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Freeze my way (Legend)

  • Last updated Dec 3, 2014 (GvG Prelaunch)
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  • 10 Minions
  • 20 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 5720
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/24/2014 (Naxx Launch)
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Hello everyone! I am Soulechos. I have been playing hearthstone for 6 seasons and I am a 4x legend rank player. My highest rank achieved was  Legend NA 302. I have achieved legendary with this deck 3 times in the recent past. I would not recommend this deck in current meta because of hunter popularity. If the day comes that hunter will be nerfed so hard it never comes back I would recommend this deck again. I will update this guide again when it becomes viable again. Sadly I am forced to play other decks if I actually want to progress in hearthstone. I have not played in months because of the horrible cancerous meta. If you like freeze mage and want to have fun and give this deck I wish you the best of luck. It is still very powerful against some other matchups.


10 people have currently hit legend with my deck

Origin of the Frost mage:

The first instances of the Frost Mage control appeared back in the winter of 2013. Aggro builds were the standard for Mage at the time until Reckful first displayed on stream during the Innkeeper's Invitational a then unorthodox deck featuring Ice Block and various stall mechanics like Frost Nova,Cone of Cold [/card]and [card]Blizzard, whose sole purpose was to survive until the finishers (Pyroblastmost often) were drawn.

The community promptly picked up on the idea and in the following months different Frost Mages were invented. Some featured extensive draw mechanics to accelerate their deck while others sacrficied some of this power and exploited the power of Mountain and Molten Giants to drop huge threats on the board.

Both decks became increasingly popular on the ladder and perfected with every iteration. Their extremely passive playstyle, freezing spells galore and the inevitability of the Pyroblast death eventually created an uproar withing the community. Not being fans of stale gameplay, Blizzard crippled the Mages in two patches, raising the mana costs of Frost Nova, Cone of Cold, Blizzard and Pyroblast, essentially forcing the control players to seek other alternatives. A GosuGamers newspost from December 2013 with the title "Eight Mages rule this week's Managrinds" perfectly paints the level of domination the class enjoyed back then.

 Strategy: Stall and survive. You must stall and control your hp. If you have stalled successfully you can setup your opponent for a lethal combo. Try to suck all your opponent's fuel dry. This is a slow methodical deck that wants to outlast everything. Be as efficient with your removal as possible.

Early game: You want to generate card draw and protect your hp the best you can. You won't be going for face so trade all your minions to protect your hp.

Mid game: Your main goal for turns 4-7 are to survive your enemies onslaught If you successfully generated some card draw you should have drawn some freeze spells and aoe clears. It's ok if your freeze spells don't clear minions as long as the minions are frozen you will not be receiving damage usually and your hp will be protected.

Late game: Your opponent should be mighty frustrated at this point. You have most likely frozen them every single turn and generated massive card draw. The only thing left to do is setup the lethal Alexstrasza combo. Against rush decks or decks without healing Alexstrasza is not always necessary for lethal damage.


3 card combos

Frostbolt + 2x Ice Lance  = 4 MANA, 11 DAMAGE  (or why we don't needPyroblast)
Bloodmage Thalnos +Fireball  + Frostbolt = 8 MANA, 11 DAMAGE

Frostbolt + Ice Lance +Fireball = 7 MANA, 13 DAMAGE
Bloodmage Thalnos + 2x Fireball = 10 MANA, 14 DAMAGE

4 card combos

Bloodmage Thalnos + Frostbolt + 2x Ice Lance = 6 MANA, 14 DAMAGE
Bloodmage Thalnos [/card]+ [card]Frostbolt + Ice Lance +Fireball= 9 MANA, 16 DAMAGE

5+ card combos

Bloodmage Thalnos + Frostbolt + 2x Ice Lance + Fireball = 10 MANA, 21 DAMAGE

Card explanation: 

2 Mana: Doomsayer - combos extremely well with the freeze mechanic, often allowing a mage to clear an entire board by dropping him at the same time as they use freeze. He can also be used early on as a board wipe when the opponent only has 1 or two minions out and can’t come up with the damage needed to kill him. He also has the ability to skip the enemies entire turn if you drop him on an empty board, they simply won’t play their minions which buys you an extra mana crystal on it’s own for only 2 mana.

Frostbolt: This card is your early-game single target removal and also counts as extra burn to their face in the late game. Try to save at least one to use on their face with ice lance!

Bloodmage Thalnos: This guy does everything. They have to waste mana or damage killing him which protects HP and slows the opponent down, he cycles a card which helps draw into key spells (ice block), and he boosts the damage of all the spells.

3 Mana: Frost Nova - Although it's significantly worse than when it was at 2 mana, Frost Nova can't really be overlooked. At T5, it creates a deadly combo with Doomsayer. Used earlier, it can buy an extra turn or be chained into[card] Cone of Cold [/card]on T4 to further incapacitate aggro decks. 

Ice Barrier: A way to protect life totals while the enemy has a small number of attackers on the field that doesn’t warrant a precious freeze spell.

Ice Block This is the card that lets the mage kill the opponent. It allows the mage to ignore any creatures on the board. By being invulnerable to death, it let’s the mage spend all of their last couple turns worth of mana focused solely on killing the opponent without having to worry about dying.

4 Mana: Cone of Cold - Another card that suffered a lot from the frost spell nerf. In beta, Cone of Cold was a card that was used for board clear but nowadays it's mostly another stall mechanic. 

 Fireball: This is your heavy hitting damage spell, try as best you can to save this for using on the opponents face instead of their minions unless you have no other option.

5 Mana:[card] Doomsayer[/card] + Frost Nova = [card]Twisting Nether [/card]

6 Mana: Blizzard - This is the mage’s main freeze spell, it can clear the board against aggro decks and it buffers minions’ HP so they all get cleaned up by Flamestrike. It is really good at buying an extra turn while taking very little damage. It is so good in this deck because freeze mage is limited by the amount of mana they have, so freezing their board essentially buys an extra mana crystal as long as they can’t burst you down.

7 Mana:[card] Flamestrike [/card]This is the hammer that you drop on the opponent’s board after continuously freezing their minions all game, killing them all in one decisive blow and setting up for the turn 8-10 offensive posture.

9 Mana: [card] Alexstrasza[/card]: Alexztrasza helps a lot when facing decks that run healing and decks that you have to spend all game on the back foot in a defensive posture, because she cut’s them to 15 and then has to be dealt with as well. She is extremely strong when played behind an ice block, because the following turn you can then Fireball [/card]them + [card]ice block again and then set up for a Pyroblastfinish. In some cases she can even be used to heal yourself back to 15 if you can clear their board but run out of ice blocks.

10 mana:  Pyroblast: Since being nerfed to 10 mana it is only feasible to have enough HP to get off one good pyroblast in a match, but at 10 damage it is an excellent game ender. It works extremely well when coupled with Alextrasza or Ice Block.  

Muligan stragety:

Against aggro:

Frost bolt for single target removal

Doomsayer for early game board wipe

keep any 2 drop with card draw such as Loot Hoarder,Novice Engineer, Mad Scientist,bloodmage thalmos

throw away anything that cost more than 4

I have found Frost Nova Doomsayercombo not that effective due to silences and removals. against zoolock however, the combo works most of the time so use good judgement if you want to keep doomsayer frost nova starting hand.

I usually don't keepAlexstrasza against a rush deck

 Against Midrange:

I would recommend same mulligan strategy as aggro with one change.

An Arcane Intellect is helpful since your opponent is not rushing your face early. You can get away with some early game draw power.

 Against Control:

If you are lucky enough to have Alexstrasza in starting hand keep her.

Keep all two drops so you can generate your card draw.

keeping arcane intellect is a strong turn 3 play


 I recorded all my matches from rank 5 to legend. This is after the hunter Nerf, so I only faced two hunters.

Zoolock: (Easy Difficulty)

One of the best match-ups. A T2 Doomsayer slows them a lot which is all you really need. Once in the mid-game, unleash your array of sweepers and freeze spells until the board is clear. By the late game, they will be low enough for a burst.

Handlock: (Easy Difficulty) 

This is really hard to lose. Both of the decks are slow but the Handlock will help you by eating his life down with Life Tap. Once Giants are in play simply stall them and wait until Warlock's health is within burst range. Doomsayer/Frost Nova is game turning if they don't have silence or Siphon Soul at the exact moment.

Druid: (Medium Difficulty) 

Depends if they are playing Ragnaros and/or Argent Commanders, respectively in Ramp/Watchers and mid-range builds. If they aren't it's an easy match-up. You might think the Force of Nature/Savage Roar combo but in fact it's too slow.

 Hunter: (Hard Difficulty)

A lot of people will try to counter you with this, but so far I have won against it every time even despite Flare. Just make sure you don't have more than one secret to soft-counter it.

Mage: (Unknown Difficulty)

 I only faced one mage and won the match. It was an aggro mage.

Priest: (Medium Difficulty)

Most priest are running a very similar deck and it doesn't have much healing. The only way you can lose this matchup is if your unlucky and the priest Thoughtsteals iceblock [/card]or [card]alexstrasza.

 Shaman: (Easy Difficulty) :

 It depends on how much burst they are packing. If they are not running either Doomhammer or Windfury (unfortunately, most Shaman builds do), it's one of the easiest match-up. However, be prepared for your Doomsayer to be almost useless since they have cheap and effective ways to deal with it in Earthshock andHex, overall very easy matchup.

 Warrior: (Extremely Hard Difficulty)

 This is what you are trying to dodge, it is close to unwinnable if your opponent knows what he's doing. His hero power and Shield Block counter your burst.  If they curve their Armor Up! properly, you're done for. 

 Control Paladin: (Hard Difficulty) 

Not nearly as bad as Warrior, though if they run an absurd amount of heal you will need to wait with Alexstraszaand full combo and hope they don't have enough heal to combat your lethal damage combo. You will most likely lose this matchup.

Aggro Paladin: (Easy Difficulty)

Similar to Hunter but without the Flare threat.Divine Favorcan be a problem since your hand will always be full but other than that it's an easy match-up.

Miracle Rogue: (Medium Difficulty)

 Freeze Mage is favored because even though Miracle can be fine-tuned to deal in the match-up, nobody really does it as Freeze Mages are rare. What helps you as that both decks go off around the same turns but you have Flamestrike to kill the Concealed Gadgetzan Auctioneer, freeze their next attack, and stall out the match to build up for your lethal combo. You will most likely win this matchup.

Best of luck to everyone who tries my deck! It is a very enjoyable deck to play and rewarding and it can be scary at times because you don't know if you can draw alex or not lol. Questions or suggestions,criticism, and general opinions are welcome in the comments.  I hope you all enjoy my deck :D If you can't beat them.. Freeze them!