning portal out: pit lord + brewmaster + pit lord + pit lord + flame imp + flame imp + soulfire = 25 damage to your face for 10 mana
  • Facefire: Zombie Chow + Hellfire, 3 damage to everything except your opponent's face; if this does lethal to you, it will heal your opponent before it kills you--possibly allowing you to have your opponent at 30 health when you lose win!
  • Early Facewrecker: flame imp + brewmaster + flame imp + soulfire + soulfire = 14 damage to your face for 4 mana
  • The Confuddler: brewmaster + flame imp + brewmaster your brew master + brewmaster your flame imp + flame imp (8 mana, 7 with coin)... rare, but awesome
  • The Finisher: flame imp + life tap
  • The Crappy Hand Finisher +1: coin + flame imp + ancient brewmaster + flame imp
  • The 3x9: flame imp + flame imp + brewmaster + flame imp
  • Flaming Soulface: bloodmage thalnos + flame imp + flame imp + young brewmaster + flame imp  + soulfire + soulfire (19 damage for 7 mana)
  • Fizzlebang's Revenge: Lord Jaraxxus yourself, then instakill yourself with sacrificial pact.  I tested it.  It works.
  • Three Steps Forward, Two Steps Back: bloodmage thalnos + drain life... deals 3 damage and heals you for 2.
  • The GameStop: Kill yourself by trading an enemy minion with your face as Jaraxxus

*note: some of these combos will only work when your opponent realizes you're trolling early and lets you play... which happens more often than you'd think.

II. Strategy

A. General Strategy

Note that most games will end on turn 5 or 6.  That's why you don't see any 5 and up mana minions (save for Jaraxxus who you would use only in special circumstances).  Your general goal is to play your cards in such a manner that you can lethal yourself down to exactly 0 health on turn 4 or 5.  Predict your opponent's moves so that they don't kill you first!  At the very least, YOU have to be the one to kill you.  If your opponent does... well, that's no fun.

Mulligan away the fillers and try to get your core cards; always keep Angry Chicken, though (obviously).

Ideally, your turns will play out like this:

  1. Pass, or play an Angry Chicken
  2. Life Tap, take some damage to the face from enemy (~25 health)
  3. Sense Demons, take some damage to the face from enemy (~15-20 health)
  4. Set up lethal for either this turn or next turn, considering that you're going to take even more damage to the face from your enemy (~8-13 health)
  5. ...kill yourself.

B. Vs. Rush Decks

Fighting aggro decks requires a little forethought with this deck.  Your goal is to do slight damage to your face with Life Tap and Elven Archers, and possibly stall with cards like Summoning Portal (your opponent will be intimidated by it and divert resources from attacking your face to your portal).  While you're doing that slight damage to your face, start building your combo.  Always be aware of how much damage you can do to your face.  Ideally, when the aggro deck player gets you to the 8-15 life range, you'll have a combo between Brewmasters, Flame Imps, Soulfires, and Life Tap to elegantly destroy your face.

C. Vs. Control/Mid-Range Decks

Control decks are a little easier, because you have more time to cycle cards and build that perfect face-destroying combo--or even fish for a Jaraxxus with Sense Demons and kill yourself with Sacrificial Pact.

D. Vs. Troll Counter Decks

You'll be able to recognize pretty early on that you're fighting a deck meant to counter the Suicide Trollock.  When you realize it, string your opponent along with face-damaging combos until you can fish for a Jaraxxus + Sacrificial Pact combo, then finish yourself off.  There's nothing they can do about it!  The only counter would be a mage deck that runs Counterspell, but you can always fish those out with Hellfire, Soulfire, or Drain Life.  Even if your combo gets blocked, you can always do a GameStop, or just out draw them with your Life Tap until fatigue finishes you off.

E. Protips:

  • Whenever you deal damage to yourself or help your enemy, be sure to Threaten!  YOUR SOUL SHALL SUFFER!  And so will your face.
  • Acolytes of Pain make great targets for Elven Archer--even better than your face!
  • Turn 2 Coin into Drain Life to your face will leave your opponents devastated.
  • Life Tap could not possibly be better for this build.  Deal damage to your face, and get more cards to deal even more damage to your face?  Awww yeah!
  • Keep in mind that the only demons in this deck are Flame Imp, Pit Lord, and Lord Jaraxxus.  Use Sense Demons when you need to pull those suicidal cards into your hand.
  • For maximum trolling, don't play your damaging cards as they come.  Try to build up a "combo" and then unleash it all in one turn.  There's a balance to be struck between keeping your cards from being shredded and building your combo.
  • This playstyle (especially after turn 2) can sometimes lead your opponent to think that you're a handlock.  Use this to your advantage... somehow.

Please leave any suggestions for improvement in the comments below.  Let's make this the worst most awesome deck in Hearthstone history!

III. Videos

A. Casual Play

Vs. Mage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fspe11JPM3E&feature=youtu.be

Vs. Shaman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKPMdR4ne0U&feature=youtu.be

Vs. Priest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7e2f-PG5ds&feature=youtu.be

Vs. Druid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o98Xf2nSejI&feature=youtu.be

Vs. Warlock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FNcbDY77jQ&feature=youtu.be

Vs. Priest w/ CONFUDDLER COMBO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8bgvCx75xM&feature=youtu.be

Vs. Warlock (2): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN4pg-VlERE&feature=youtu.be

MIRROR MATCH!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjpuQACqg1g&feature=youtu.be

B. Ranked Play

Vs. Rush Warlock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DogZsN-1Fr4

Vs. Handlock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkF_nL7NKu0

Vs. Priest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAqschKiOjk

Vs. Mad Scientist Hunter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpLAnPBIlWY